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avconv_opt.c 77.9 KiB
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        "video sync method", "" },
    { "async",          HAS_ARG | OPT_INT | OPT_EXPERT,              { &audio_sync_method },
        "audio sync method", "" },
    { "adrift_threshold", HAS_ARG | OPT_FLOAT | OPT_EXPERT,          { &audio_drift_threshold },
        "audio drift threshold", "threshold" },
    { "copyts",         OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT,                       { &copy_ts },
        "copy timestamps" },
    { "copytb",         OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT,                       { &copy_tb },
        "copy input stream time base when stream copying" },
    { "shortest",       OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_OFFSET,          { .off = OFFSET(shortest) },
        "finish encoding within shortest input" },
    { "dts_delta_threshold", HAS_ARG | OPT_FLOAT | OPT_EXPERT,       { &dts_delta_threshold },
        "timestamp discontinuity delta threshold", "threshold" },
    { "xerror",         OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT,                       { &exit_on_error },
        "exit on error", "error" },
    { "copyinkf",       OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_SPEC,            { .off = OFFSET(copy_initial_nonkeyframes) },
        "copy initial non-keyframes" },
    { "frames",         OPT_INT64 | HAS_ARG | OPT_SPEC,              { .off = OFFSET(max_frames) },
        "set the number of frames to record", "number" },
    { "tag",            OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG | OPT_SPEC | OPT_EXPERT,{ .off = OFFSET(codec_tags) },
        "force codec tag/fourcc", "fourcc/tag" },
    { "q",              HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_DOUBLE | OPT_SPEC,{ .off = OFFSET(qscale) },
        "use fixed quality scale (VBR)", "q" },
    { "qscale",         HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_DOUBLE | OPT_SPEC,{ .off = OFFSET(qscale) },
        "use fixed quality scale (VBR)", "q" },
    { "filter",         HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC,             { .off = OFFSET(filters) },
        "set stream filterchain", "filter_list" },
    { "filter_complex", HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT,                        { .func_arg = opt_filter_complex },
        "create a complex filtergraph", "graph_description" },
    { "stats",          OPT_BOOL,                                    { &print_stats },
        "print progress report during encoding", },
    { "attach",         HAS_ARG | OPT_PERFILE | OPT_EXPERT,          { .func_arg = opt_attach },
        "add an attachment to the output file", "filename" },
    { "dump_attachment", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC |OPT_EXPERT,{ .off = OFFSET(dump_attachment) },
        "extract an attachment into a file", "filename" },
    { "cpuflags",       HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT,                        { .func_arg = opt_cpuflags },
        "set CPU flags mask", "mask" },
    { "vframes",      OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_PERFILE,                        { .func_arg = opt_video_frames },
        "set the number of video frames to record", "number" },
    { "r",            OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC,              { .off = OFFSET(frame_rates) },
        "set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)", "rate" },
    { "s",            OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC,              { .off = OFFSET(frame_sizes) },
        "set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)", "size" },
    { "aspect",       OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC,              { .off = OFFSET(frame_aspect_ratios) },
        "set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777)", "aspect" },
    { "pix_fmt",      OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC, { .off = OFFSET(frame_pix_fmts) },
        "set pixel format", "format" },
    { "vn",           OPT_VIDEO | OPT_BOOL  | OPT_OFFSET,                        { .off = OFFSET(video_disable) },
        "disable video" },
    { "vdt",          OPT_VIDEO | OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT ,               { &video_discard },
        "discard threshold", "n" },
    { "rc_override",  OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC, { .off = OFFSET(rc_overrides) },
        "rate control override for specific intervals", "override" },
    { "vcodec",       OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_PERFILE,                        { .func_arg = opt_video_codec },
        "force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)", "codec" },
    { "pass",         OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_SPEC | OPT_INT,                  { .off = OFFSET(pass) },
        "select the pass number (1 or 2)", "n" },
    { "passlogfile",  OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_SPEC,  { .off = OFFSET(passlogfiles) },
        "select two pass log file name prefix", "prefix" },
    { "deinterlace",  OPT_VIDEO | OPT_EXPERT ,                                   { .func_arg = opt_deinterlace },
        "this option is deprecated, use the yadif filter instead" },
    { "vstats",       OPT_VIDEO | OPT_EXPERT ,                                   { &opt_vstats },
