A wrapper that was written inside of Python that allows for you to upload images to the owo.whats-th.is and shorten URLs through uwu.whats-th.is. Allows for both methods through Async and Non-Async. (Suppports py2)
- Gain a API key in order to be actually able to use the service.
- Run the command
pip install owo
. - Check the usage below to find some basic examples of how to use the script.
Mobile Devices
For use on Android devices using Termux, the Termux:API package is required to use the background monitor.
You will need to install using your device's app store AND by running $ apt install termux-tools termux-api
It is also REQUIRED to do the following after installing, or it will not work!
$ owo-fix
The background monitor watches for new files in a directory (usually a screenshots folder) and uploads those new files.
The program accepts several command-line flags.
$ owo-bg --help
usage: bg.py [-h] [-p PATH] -k KEY [-u URL] [-tts]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path PATH Path to check file updates
-k KEY, --key KEY API Key
-u URL, --url URL Base vanity url to use
-tts Confirm message over tts | Mobile only
The base url can be any of the owo.whats-th.is vanity urls.
Example Use
$ owo-bg -p "/storage/Pictures/Screenshots" -k "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -u "https://i.am-a.ninja/"
This starts a background task monitoring /storage/Pictures/Screenshots/
for new files, uploads those files and returns the link, using the vanity url https://i.am-a.ninja/
Basic usage of the script is like so.
Image Uploading
import owo
owo.upload_files(API_KEY, "file.png", "file.py")
returns something like..
{"file.png": "url", "file.py": "url"}
URL Shortening
import owo
owo.shorten_urls(API_KEY, "url1","url2")
returns something like..
["shortened url 1","shortened url 2"]
For more powerful/better examples please check /examples/.
- Fork repo.
- Edit code.
- Make a PR.
- Submit said PR.
A copy of the MIT license can be found in LICENSE.md