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The Open Runtime Module Library (ORML) is a community maintained collection of Substrate runtime modules.

Runtime Modules Overview

  • orml-traits
    • Shared traits including BasicCurrency, MultiCurrency, Auction and more.
  • orml-utilities
    • Various utilities including FixedU128 and LinkedList.
  • orml-tokens
    • Fungible tokens module that implements MultiCurrency trait.
  • orml-currencies
    • Provide MultiCurrency implementation using pallet-balances and orml-tokens module.
  • orml-oracle
    • Oracle module that makes off-chain data available on-chain.
  • orml-prices
    • Provide basic asset price abstraction.
  • orml-auction
    • Auction module that implements Auction trait.
  • orml-vesting
    • Provides scheduled balance locking mechanism, in a graded vesting way.
  • orml-gradually-update
    • Provides way to adjust numeric parameter gradually over a period of time.
  • orml-schedule-update
    • Provides way to schedule a call to be dispatched at later block.


Runtime Cargo.toml

To add an ORML module to your runtime, simply include the following to your runtime's Cargo.toml file. For instance, to add orml-tokens module:

# --snip--
orml-tokens = { git = "", default-features = false }

and update your runtime's std feature to include this module:

std = [
    # --snip--


You should implement it's trait like so:

/// Used for orml_tokens
impl orml_tokens::Trait for Runtime {
	type Event = Event;
	// --snip--

and include it in your construct_runtime! macro:

Tokens: orml_tokens::{Module, Storage, Call, Event<T>, Config<T>},


Makefile targets

  • make check
    • Type check the code, without std feature, exclduing tests.
  • make check-tests
    • Type check the code, with std feature, including tests.
  • make test
    • Run tests.