        "dump video coding statistics to file" },
    { "vstats_file",  OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT ,                         { opt_vstats_file },
        "dump video coding statistics to file", "file" },
    { "vf",           OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_PERFILE,                        { .func_arg = opt_video_filters },
        "video filters", "filter list" },
    { "intra_matrix", OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC, { .off = OFFSET(intra_matrices) },
        "specify intra matrix coeffs", "matrix" },
    { "inter_matrix", OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC, { .off = OFFSET(inter_matrices) },
        "specify inter matrix coeffs", "matrix" },
    { "top",          OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_INT| OPT_SPEC,     { .off = OFFSET(top_field_first) },
        "top=1/bottom=0/auto=-1 field first", "" },
    { "dc",           OPT_VIDEO | OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT ,               { &intra_dc_precision },
        "intra_dc_precision", "precision" },
    { "vtag",         OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_PERFILE,           { .func_arg = opt_video_tag },
        "force video tag/fourcc", "fourcc/tag" },
    { "qphist",       OPT_VIDEO | OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT ,                        { &qp_hist },
        "show QP histogram" },
    { "force_fps",    OPT_VIDEO | OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_SPEC,             { .off = OFFSET(force_fps) },
        "force the selected framerate, disable the best supported framerate selection" },
    { "streamid",     OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_PERFILE,            { .func_arg = opt_streamid },
        "set the value of an outfile streamid", "streamIndex:value" },
    { "force_key_frames", OPT_VIDEO | OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_SPEC,
        { .off = OFFSET(forced_key_frames) }, "force key frames at specified timestamps", "timestamps" },
    { "aframes",        OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_PERFILE,                        { .func_arg = opt_audio_frames },
        "set the number of audio frames to record", "number" },
    { "aq",             OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_PERFILE,                        { .func_arg = opt_audio_qscale },
        "set audio quality (codec-specific)", "quality", },
    { "ar",             OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_INT | OPT_SPEC,                 { .off = OFFSET(audio_sample_rate) },
        "set audio sampling rate (in Hz)", "rate" },
    { "ac",             OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_INT | OPT_SPEC,                 { .off = OFFSET(audio_channels) },
        "set number of audio channels", "channels" },
    { "an",             OPT_AUDIO | OPT_BOOL | OPT_OFFSET,                         { .off = OFFSET(audio_disable) },
        "disable audio" },
    { "acodec",         OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_PERFILE,                        { .func_arg = opt_audio_codec },
        "force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)", "codec" },
    { "atag",           OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_PERFILE,           { .func_arg = opt_audio_tag },
        "force audio tag/fourcc", "fourcc/tag" },
    { "vol",            OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_INT,                            { &audio_volume },
        "change audio volume (256=normal)" , "volume" },
    { "sample_fmt",     OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_SPEC | OPT_STRING, { .off = OFFSET(sample_fmts) },
        "set sample format", "format" },
    { "channel_layout", OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_PERFILE,           { .func_arg = opt_channel_layout },
        "set channel layout", "layout" },
    { "af",             OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG  | OPT_PERFILE,                        { .func_arg = opt_audio_filters },
        "audio filters", "filter list" },
    { "sn",     OPT_SUBTITLE | OPT_BOOL | OPT_OFFSET, { .off = OFFSET(subtitle_disable) },
        "disable subtitle" },
    { "scodec", OPT_SUBTITLE | HAS_ARG  | OPT_PERFILE, { .func_arg = opt_subtitle_codec },
        "force subtitle codec ('copy' to copy stream)", "codec" },
    { "stag",   OPT_SUBTITLE | HAS_ARG  | OPT_EXPERT  | OPT_PERFILE, { .func_arg = opt_subtitle_tag }
        , "force subtitle tag/fourcc", "fourcc/tag" },
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    { "isync", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &input_sync }, "this option is deprecated and does nothing", "" },
    { "muxdelay",   OPT_FLOAT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_OFFSET, { .off = OFFSET(mux_max_delay) },
        "set the maximum demux-decode delay", "seconds" },
    { "muxpreload", OPT_FLOAT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_OFFSET, { .off = OFFSET(mux_preload) },
        "set the initial demux-decode delay", "seconds" },
    { "bsf", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC | OPT_EXPERT, { .off = OFFSET(bitstream_filters) },
        "A comma-separated list of bitstream filters", "bitstream_filters" },
    { "dcodec", HAS_ARG | OPT_DATA | OPT_PERFILE | OPT_EXPERT, { .func_arg = opt_data_codec },
        "force data codec ('copy' to copy stream)", "codec" },