@chapter Filtergraph description
A filtergraph is a directed graph of connected filters. It can contain
cycles, and there can be multiple links between a pair of
filters. Each link has one input pad on one side connecting it to one
filter from which it takes its input, and one output pad on the other
side connecting it to one filter accepting its output.
Each filter in a filtergraph is an instance of a filter class
registered in the application, which defines the features and the
number of input and output pads of the filter.
A filter with no input pads is called a "source", and a filter with no
output pads is called a "sink".
@anchor{Filtergraph syntax}
@section Filtergraph syntax
A filtergraph has a textual representation, which is
recognized by the @option{-filter}/@option{-vf} and @option{-filter_complex}
options in @command{avconv} and @option{-vf} in @command{avplay}, and by the
@code{avfilter_graph_parse()}/@code{avfilter_graph_parse2()} functions defined in
A filterchain consists of a sequence of connected filters, each one
connected to the previous one in the sequence. A filterchain is
represented by a list of ","-separated filter descriptions.
A filtergraph consists of a sequence of filterchains. A sequence of
filterchains is represented by a list of ";"-separated filterchain
A filter is represented by a string of the form:
@var{filter_name} is the name of the filter class of which the
described filter is an instance of, and has to be the name of one of
the filter classes registered in the program.
The name of the filter class is optionally followed by a string
@var{arguments} is a string which contains the parameters used to
initialize the filter instance. It may have one of two forms:
A ':'-separated list of @var{key=value} pairs.
A ':'-separated list of @var{value}. In this case, the keys are assumed to be
the option names in the order they are declared. E.g. the @code{fade} filter
declares three options in this order -- @option{type}, @option{start_frame} and
@option{nb_frames}. Then the parameter list @var{in:0:30} means that the value
@var{in} is assigned to the option @option{type}, @var{0} to
@option{start_frame} and @var{30} to @option{nb_frames}.
@end itemize
If the option value itself is a list of items (e.g. the @code{format} filter
takes a list of pixel formats), the items in the list are usually separated by
The list of arguments can be quoted using the character "'" as initial
and ending mark, and the character '\' for escaping the characters
within the quoted text; otherwise the argument string is considered
terminated when the next special character (belonging to the set
"[]=;,") is encountered.
The name and arguments of the filter are optionally preceded and
followed by a list of link labels.
A link label allows to name a link and associate it to a filter output
or input pad. The preceding labels @var{in_link_1}
... @var{in_link_N}, are associated to the filter input pads,
the following labels @var{out_link_1} ... @var{out_link_M}, are
associated to the output pads.
When two link labels with the same name are found in the
filtergraph, a link between the corresponding input and output pad is
If an output pad is not labelled, it is linked by default to the first
unlabelled input pad of the next filter in the filterchain.
nullsrc, split[L1], [L2]overlay, nullsink
@end example
the split filter instance has two output pads, and the overlay filter
instance two input pads. The first output pad of split is labelled
"L1", the first input pad of overlay is labelled "L2", and the second
output pad of split is linked to the second input pad of overlay,
which are both unlabelled.
In a complete filterchain all the unlabelled filter input and output
pads must be connected. A filtergraph is considered valid if all the
filter input and output pads of all the filterchains are connected.
Libavfilter will automatically insert @ref{scale} filters where format
conversion is required. It is possible to specify swscale flags
for those automatically inserted scalers by prepending
to the filtergraph description.
Here is a BNF description of the filtergraph syntax:
@var{NAME} ::= sequence of alphanumeric characters and '_'
@var{LINKLABEL} ::= "[" @var{NAME} "]"
@var{FILTER_ARGUMENTS} ::= sequence of chars (possibly quoted)
@var{FILTER} ::= [@var{LINKLABELS}] @var{NAME} ["=" @var{FILTER_ARGUMENTS}] [@var{LINKLABELS}]
@var{FILTERGRAPH} ::= [sws_flags=@var{flags};] @var{FILTERCHAIN} [;@var{FILTERGRAPH}]
@end example
@chapter Audio Filters
@c man begin AUDIO FILTERS
When you configure your Libav build, you can disable any of the
existing filters using --disable-filters.
The configure output will show the audio filters included in your
Below is a description of the currently available audio filters.
@section aformat
Convert the input audio to one of the specified formats. The framework will
negotiate the most appropriate format to minimize conversions.
It accepts the following parameters:
A '|'-separated list of requested sample formats.
A '|'-separated list of requested sample rates.
A '|'-separated list of requested channel layouts.
