28.48 KiB
//! # Tokens Module
//! ## Overview
//! The tokens module provides fungible multi-currency functionality that
//! implements `MultiCurrency` trait.
//! The tokens module provides functions for:
//! - Querying and setting the balance of a given account.
//! - Getting and managing total issuance.
//! - Balance transfer between accounts.
//! - Depositing and withdrawing balance.
//! - Slashing an account balance.
//! ### Implementations
//! The tokens module provides implementations for following traits.
//! - `MultiCurrency` - Abstraction over a fungible multi-currency system.
//! - `MultiCurrencyExtended` - Extended `MultiCurrency` with additional helper
//! types and methods, like updating balance
//! by a given signed integer amount.
//! ## Interface
//! ### Dispatchable Functions
//! - `transfer` - Transfer some balance to another account.
//! - `transfer_all` - Transfer all balance to another account.
//! ### Genesis Config
//! The tokens module depends on the `GenesisConfig`. Endowed accounts could be
//! configured in genesis configs.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use frame_support::{
decl_error, decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure,
BalanceStatus as Status, Currency as PalletCurrency, ExistenceRequirement, Imbalance,
LockableCurrency as PalletLockableCurrency, ReservableCurrency as PalletReservableCurrency, SignedImbalance,
Parameter, StorageMap,
use frame_system::ensure_signed;
use sp_runtime::{
AtLeast32BitUnsigned, Bounded, CheckedAdd, CheckedSub, MaybeSerializeDeserialize, Member, Saturating,
StaticLookup, Zero,
DispatchError, DispatchResult, RuntimeDebug,
use sp_std::{
convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use sp_std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
pub use crate::imbalances::{NegativeImbalance, PositiveImbalance};
use orml_traits::{
arithmetic::{self, Signed},
BalanceStatus, LockIdentifier, MultiCurrency, MultiCurrencyExtended, MultiLockableCurrency,
MultiReservableCurrency, OnReceived,
mod default_weight;
mod imbalances;
mod mock;
mod tests;
pub trait WeightInfo {
fn transfer() -> Weight;
fn transfer_all() -> Weight;
pub trait Trait: frame_system::Trait {
type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as frame_system::Trait>::Event>;
/// The balance type
type Balance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + Default + Copy + MaybeSerializeDeserialize;
/// The amount type, should be signed version of `Balance`
type Amount: Signed
+ TryInto<Self::Balance>
+ TryFrom<Self::Balance>
+ Parameter
+ Member
+ arithmetic::SimpleArithmetic
+ Default
+ Copy
+ MaybeSerializeDeserialize;
/// The currency ID type
type CurrencyId: Parameter + Member + Copy + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + Ord;
/// Hook when some fund is deposited into an account
type OnReceived: OnReceived<Self::AccountId, Self::CurrencyId, Self::Balance>;
/// Weight information for extrinsics in this module.
type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
/// A single lock on a balance. There can be many of these on an account and
/// they "overlap", so the same balance is frozen by multiple locks.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct BalanceLock<Balance> {
/// An identifier for this lock. Only one lock may be in existence for each
/// identifier.
pub id: LockIdentifier,
/// The amount which the free balance may not drop below when this lock is
/// in effect.
pub amount: Balance,
/// balance information for an account.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Default, RuntimeDebug)]
pub struct AccountData<Balance> {
/// Non-reserved part of the balance. There may still be restrictions on
/// this, but it is the total pool what may in principle be transferred,
/// reserved.
/// This is the only balance that matters in terms of most operations on
/// tokens.
pub free: Balance,
/// Balance which is reserved and may not be used at all.
/// This can still get slashed, but gets slashed last of all.
