OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_old2new },
"force audio tag/fourcc", "fourcc/tag" },
{ "vol", OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG | OPT_INT, { &audio_volume },
"change audio volume (256=normal)" , "volume" },
{ "sample_fmt", OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_SPEC |
OPT_STRING | OPT_INPUT | OPT_OUTPUT, { .off = OFFSET(sample_fmts) },
{ "channel_layout", OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_PERFILE |
OPT_INPUT | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_channel_layout },
{ "af", OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG | OPT_PERFILE | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_audio_filters },
Stefano Sabatini
"set audio filters", "filter_graph" },
{ "guess_layout_max", OPT_AUDIO | HAS_ARG | OPT_INT | OPT_SPEC | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_INPUT, { .off = OFFSET(guess_layout_max) },
"set the maximum number of channels to try to guess the channel layout" },
/* subtitle options */
{ "sn", OPT_SUBTITLE | OPT_BOOL | OPT_OFFSET | OPT_INPUT | OPT_OUTPUT, { .off = OFFSET(subtitle_disable) },
{ "scodec", OPT_SUBTITLE | HAS_ARG | OPT_PERFILE | OPT_INPUT | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_subtitle_codec },
"force subtitle codec ('copy' to copy stream)", "codec" },
{ "stag", OPT_SUBTITLE | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_PERFILE | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_old2new }
, "force subtitle tag/fourcc", "fourcc/tag" },
{ "fix_sub_duration", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_SUBTITLE | OPT_SPEC | OPT_INPUT, { .off = OFFSET(fix_sub_duration) },
"fix subtitles duration" },
{ "canvas_size", OPT_SUBTITLE | HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC | OPT_INPUT, { .off = OFFSET(canvas_sizes) },
"set canvas size (WxH or abbreviation)", "size" },
/* grab options */
{ "vc", HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_VIDEO, { .func_arg = opt_video_channel },
"deprecated, use -channel", "channel" },
{ "tvstd", HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_VIDEO, { .func_arg = opt_video_standard },
"deprecated, use -standard", "standard" },
{ "isync", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &input_sync }, "this option is deprecated and does nothing", "" },
/* muxer options */
{ "muxdelay", OPT_FLOAT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_OFFSET | OPT_OUTPUT, { .off = OFFSET(mux_max_delay) },
"set the maximum demux-decode delay", "seconds" },
{ "muxpreload", OPT_FLOAT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_OFFSET | OPT_OUTPUT, { .off = OFFSET(mux_preload) },
"set the initial demux-decode delay", "seconds" },
{ "override_ffserver", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_OUTPUT, { &override_ffserver },
"override the options from ffserver", "" },
{ "bsf", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_SPEC | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_OUTPUT, { .off = OFFSET(bitstream_filters) },
"A comma-separated list of bitstream filters", "bitstream_filters" },
{ "absf", HAS_ARG | OPT_AUDIO | OPT_EXPERT| OPT_PERFILE | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_old2new },
"deprecated", "audio bitstream_filters" },
{ "vbsf", OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT| OPT_PERFILE | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_old2new },
"deprecated", "video bitstream_filters" },
{ "apre", HAS_ARG | OPT_AUDIO | OPT_EXPERT| OPT_PERFILE | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_preset },
"set the audio options to the indicated preset", "preset" },
{ "vpre", OPT_VIDEO | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT| OPT_PERFILE | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_preset },
"set the video options to the indicated preset", "preset" },
{ "spre", HAS_ARG | OPT_SUBTITLE | OPT_EXPERT| OPT_PERFILE | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_preset },
"set the subtitle options to the indicated preset", "preset" },
{ "fpre", HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT| OPT_PERFILE | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_preset },
"set options from indicated preset file", "filename" },
/* data codec support */
{ "dcodec", HAS_ARG | OPT_DATA | OPT_PERFILE | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_INPUT | OPT_OUTPUT, { .func_arg = opt_data_codec },
"force data codec ('copy' to copy stream)", "codec" },
{ "dn", OPT_BOOL | OPT_VIDEO | OPT_OFFSET | OPT_INPUT | OPT_OUTPUT, { .off = OFFSET(data_disable) },
"disable data" },
{ NULL, },