Xiliang Chen authored
* update weights for auction & authority * update * update weight info for orml-currencies * oracle & tokens * update orml-vesting * rebenchmark everything
Xiliang Chen authored* update weights for auction & authority * update * update weight info for orml-currencies * oracle & tokens * update orml-vesting * rebenchmark everything
Makefile 2.86 KiB
check: githooks
./scripts/run.sh check --no-default-features --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown
check-tests: githooks
./scripts/run.sh check --tests
test: githooks
./scripts/run.sh test
GITHOOKS_SRC = $(wildcard githooks/*)
GITHOOKS_DEST = $(patsubst githooks/%, $(GITHOOK)/%, $(GITHOOKS_SRC))
GITHOOK := $(shell git rev-parse --git-path hooks)
mkdir $(GITHOOK)
$(GITHOOK)/%: githooks/%
cp "$^" "$(GITHOOK)"
init: githooks
./scripts/run.sh "fmt"
# Standalone development workflow targets
# Running those inside existing workspace will break due to Cargo unable to support nested worksapce
Cargo.toml: Cargo.dev.toml
cp Cargo.dev.toml Cargo.toml
dev-format: Cargo.toml
cargo fmt --all
dev-format-check: Cargo.toml
cargo fmt --all -- --check
# needs to use run.sh to check individual projects because
# --no-default-features is not allowed in the root of a virtual workspace
dev-check: Cargo.toml check
dev-check-tests: Cargo.toml
cargo check --tests --all
dev-test: Cargo.toml
cargo test --all --features runtime-benchmarks
# run benchmarks via Acala node
cargo run --release --bin=acala --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=orml_auction --extrinsic="*" --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --output=./auction/src/weights.rs --template ../templates/orml-weight-template.hbs
cargo run --release --bin=acala --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=orml_authority --extrinsic="*" --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --output=./authority/src/weights.rs --template ../templates/orml-weight-template.hbs
cargo run --release --bin=acala --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=module_currencies --extrinsic="*" --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --output=./currencies/src/weights.rs --template ../templates/orml-weight-template.hbs
cargo run --release --bin=acala --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=orml_oracle --extrinsic="*" --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --output=./oracle/src/weights.rs --template ../templates/orml-weight-template.hbs
cargo run --release --bin=acala --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=orml_tokens --extrinsic="*" --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --output=./tokens/src/weights.rs --template ../templates/orml-weight-template.hbs
cargo run --release --bin=acala --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=orml_vesting --extrinsic="*" --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --output=./vesting/src/weights.rs --template ../templates/orml-weight-template.hbs