/// This balance is a 'reserve' balance that other subsystems use in order
/// to set aside tokens that are still 'owned' by the account holder, but
/// which are suspendable.
pub reserved: Balance,
/// The amount that `free` may not drop below when withdrawing.
pub frozen: Balance,
impl<Balance: Saturating + Copy + Ord> AccountData<Balance> {
/// The amount that this account's free balance may not be reduced beyond.
fn frozen(&self) -> Balance {
/// The total balance in this account including any that is reserved and
/// ignoring any frozen.
fn total(&self) -> Balance {
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Tokens {
/// The total issuance of a token type.
pub TotalIssuance get(fn total_issuance) build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
.map(|(_, currency_id, initial_balance)| (currency_id, initial_balance))
.fold(BTreeMap::<T::CurrencyId, T::Balance>::new(), |mut acc, (currency_id, initial_balance)| {
if let Some(issuance) = acc.get_mut(currency_id) {
*issuance = issuance.checked_add(initial_balance).expect("total issuance cannot overflow when building genesis");
} else {
acc.insert(*currency_id, *initial_balance);
}): map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::CurrencyId => T::Balance;
/// Any liquidity locks of a token type under an account.
/// NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock.
pub Locks get(fn locks): double_map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::CurrencyId => Vec<BalanceLock<T::Balance>>;
/// The balance of a token type under an account.
/// NOTE: If the total is ever zero, decrease account ref account.
/// NOTE: This is only used in the case that this module is used to store balances.
pub Accounts get(fn accounts): double_map hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId, hasher(twox_64_concat) T::CurrencyId => AccountData<T::Balance>;
add_extra_genesis {
config(endowed_accounts): Vec<(T::AccountId, T::CurrencyId, T::Balance)>;
build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
config.endowed_accounts.iter().for_each(|(account_id, currency_id, initial_balance)| {
<Accounts<T>>::mutate(account_id, currency_id, |account_data| = *initial_balance)
pub enum Event<T> where
<T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId,
<T as Trait>::CurrencyId,
<T as Trait>::Balance
/// Token transfer success. [currency_id, from, to, amount]
Transferred(CurrencyId, AccountId, AccountId, Balance),
decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
type Error = Error<T>;
fn deposit_event() = default;
/// Transfer some balance to another account.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.
/// # <weight>
/// - Complexity: `O(1)`
/// - Db reads: 4
/// - Db writes: 2
/// -------------------
/// Base Weight: 84.08 µs
/// # </weight>
#[weight = T::WeightInfo::transfer()]
pub fn transfer(
dest: <T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source,
currency_id: T::CurrencyId,
#[compact] amount: T::Balance,
) {
let from = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let to = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
<Self as MultiCurrency<_>>::transfer(currency_id, &from, &to, amount)?;
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Transferred(currency_id, from, to, amount));
/// Transfer all remaining balance to the given account.
/// The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.
/// # <weight>
/// - Complexity: `O(1)`
/// - Db reads: 4
/// - Db writes: 2
/// -------------------
/// Base Weight: 87.71 µs
/// # </weight>
#[weight = T::WeightInfo::transfer_all()]
pub fn transfer_all(
dest: <T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source,
currency_id: T::CurrencyId,
) {
let from = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let to = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
let balance = <Self as MultiCurrency<T::AccountId>>::free_balance(currency_id, &from);
<Self as MultiCurrency<T::AccountId>>::transfer(currency_id, &from, &to, balance)?;
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Transferred(currency_id, from, to, balance));
decl_error! {
/// Error for token module.
pub enum Error for Module<T: Trait> {
/// The balance is too low
/// This operation will cause balance to overflow
/// This operation will cause total issuance to overflow
/// Cannot convert Amount into Balance type
/// Failed because liquidity restrictions due to locking
/// Account still has active reserved
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
/// Set free balance of `who` to a new value.
/// Note this will not maintain total issuance.
fn set_free_balance(currency_id: T::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, balance: T::Balance) {
<Accounts<T>>::mutate(who, currency_id, |account_data| = balance);
/// Set reserved balance of `who` to a new value, meanwhile enforce
/// existential rule.