@end table
If a parameter is omitted, all values are allowed.
Force the output to either unsigned 8-bit or signed 16-bit stereo
@section amix
Mixes multiple audio inputs into a single output.
For example
avconv -i INPUT1 -i INPUT2 -i INPUT3 -filter_complex amix=inputs=3:duration=first:dropout_transition=3 OUTPUT
@end example
will mix 3 input audio streams to a single output with the same duration as the
first input and a dropout transition time of 3 seconds.
It accepts the following parameters:
The number of inputs. If unspecified, it defaults to 2.
@item duration
How to determine the end-of-stream.
@table @option
@item longest
The duration of the longest input. (default)
The duration of the shortest input.
The duration of the first input.
@end table
@item dropout_transition
The transition time, in seconds, for volume renormalization when an input
stream ends. The default value is 2 seconds.
@end table
@section anull
Pass the audio source unchanged to the output.
@section asetpts
Change the PTS (presentation timestamp) of the input audio frames.
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item expr
The expression which is evaluated for each frame to construct its timestamp.
@end table
The expression is evaluated through the eval API and can contain the following
@table @option
frame rate, only defined for constant frame-rate video
@item PTS
the presentation timestamp in input
@item E, PI, PHI
These are approximated values for the mathematical constants e
(Euler's number), pi (Greek pi), and phi (the golden ratio).
The number of audio samples passed through the filter so far, starting at 0.
The number of audio samples in the current frame.
The wallclock (RTC) time in microseconds.
The wallclock (RTC) time at the start of the movie in microseconds.
# Generate timestamps by counting samples
# Generate timestamps from a "live source" and rebase onto the current timebase
asetpts='(RTCTIME - RTCSTART) / (TB * 1000000)"
@end example
@section asettb
Set the timebase to use for the output frames timestamps.
It is mainly useful for testing timebase configuration.
This filter accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item expr
The expression which is evaluated into the output timebase.
@end table
The expression can contain the constants @var{PI}, @var{E}, @var{PHI}, @var{AVTB} (the
default timebase), @var{intb} (the input timebase), and @var{sr} (the sample rate,
audio only).
The default value for the input is @var{intb}.
Some examples:
# Set the timebase to 1/25:
# Set the timebase to 1/10:
# Set the timebase to 1001/1000:
# Set the timebase to 2*intb:
# Set the default timebase value:
# Set the timebase to twice the sample rate:
@end example
@section ashowinfo
Show a line containing various information for each input audio frame.
The input audio is not modified.
The shown line contains a sequence of key/value pairs of the form
It accepts the following parameters:
The (sequential) number of the input frame, starting from 0.
The presentation timestamp of the input frame, in time base units; the time base
depends on the filter input pad, and is usually 1/@var{sample_rate}.
@item pts_time
The presentation timestamp of the input frame in seconds.
The sample rate for the audio frame.
The number of samples (per channel) in the frame.
The Adler-32 checksum (printed in hexadecimal) of the audio data. For planar
audio, the data is treated as if all the planes were concatenated.
@item plane_checksums
A list of Adler-32 checksums for each data plane.
@end table
@section asplit
Split input audio into several identical outputs.
It accepts a single parameter, which specifies the number of outputs. If
avconv -i INPUT -filter_complex asplit=5 OUTPUT
@end example
will create 5 copies of the input audio.
@section asyncts
Synchronize audio data with timestamps by squeezing/stretching it and/or
dropping samples/adding silence when needed.
It accepts the following parameters:
Enable stretching/squeezing the data to make it match the timestamps. Disabled
by default. When disabled, time gaps are covered with silence.
The minimum difference between timestamps and audio data (in seconds) to trigger
adding/dropping samples. The default value is 0.1. If you get an imperfect
sync with this filter, try setting this parameter to 0.
The maximum compensation in samples per second. Only relevant with compensate=1.
The default value is 500.
Assume that the first PTS should be this value. The time base is 1 / sample
rate. This allows for padding/trimming at the start of the stream. By default,
no assumption is made about the first frame's expected PTS, so no padding or
trimming is done. For example, this could be set to 0 to pad the beginning with
silence if an audio stream starts after the video stream or to trim any samples
with a negative PTS due to encoder delay.
@section atrim
Trim the input so that the output contains one continuous subpart of the input.
It accepts the following parameters:
Timestamp (in seconds) of the start of the section to keep. I.e. the audio
sample with the timestamp @var{start} will be the first sample in the output.
