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  • //! Mocks for the tokens module.
    use super::*;
    zjb0807's avatar
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    use frame_support::{
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    	construct_runtime, parameter_types,
    	traits::{ChangeMembers, ContainsLengthBound, SaturatingCurrencyToVote, SortedMembers},
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    use orml_traits::parameter_type_with_key;
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    use sp_core::H256;
    use sp_runtime::{testing::Header, traits::IdentityLookup, AccountId32, Permill};
    Xiliang Chen's avatar
    Xiliang Chen committed
    use sp_std::cell::RefCell;
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    pub type AccountId = AccountId32;
    pub type CurrencyId = u32;
    pub type Balance = u64;
    pub const DOT: CurrencyId = 1;
    pub const BTC: CurrencyId = 2;
    pub const ETH: CurrencyId = 3;
    pub const ALICE: AccountId = AccountId32::new([0u8; 32]);
    pub const BOB: AccountId = AccountId32::new([1u8; 32]);
    pub const TREASURY_ACCOUNT: AccountId = AccountId32::new([2u8; 32]);
    pub const ID_1: LockIdentifier = *b"1       ";
    pub const ID_2: LockIdentifier = *b"2       ";
    pub const ID_3: LockIdentifier = *b"3       ";
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    use crate as tokens;
    parameter_types! {
    	pub const BlockHashCount: u64 = 250;
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    impl frame_system::Config for Runtime {
    	type Origin = Origin;
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    	type Call = Call;
    	type Index = u64;
    	type BlockNumber = u64;
    	type Hash = H256;
    Xiliang Chen's avatar
    Xiliang Chen committed
    	type Hashing = ::sp_runtime::traits::BlakeTwo256;
    	type AccountId = AccountId;
    	type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
    	type Header = Header;
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    	type Event = Event;
    	type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    	type BlockWeights = ();
    	type BlockLength = ();
    	type Version = ();
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    	type PalletInfo = PalletInfo;
    Xiliang Chen's avatar
    Xiliang Chen committed
    	type AccountData = ();
    	type OnNewAccount = ();
    Xiliang Chen's avatar
    Xiliang Chen committed
    	type OnKilledAccount = ();
    	type DbWeight = ();
    	type BaseCallFilter = ();
    Xiliang Chen's avatar
    Xiliang Chen committed
    	type SystemWeightInfo = ();
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    	type SS58Prefix = ();
    	type OnSetCode = ();
    thread_local! {
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	static TEN_TO_FOURTEEN: RefCell<Vec<AccountId>> = RefCell::new(vec![
    		AccountId32::new([10u8; 32]),
    		AccountId32::new([11u8; 32]),
    		AccountId32::new([12u8; 32]),
    		AccountId32::new([13u8; 32]),
    		AccountId32::new([14u8; 32]),
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    pub struct TenToFourteen;
    impl SortedMembers<AccountId> for TenToFourteen {
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	fn sorted_members() -> Vec<AccountId> {
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    		TEN_TO_FOURTEEN.with(|v| v.borrow().clone())
    	#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	fn add(new: &AccountId) {
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    		TEN_TO_FOURTEEN.with(|v| {
    			let mut members = v.borrow_mut();
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    impl ContainsLengthBound for TenToFourteen {
    	fn max_len() -> usize {
    		TEN_TO_FOURTEEN.with(|v| v.borrow().len())
    	fn min_len() -> usize {
    parameter_types! {
    	pub const ProposalBond: Permill = Permill::from_percent(5);
    	pub const ProposalBondMinimum: u64 = 1;
    	pub const SpendPeriod: u64 = 2;
    	pub const Burn: Permill = Permill::from_percent(50);
    Shaun Wang's avatar
    Shaun Wang committed
    	pub const TreasuryPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/trsry");
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	pub const GetTokenId: CurrencyId = DOT;
    Shaun Wang's avatar
    Shaun Wang committed
    	pub const MaxApprovals: u32 = 100;
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    impl pallet_treasury::Config for Runtime {
    Shaun Wang's avatar
    Shaun Wang committed
    	type PalletId = TreasuryPalletId;
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    	type Currency = CurrencyAdapter<Runtime, GetTokenId>;
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	type ApproveOrigin = frame_system::EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
    	type RejectOrigin = frame_system::EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    	type Event = Event;
    	type OnSlash = ();
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    	type ProposalBond = ProposalBond;
    	type ProposalBondMinimum = ProposalBondMinimum;
    	type SpendPeriod = SpendPeriod;
    	type Burn = Burn;
    	type BurnDestination = ();
    	type SpendFunds = ();
    	type WeightInfo = ();
    Shaun Wang's avatar
    Shaun Wang committed
    	type MaxApprovals = MaxApprovals;
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    thread_local! {
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	pub static MEMBERS: RefCell<Vec<AccountId>> = RefCell::new(vec![]);
    	pub static PRIME: RefCell<Option<AccountId>> = RefCell::new(None);
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    pub struct TestChangeMembers;
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    impl ChangeMembers<AccountId> for TestChangeMembers {
    	fn change_members_sorted(incoming: &[AccountId], outgoing: &[AccountId], new: &[AccountId]) {
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    		// new, incoming, outgoing must be sorted.
    		let mut new_sorted = new.to_vec();
    		assert_eq!(new, &new_sorted[..]);
    		let mut incoming_sorted = incoming.to_vec();
    		assert_eq!(incoming, &incoming_sorted[..]);
    		let mut outgoing_sorted = outgoing.to_vec();
    		assert_eq!(outgoing, &outgoing_sorted[..]);
    		// incoming and outgoing must be disjoint
    		for x in incoming.iter() {
    		let mut old_plus_incoming = MEMBERS.with(|m| m.borrow().to_vec());
    		let mut new_plus_outgoing = new.to_vec();
    			old_plus_incoming, new_plus_outgoing,
    			"change members call is incorrect!"