/// Note this will not maintain total issuance, and the caller is expected
/// to do it.
fn set_reserved_balance(currency_id: T::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, balance: T::Balance) {
<Accounts<T>>::mutate(who, currency_id, |account_data| account_data.reserved = balance);
/// Update the account entry for `who` under `currency_id`, given the locks.
fn update_locks(currency_id: T::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, locks: &[BalanceLock<T::Balance>]) {
// update account data
<Accounts<T>>::mutate(who, currency_id, |account_data| {
account_data.frozen = Zero::zero();
for lock in locks.iter() {
account_data.frozen = account_data.frozen.max(lock.amount);
// update locks
let existed = <Locks<T>>::contains_key(who, currency_id);
if locks.is_empty() {
<Locks<T>>::remove(who, currency_id);
if existed {
// decrease account ref count when destruct lock
} else {
<Locks<T>>::insert(who, currency_id, locks);
if !existed {
// increase account ref count when initialize lock
impl<T: Trait> MultiCurrency<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
type CurrencyId = T::CurrencyId;
type Balance = T::Balance;
fn total_issuance(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId) -> Self::Balance {
fn total_balance(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId) -> Self::Balance {
Self::accounts(who, currency_id).total()
fn free_balance(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId) -> Self::Balance {
Self::accounts(who, currency_id).free
// Ensure that an account can withdraw from their free balance given any
// existing withdrawal restrictions like locks and vesting balance.
// Is a no-op if amount to be withdrawn is zero.
fn ensure_can_withdraw(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
if amount.is_zero() {
return Ok(());
let new_balance = Self::free_balance(currency_id, who)
new_balance >= Self::accounts(who, currency_id).frozen(),
/// Transfer some free balance from `from` to `to`.
/// Is a no-op if value to be transferred is zero or the `from` is the same
/// as `to`.
fn transfer(
currency_id: Self::CurrencyId,
from: &T::AccountId,
to: &T::AccountId,
amount: Self::Balance,
) -> DispatchResult {
if amount.is_zero() || from == to {
return Ok(());
Self::ensure_can_withdraw(currency_id, from, amount)?;
let from_balance = Self::free_balance(currency_id, from);
let to_balance = Self::free_balance(currency_id, to)
// Cannot underflow because ensure_can_withdraw check
Self::set_free_balance(currency_id, from, from_balance - amount);
Self::set_free_balance(currency_id, to, to_balance);
T::OnReceived::on_received(to, currency_id, amount);
/// Deposit some `amount` into the free balance of account `who`.
/// Is a no-op if the `amount` to be deposited is zero.
fn deposit(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
if amount.is_zero() {
return Ok(());
let new_total = Self::total_issuance(currency_id)
<TotalIssuance<T>>::insert(currency_id, new_total);
Self::set_free_balance(currency_id, who, Self::free_balance(currency_id, who) + amount);
T::OnReceived::on_received(who, currency_id, amount);
fn withdraw(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
if amount.is_zero() {
return Ok(());
Self::ensure_can_withdraw(currency_id, who, amount)?;
// Cannot underflow because ensure_can_withdraw check
<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(currency_id, |v| *v -= amount);
Self::set_free_balance(currency_id, who, Self::free_balance(currency_id, who) - amount);
// Check if `value` amount of free balance can be slashed from `who`.
fn can_slash(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> bool {
if value.is_zero() {
return true;
Self::free_balance(currency_id, who) >= value
/// Is a no-op if `value` to be slashed is zero.
/// NOTE: `slash()` prefers free balance, but assumes that reserve balance
/// can be drawn from in extreme circumstances. `can_slash()` should be used
/// prior to `slash()` to avoid having to draw from reserved funds, however
/// we err on the side of punishment if things are inconsistent
/// or `can_slash` wasn't used appropriately.
fn slash(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) -> Self::Balance {
if amount.is_zero() {
return amount;
let account = Self::accounts(who, currency_id);
let free_slashed_amount =;
// Cannot underflow becuase free_slashed_amount can never be greater than amount
let mut remaining_slash = amount - free_slashed_amount;
// slash free balance
if !free_slashed_amount.is_zero() {
// Cannot underflow becuase free_slashed_amount can never be greater than
Self::set_free_balance(currency_id, who, - free_slashed_amount);
// slash reserved balance
if !remaining_slash.is_zero() {
let reserved_slashed_amount = account.reserved.min(remaining_slash);
// Cannot underflow due to above line
remaining_slash -= reserved_slashed_amount;
Self::set_reserved_balance(currency_id, who, account.reserved - reserved_slashed_amount);
// Cannot underflow because the slashed value cannot be greater than total
// issuance
<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(currency_id, |v| *v -= amount - remaining_slash);
impl<T: Trait> MultiCurrencyExtended<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
type Amount = T::Amount;
fn update_balance(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, by_amount: Self::Amount) -> DispatchResult {
if by_amount.is_zero() {
return Ok(());
// Ensure this doesn't overflow. There isn't any traits that exposes
// `saturating_abs` so we need to do it manually.