@item end
Timestamp (in seconds) of the first audio sample that will be dropped. I.e. the
audio sample immediately preceding the one with the timestamp @var{end} will be
the last sample in the output.
@item start_pts
Same as @var{start}, except this option sets the start timestamp in samples
instead of seconds.
@item end_pts
Same as @var{end}, except this option sets the end timestamp in samples instead
of seconds.
@item duration
The maximum duration of the output in seconds.
The number of the first sample that should be output.
The number of the first sample that should be dropped.
@end table
Note that the first two sets of the start/end options and the @option{duration}
option look at the frame timestamp, while the _sample options simply count the
samples that pass through the filter. So start/end_pts and start/end_sample will
give different results when the timestamps are wrong, inexact or do not start at
zero. Also note that this filter does not modify the timestamps. If you wish
to have the output timestamps start at zero, insert the asetpts filter after the
atrim filter.
If multiple start or end options are set, this filter tries to be greedy and
keep all samples that match at least one of the specified constraints. To keep
only the part that matches all the constraints at once, chain multiple atrim
The defaults are such that all the input is kept. So it is possible to set e.g.
just the end values to keep everything before the specified time.
Drop everything except the second minute of input:
avconv -i INPUT -af atrim=60:120
@end example
Keep only the first 1000 samples:
avconv -i INPUT -af atrim=end_sample=1000
@end example
@end itemize
@section bs2b
Bauer stereo to binaural transformation, which improves headphone listening of
stereo audio records.
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item profile
Pre-defined crossfeed level.
@table @option
@item default
Default level (fcut=700, feed=50).
@item cmoy
Chu Moy circuit (fcut=700, feed=60).
@item jmeier
Jan Meier circuit (fcut=650, feed=95).
@end table
@item fcut
Cut frequency (in Hz).
@item feed
Feed level (in Hz).
@end table
Split each channel from an input audio stream into a separate output stream.
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item channel_layout
The channel layout of the input stream. The default is "stereo".
For example, assuming a stereo input MP3 file,
avconv -i in.mp3 -filter_complex channelsplit out.mkv
@end example
will create an output Matroska file with two audio streams, one containing only
the left channel and the other the right channel.
Split a 5.1 WAV file into per-channel files:
avconv -i in.wav -filter_complex
-map '[FL]' front_left.wav -map '[FR]' front_right.wav -map '[FC]'
front_center.wav -map '[LFE]' lfe.wav -map '[SL]' side_left.wav -map '[SR]'
@end example
@section channelmap
Remap input channels to new locations.
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item channel_layout
The channel layout of the output stream.
@item map
Map channels from input to output. The argument is a '|'-separated list of
mappings, each in the @code{@var{in_channel}-@var{out_channel}} or
@var{in_channel} form. @var{in_channel} can be either the name of the input
channel (e.g. FL for front left) or its index in the input channel layout.
@var{out_channel} is the name of the output channel or its index in the output
channel layout. If @var{out_channel} is not given then it is implicitly an
index, starting with zero and increasing by one for each mapping.
@end table
If no mapping is present, the filter will implicitly map input channels to
output channels, preserving indices.
For example, assuming a 5.1+downmix input MOV file,
avconv -i -filter 'channelmap=map=DL-FL|DR-FR' out.wav
@end example
will create an output WAV file tagged as stereo from the downmix channels of
the input.
To fix a 5.1 WAV improperly encoded in AAC's native channel order
avconv -i in.wav -filter 'channelmap=1|2|0|5|3|4:5.1' out.wav
@end example
Compress or expand the audio's dynamic range.
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item attacks
@item decays
A list of times in seconds for each channel over which the instantaneous level
of the input signal is averaged to determine its volume. @var{attacks} refers to
increase of volume and @var{decays} refers to decrease of volume. For most
situations, the attack time (response to the audio getting louder) should be
shorter than the decay time, because the human ear is more sensitive to sudden
loud audio than sudden soft audio. A typical value for attack is 0.3 seconds and
a typical value for decay is 0.8 seconds.
@item points
A list of points for the transfer function, specified in dB relative to the
maximum possible signal amplitude. Each key points list must be defined using
the following syntax: @code{x0/y0|x1/y1|x2/y2|....}
The input values must be in strictly increasing order but the transfer function
does not have to be monotonically rising. The point @code{0/0} is assumed but
may be overridden (by @code{0/out-dBn}). Typical values for the transfer
function are @code{-70/-70|-60/-20}.
@item soft-knee
Set the curve radius in dB for all joints. It defaults to 0.01.