    		MEMBERS.with(|m| *m.borrow_mut() = new.to_vec());
    		PRIME.with(|p| *p.borrow_mut() = None);
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	fn set_prime(who: Option<AccountId>) {
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    		PRIME.with(|p| *p.borrow_mut() = who);
    parameter_types! {
    Shaun Wang's avatar
    Shaun Wang committed
    	pub const ElectionsPhragmenPalletId: LockIdentifier = *b"phrelect";
    	pub const CandidacyBond: u64 = 3;
    	pub const VotingBond: u64 = 2;
    	pub const DesiredMembers: u32 = 2;
    	pub const DesiredRunnersUp: u32 = 2;
    	pub const TermDuration: u64 = 5;
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	pub const VotingBondBase: u64 = 2;
    	pub const VotingBondFactor: u64 = 0;
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    impl pallet_elections_phragmen::Config for Runtime {
    Shaun Wang's avatar
    Shaun Wang committed
    	type PalletId = ElectionsPhragmenPalletId;
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    	type Event = Event;
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    	type Currency = CurrencyAdapter<Runtime, GetTokenId>;
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    	type CurrencyToVote = SaturatingCurrencyToVote;
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    	type ChangeMembers = TestChangeMembers;
    	type InitializeMembers = ();
    	type CandidacyBond = CandidacyBond;
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    	type VotingBondBase = VotingBondBase;
    	type VotingBondFactor = VotingBondFactor;
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    	type TermDuration = TermDuration;
    	type DesiredMembers = DesiredMembers;
    	type DesiredRunnersUp = DesiredRunnersUp;
    	type LoserCandidate = ();
    	type KickedMember = ();
    	type WeightInfo = ();
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    parameter_type_with_key! {
    	pub ExistentialDeposits: |currency_id: CurrencyId| -> Balance {
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    		match currency_id {
    			&BTC => 1,
    			&DOT => 2,
    			_ => 0,
    parameter_types! {
    Shaun Wang's avatar
    Shaun Wang committed
    	pub DustAccount: AccountId = PalletId(*b"orml/dst").into_account();
    	pub MaxLocks: u32 = 2;
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    impl Config for Runtime {
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    	type Event = Event;
    	type Balance = Balance;
    	type CurrencyId = CurrencyId;
    	type WeightInfo = ();
    	type ExistentialDeposits = ExistentialDeposits;
    	type OnDust = TransferDust<Runtime, DustAccount>;
    	type MaxLocks = MaxLocks;
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    pub type TreasuryCurrencyAdapter = <Runtime as pallet_treasury::Config>::Currency;
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    type UncheckedExtrinsic = frame_system::mocking::MockUncheckedExtrinsic<Runtime>;
    type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock<Runtime>;
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    	pub enum Runtime where
    		Block = Block,
    		NodeBlock = Block,
    		UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic,
    		System: frame_system::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config, Event<T>},
    		Tokens: tokens::{Pallet, Storage, Event<T>, Config<T>},
    		Treasury: pallet_treasury::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config, Event<T>},
    		ElectionsPhragmen: pallet_elections_phragmen::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Event<T>},
    pub struct ExtBuilder {
    	endowed_accounts: Vec<(AccountId, CurrencyId, Balance)>,
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    	treasury_genesis: bool,
    impl Default for ExtBuilder {
    	fn default() -> Self {
    		Self {
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    			treasury_genesis: false,
    	pub fn balances(mut self, endowed_accounts: Vec<(AccountId, CurrencyId, Balance)>) -> Self {
    		self.endowed_accounts = endowed_accounts;
    	pub fn one_hundred_for_alice_n_bob(self) -> Self {
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    		self.balances(vec![(ALICE, DOT, 100), (BOB, DOT, 100)])
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    	pub fn one_hundred_for_treasury_account(mut self) -> Self {
    		self.treasury_genesis = true;
    wangjj9219's avatar
    wangjj9219 committed
    		self.balances(vec![(TREASURY_ACCOUNT, DOT, 100)])
    Shaopeng Wang's avatar
    Shaopeng Wang committed
    	pub fn build(self) -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
    Xiliang Chen's avatar
    Xiliang Chen committed
    		let mut t = frame_system::GenesisConfig::default()
    brettkolodny's avatar
    brettkolodny committed
    		tokens::GenesisConfig::<Runtime> {
    			endowed_accounts: self.endowed_accounts,
    		.assimilate_storage(&mut t)
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    		if self.treasury_genesis {
    				.assimilate_storage::<Runtime, _>(&mut t)
    zjb0807's avatar
    zjb0807 committed
    			pallet_elections_phragmen::GenesisConfig::<Runtime> {
    				members: vec![(TREASURY_ACCOUNT, 10)],
    			.assimilate_storage(&mut t)
    		let mut ext = sp_io::TestExternalities::new(t);
    		ext.execute_with(|| System::set_block_number(1));