let by_amount_abs = if by_amount == Self::Amount::min_value() {
} else {
let by_balance =
TryInto::<Self::Balance>::try_into(by_amount_abs).map_err(|_| Error::<T>::AmountIntoBalanceFailed)?;
if by_amount.is_positive() {
Self::deposit(currency_id, who, by_balance)
} else {
Self::withdraw(currency_id, who, by_balance).map(|_| ())
impl<T: Trait> MultiLockableCurrency<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
type Moment = T::BlockNumber;
// Set a lock on the balance of `who` under `currency_id`.
// Is a no-op if lock amount is zero.
fn set_lock(lock_id: LockIdentifier, currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) {
if amount.is_zero() {
let mut new_lock = Some(BalanceLock { id: lock_id, amount });
let mut locks = Self::locks(who, currency_id)
.filter_map(|lock| {
if == lock_id {
} else {
if let Some(lock) = new_lock {
Self::update_locks(currency_id, who, &locks[..]);
// Extend a lock on the balance of `who` under `currency_id`.
// Is a no-op if lock amount is zero
fn extend_lock(lock_id: LockIdentifier, currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) {
if amount.is_zero() {
let mut new_lock = Some(BalanceLock { id: lock_id, amount });
let mut locks = Self::locks(who, currency_id)
.filter_map(|lock| {
if == lock_id {
new_lock.take().map(|nl| BalanceLock {
amount: lock.amount.max(nl.amount),
} else {
if let Some(lock) = new_lock {
Self::update_locks(currency_id, who, &locks[..]);
fn remove_lock(lock_id: LockIdentifier, currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId) {
let mut locks = Self::locks(who, currency_id);
locks.retain(|lock| != lock_id);
Self::update_locks(currency_id, who, &locks[..]);
impl<T: Trait> MultiReservableCurrency<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
/// Check if `who` can reserve `value` from their free balance.
/// Always `true` if value to be reserved is zero.
fn can_reserve(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> bool {
if value.is_zero() {
return true;
Self::ensure_can_withdraw(currency_id, who, value).is_ok()
/// Slash from reserved balance, returning any amount that was unable to be
/// slashed.
/// Is a no-op if the value to be slashed is zero.
fn slash_reserved(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> Self::Balance {
if value.is_zero() {
return value;
let reserved_balance = Self::reserved_balance(currency_id, who);
let actual = reserved_balance.min(value);
Self::set_reserved_balance(currency_id, who, reserved_balance - actual);
<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(currency_id, |v| *v -= actual);
value - actual
fn reserved_balance(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId) -> Self::Balance {
Self::accounts(who, currency_id).reserved
/// Move `value` from the free balance from `who` to their reserved balance.
/// Is a no-op if value to be reserved is zero.
fn reserve(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
if value.is_zero() {
return Ok(());
Self::ensure_can_withdraw(currency_id, who, value)?;
let account = Self::accounts(who, currency_id);
Self::set_free_balance(currency_id, who, - value);
// Cannot overflow becuase total issuance is using the same balance type and
// this doesn't increase total issuance
Self::set_reserved_balance(currency_id, who, account.reserved + value);
/// Unreserve some funds, returning any amount that was unable to be
/// unreserved.
/// Is a no-op if the value to be unreserved is zero.
fn unreserve(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> Self::Balance {
if value.is_zero() {
return value;
let account = Self::accounts(who, currency_id);
let actual = account.reserved.min(value);
Self::set_reserved_balance(currency_id, who, account.reserved - actual);
Self::set_free_balance(currency_id, who, + actual);
T::OnReceived::on_received(who, currency_id, actual);
value - actual
/// Move the reserved balance of one account into the balance of another,
/// according to `status`.