Set the additional gain in dB to be applied at all points on the transfer
function. This allows for easy adjustment of the overall gain.
It defaults to 0.
Set an initial volume, in dB, to be assumed for each channel when filtering
starts. This permits the user to supply a nominal level initially, so that, for
example, a very large gain is not applied to initial signal levels before the
companding has begun to operate. A typical value for audio which is initially
quiet is -90 dB. It defaults to 0.
Set a delay, in seconds. The input audio is analyzed immediately, but audio is
delayed before being fed to the volume adjuster. Specifying a delay
approximately equal to the attack/decay times allows the filter to effectively
operate in predictive rather than reactive mode. It defaults to 0.
@end table
@subsection Examples
Make music with both quiet and loud passages suitable for listening to in a
noisy environment:
@end example
A noise gate for when the noise is at a lower level than the signal:
@end example
Here is another noise gate, this time for when the noise is at a higher level
than the signal (making it, in some ways, similar to squelch):
@end example
@end itemize
@section join
Join multiple input streams into one multi-channel stream.
It accepts the following parameters:
The number of input streams. It defaults to 2.
The desired output channel layout. It defaults to stereo.
Map channels from inputs to output. The argument is a '|'-separated list of
mappings, each in the @code{@var{input_idx}.@var{in_channel}-@var{out_channel}}
form. @var{input_idx} is the 0-based index of the input stream. @var{in_channel}
can be either the name of the input channel (e.g. FL for front left) or its
index in the specified input stream. @var{out_channel} is the name of the output
@end table
The filter will attempt to guess the mappings when they are not specified
explicitly. It does so by first trying to find an unused matching input channel
and if that fails it picks the first unused input channel.
Join 3 inputs (with properly set channel layouts):
avconv -i INPUT1 -i INPUT2 -i INPUT3 -filter_complex join=inputs=3 OUTPUT
@end example
Build a 5.1 output from 6 single-channel streams:
avconv -i fl -i fr -i fc -i sl -i sr -i lfe -filter_complex
Convert the audio sample format, sample rate and channel layout. It is
not meant to be used directly; it is inserted automatically by libavfilter
whenever conversion is needed. Use the @var{aformat} filter to force a specific
@section volume
Adjust the input audio volume.
It accepts the following parameters:
This expresses how the audio volume will be increased or decreased.
Output values are clipped to the maximum value.
The output audio volume is given by the relation:
@var{output_volume} = @var{volume} * @var{input_volume}
@end example
The default value for @var{volume} is 1.0.
This parameter represents the mathematical precision.
It determines which input sample formats will be allowed, which affects the
precision of the volume scaling.
@table @option
@item fixed
8-bit fixed-point; this limits input sample format to U8, S16, and S32.
32-bit floating-point; this limits input sample format to FLT. (default)
64-bit floating-point; this limits input sample format to DBL.
@item replaygain
Choose the behaviour on encountering ReplayGain side data in input frames.
@table @option
@item drop
Remove ReplayGain side data, ignoring its contents (the default).
@item ignore
Ignore ReplayGain side data, but leave it in the frame.
@item track
Prefer the track gain, if present.
Prefer the album gain, if present.
@item replaygain_preamp
Pre-amplification gain in dB to apply to the selected replaygain gain.
Default value for @var{replaygain_preamp} is 0.0.
@item replaygain_noclip
Prevent clipping by limiting the gain applied.
Default value for @var{replaygain_noclip} is 1.
@end table
@subsection Examples
Halve the input audio volume:
@end example
Increase input audio power by 6 decibels using fixed-point precision:
@end example
@end itemize
@chapter Audio Sources
@c man begin AUDIO SOURCES
Below is a description of the currently available audio sources.
@section anullsrc
The null audio source; it never returns audio frames. It is mainly useful as a
template and for use in analysis / debugging tools.
It accepts, as an optional parameter, a string of the form
@var{sample_rate} specifies the sample rate, and defaults to 44100.
@var{channel_layout} specifies the channel layout, and can be either an
integer or a string representing a channel layout. The default value
of @var{channel_layout} is 3, which corresponds to CH_LAYOUT_STEREO.
Check the channel_layout_map definition in
@file{libavutil/channel_layout.c} for the mapping between strings and
channel layout values.
# Set the sample rate to 48000 Hz and the channel layout to CH_LAYOUT_MONO
@end example
@section abuffer
Buffer audio frames, and make them available to the filter chain.
This source is not intended to be part of user-supplied graph descriptions; it
is for insertion by calling programs, through the interface defined in
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item time_base
The timebase which will be used for timestamps of submitted frames. It must be
either a floating-point number or in @var{numerator}/@var{denominator} form.
@item sample_rate
The name of the sample format, as returned by @code{av_get_sample_fmt_name()}.
The channel layout of the audio data, in the form that can be accepted by
@end table
All the parameters need to be explicitly defined.
@chapter Audio Sinks
@c man begin AUDIO SINKS
Below is a description of the currently available audio sinks.
@section anullsink
Null audio sink; do absolutely nothing with the input audio. It is
mainly useful as a template and for use in analysis / debugging
@section abuffersink
This sink is intended for programmatic use. Frames that arrive on this sink can
be retrieved by the calling program, using the interface defined in
It does not accept any parameters.
@c man end AUDIO SINKS
@chapter Video Filters
@c man begin VIDEO FILTERS
When you configure your Libav build, you can disable any of the
existing filters using --disable-filters.
The configure output will show the video filters included in your
Below is a description of the currently available video filters.
@section blackframe
Detect frames that are (almost) completely black. Can be useful to
detect chapter transitions or commercials. Output lines consist of
the frame number of the detected frame, the percentage of blackness,
the position in the file if known or -1 and the timestamp in seconds.
In order to display the output lines, you need to set the loglevel at
least to the AV_LOG_INFO value.
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item amount
The percentage of the pixels that have to be below the threshold; it defaults to
The threshold below which a pixel value is considered black; it defaults to 32.
Apply a boxblur algorithm to the input video.
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item luma_radius
@item luma_power
@item chroma_radius
@item chroma_power
@item alpha_radius
@item alpha_power
@end table
The chroma and alpha parameters are optional. If not specified, they default
to the corresponding values set for @var{luma_radius} and
@var{luma_radius}, @var{chroma_radius}, and @var{alpha_radius} represent
the radius in pixels of the box used for blurring the corresponding
input plane. They are expressions, and can contain the following
@table @option
@item w, h
The input width and height in pixels.
The input chroma image width and height in pixels.
The horizontal and vertical chroma subsample values. For example, for the
pixel format "yuv422p", @var{hsub} is 2 and @var{vsub} is 1.
@end table
The radius must be a non-negative number, and must not be greater than
the value of the expression @code{min(w,h)/2} for the luma and alpha planes,
and of @code{min(cw,ch)/2} for the chroma planes.
@var{luma_power}, @var{chroma_power}, and @var{alpha_power} represent
how many times the boxblur filter is applied to the corresponding
Apply a boxblur filter with the luma, chroma, and alpha radii
@end example
Set the luma radius to 2, and alpha and chroma radius to 0:
@end example
Set the luma and chroma radii to a fraction of the video dimension:
@end example
@end itemize
@section copy
Copy the input source unchanged to the output. This is mainly useful for
testing purposes.
@section crop
Crop the input video to given dimensions.
It accepts the following parameters:
@table @option
@item out_w
The height of the output video.
The horizontal position, in the input video, of the left edge of the output
The vertical position, in the input video, of the top edge of the output video.
The parameters are expressions containing the following constants:
@table @option
@item E, PI, PHI
These are approximated values for the mathematical constants e
(Euler's number), pi (Greek pi), and phi (the golden ratio).
The computed values for @var{x} and @var{y}. They are evaluated for
each new frame.
@item in_w, in_h
@item iw, ih
These are the same as @var{in_w} and @var{in_h}.
@item out_w, out_h
The output (cropped) width and height.
@item ow, oh
These are the same as @var{out_w} and @var{out_h}.
The number of the input frame, starting from 0.
The timestamp expressed in seconds. It's NAN if the input timestamp is unknown.
The @var{out_w} and @var{out_h} parameters specify the expressions for
the width and height of the output (cropped) video. They are only
evaluated during the configuration of the filter.
The default value of @var{out_w} is "in_w", and the default value of
@var{out_h} is "in_h".
The expression for @var{out_w} may depend on the value of @var{out_h},
and the expression for @var{out_h} may depend on @var{out_w}, but they
cannot depend on @var{x} and @var{y}, as @var{x} and @var{y} are
evaluated after @var{out_w} and @var{out_h}.
The @var{x} and @var{y} parameters specify the expressions for the
position of the top-left corner of the output (non-cropped) area. They
are evaluated for each frame. If the evaluated value is not valid, it
is approximated to the nearest valid value.
The default value of @var{x} is "(in_w-out_w)/2", and the default
value for @var{y} is "(in_h-out_h)/2", which set the cropped area at