/// Is a no-op if:
/// - the value to be moved is zero; or
/// - the `slashed` id equal to `beneficiary` and the `status` is
/// `Reserved`.
fn repatriate_reserved(
currency_id: Self::CurrencyId,
slashed: &T::AccountId,
beneficiary: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance,
status: BalanceStatus,
) -> result::Result<Self::Balance, DispatchError> {
if value.is_zero() {
return Ok(value);
if slashed == beneficiary {
return match status {
BalanceStatus::Free => Ok(Self::unreserve(currency_id, slashed, value)),
BalanceStatus::Reserved => Ok(value.saturating_sub(Self::reserved_balance(currency_id, slashed))),
let from_account = Self::accounts(slashed, currency_id);
let to_account = Self::accounts(beneficiary, currency_id);
let actual = from_account.reserved.min(value);
match status {
BalanceStatus::Free => {
Self::set_free_balance(currency_id, beneficiary, + actual);
T::OnReceived::on_received(beneficiary, currency_id, actual);
BalanceStatus::Reserved => {
Self::set_reserved_balance(currency_id, beneficiary, to_account.reserved + actual);
Self::set_reserved_balance(currency_id, slashed, from_account.reserved - actual);
Ok(value - actual)
pub struct CurrencyAdapter<T, GetCurrencyId>(marker::PhantomData<(T, GetCurrencyId)>);
impl<T, GetCurrencyId> PalletCurrency<T::AccountId> for CurrencyAdapter<T, GetCurrencyId>
T: Trait,
GetCurrencyId: Get<T::CurrencyId>,
type Balance = T::Balance;
type PositiveImbalance = PositiveImbalance<T, GetCurrencyId>;
type NegativeImbalance = NegativeImbalance<T, GetCurrencyId>;
fn total_balance(who: &T::AccountId) -> Self::Balance {
Module::<T>::total_balance(GetCurrencyId::get(), who)
fn can_slash(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> bool {
Module::<T>::can_slash(GetCurrencyId::get(), who, value)
fn total_issuance() -> Self::Balance {
fn minimum_balance() -> Self::Balance {
fn burn(mut amount: Self::Balance) -> Self::PositiveImbalance {
if amount.is_zero() {
return PositiveImbalance::zero();
<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(GetCurrencyId::get(), |issued| {
*issued = issued.checked_sub(&amount).unwrap_or_else(|| {
amount = *issued;
fn issue(mut amount: Self::Balance) -> Self::NegativeImbalance {
if amount.is_zero() {
return NegativeImbalance::zero();
<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(GetCurrencyId::get(), |issued| {
*issued = issued.checked_add(&amount).unwrap_or_else(|| {
amount = Self::Balance::max_value() - *issued;
fn free_balance(who: &T::AccountId) -> Self::Balance {
Module::<T>::free_balance(GetCurrencyId::get(), who)
fn ensure_can_withdraw(
who: &T::AccountId,
amount: Self::Balance,
_reasons: WithdrawReasons,
_new_balance: Self::Balance,
) -> DispatchResult {
Module::<T>::ensure_can_withdraw(GetCurrencyId::get(), who, amount)
fn transfer(
source: &T::AccountId,
dest: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance,
_existence_requirement: ExistenceRequirement,
) -> DispatchResult {
<Module<T> as MultiCurrency<T::AccountId>>::transfer(GetCurrencyId::get(), &source, &dest, value)
fn slash(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> (Self::NegativeImbalance, Self::Balance) {
if value.is_zero() {
return (Self::NegativeImbalance::zero(), value);
let currency_id = GetCurrencyId::get();
let account = Module::<T>::accounts(who, currency_id);
let free_slashed_amount =;
let mut remaining_slash = value - free_slashed_amount;
// slash free balance
if !free_slashed_amount.is_zero() {
Module::<T>::set_free_balance(currency_id, who, - free_slashed_amount);
// slash reserved balance
if !remaining_slash.is_zero() {
let reserved_slashed_amount = account.reserved.min(remaining_slash);
remaining_slash -= reserved_slashed_amount;
Module::<T>::set_reserved_balance(currency_id, who, account.reserved - reserved_slashed_amount);
Self::NegativeImbalance::new(free_slashed_amount + reserved_slashed_amount),
} else {
(Self::NegativeImbalance::new(value), remaining_slash)
fn deposit_into_existing(
who: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance,
) -> result::Result<Self::PositiveImbalance, DispatchError> {
if value.is_zero() {
return Ok(Self::PositiveImbalance::zero());
let currency_id = GetCurrencyId::get();
let new_total = Module::<T>::free_balance(currency_id, who)
Module::<T>::set_free_balance(currency_id, who, new_total);
fn deposit_creating(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> Self::PositiveImbalance {
Self::deposit_into_existing(who, value).unwrap_or_else(|_| Self::PositiveImbalance::zero())
fn withdraw(
who: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance,
_reasons: WithdrawReasons,
_liveness: ExistenceRequirement,
) -> result::Result<Self::NegativeImbalance, DispatchError> {
if value.is_zero() {
return Ok(Self::NegativeImbalance::zero());
let currency_id = GetCurrencyId::get();
Module::<T>::ensure_can_withdraw(currency_id, who, value)?;
Module::<T>::set_free_balance(currency_id, who, Module::<T>::free_balance(currency_id, who) - value);
fn make_free_balance_be(
who: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance,
) -> SignedImbalance<Self::Balance, Self::PositiveImbalance> {
|account| -> Result<SignedImbalance<Self::Balance, Self::PositiveImbalance>, ()> {
let imbalance = if <= value {
SignedImbalance::Positive(PositiveImbalance::new(value -
} else {
SignedImbalance::Negative(NegativeImbalance::new( - value))
}; = value;
.unwrap_or_else(|_| SignedImbalance::Positive(Self::PositiveImbalance::zero()))
impl<T, GetCurrencyId> PalletReservableCurrency<T::AccountId> for CurrencyAdapter<T, GetCurrencyId>
T: Trait,
GetCurrencyId: Get<T::CurrencyId>,
fn can_reserve(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> bool {
Module::<T>::can_reserve(GetCurrencyId::get(), who, value)
fn slash_reserved(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> (Self::NegativeImbalance, Self::Balance) {
let actual = Module::<T>::slash_reserved(GetCurrencyId::get(), who, value);
(Self::NegativeImbalance::zero(), actual)
fn reserved_balance(who: &T::AccountId) -> Self::Balance {
Module::<T>::reserved_balance(GetCurrencyId::get(), who)
fn reserve(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
Module::<T>::reserve(GetCurrencyId::get(), who, value)
fn unreserve(who: &T::AccountId, value: Self::Balance) -> Self::Balance {
Module::<T>::unreserve(GetCurrencyId::get(), who, value)
fn repatriate_reserved(
slashed: &T::AccountId,
beneficiary: &T::AccountId,
value: Self::Balance,
status: Status,
) -> result::Result<Self::Balance, DispatchError> {
Module::<T>::repatriate_reserved(GetCurrencyId::get(), slashed, beneficiary, value, status)
impl<T, GetCurrencyId> PalletLockableCurrency<T::AccountId> for CurrencyAdapter<T, GetCurrencyId>
T: Trait,
GetCurrencyId: Get<T::CurrencyId>,
type Moment = T::BlockNumber;
type MaxLocks = ();
fn set_lock(id: LockIdentifier, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance, _reasons: WithdrawReasons) {
Module::<T>::set_lock(id, GetCurrencyId::get(), who, amount)
fn extend_lock(id: LockIdentifier, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance, _reasons: WithdrawReasons) {
Module::<T>::extend_lock(id, GetCurrencyId::get(), who, amount)
fn remove_lock(id: LockIdentifier, who: &T::AccountId) {
Module::<T>::remove_lock(id, GetCurrencyId::get(), who)
impl<T: Trait> MergeAccount<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
fn merge_account(source: &T::AccountId, dest: &T::AccountId) -> DispatchResult {
<Accounts<T>>::iter_prefix(source).try_for_each(|(currency_id, account_data)| -> DispatchResult {
// ensure the account has no active reserved of non-native token
ensure!(account_data.reserved.is_zero(), Error::<T>::StillHasActiveReserved);
// transfer all free to recipient
<Self as MultiCurrency<T::AccountId>>::transfer(currency_id, source, dest,;
<Accounts<T>>::remove(source, currency_id);