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//! # Tokens Module
//! ## Overview
//! The tokens module provides fungible multi-currency functionality that implements `MultiCurrency` trait.
//! The tokens module provides functions for:
//! - Querying and setting the balance of a given account.
//! - Getting and managing total issuance.
//! - Balance transfer between accounts.
//! - Depositing and withdrawing balance.
//! - Slashing an account balance.
//! ### Implementations
//! The tokens module provides implementations for following traits.
//! - `MultiCurrency` - Abstraction over a fungible multi-currency system.
//! - `MultiCurrencyExtended` - Extended `MultiCurrency` with additional helper types and methods, like updating balance
//! by a given signed integer amount.
//! ## Interface
//! ### Dispatchable Functions
//! - `transfer` - Transfer some balance to another account.
//! - `transfer_all` - Transfer all balance to another account.
//! ### Genesis Config
//! The tokens module depends on the `GenesisConfig`. Endowed accounts could be configured in genesis configs.

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#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

use frame_support::{decl_error, decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, traits::Get, Parameter};
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use rstd::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use sp_runtime::{
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	traits::{AtLeast32Bit, CheckedAdd, CheckedSub, MaybeSerializeDeserialize, Member, StaticLookup, Zero},
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// FIXME: `pallet/frame-` prefix should be used for all pallet modules, but currently `frame_system`
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// would cause compiling error in `decl_module!` and `construct_runtime!`
// #3295
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use frame_system::{self as system, ensure_signed};
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#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use rstd::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;

use orml_traits::{
	arithmetic::{self, Signed},
	MultiCurrency, MultiCurrencyExtended, OnDustRemoval,
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mod mock;
mod tests;

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pub trait Trait: frame_system::Trait {
	type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as frame_system::Trait>::Event>;
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	type Balance: Parameter + Member + AtLeast32Bit + Default + Copy + MaybeSerializeDeserialize;
	type Amount: Signed
		+ TryInto<Self::Balance>
		+ TryFrom<Self::Balance>
		+ Parameter
		+ Member
		+ arithmetic::SimpleArithmetic
		+ Default
		+ Copy
		+ MaybeSerializeDeserialize;
	type CurrencyId: Parameter + Member + Copy + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + Ord;
	type ExistentialDeposit: Get<Self::Balance>;
	type DustRemoval: OnDustRemoval<Self::Balance>;
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decl_storage! {
	trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Tokens {
		/// The total issuance of a token type.
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		pub TotalIssuance get(fn total_issuance) build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
				.map(|(_, currency_id, initial_balance)| (currency_id, initial_balance))
				.fold(BTreeMap::<T::CurrencyId, T::Balance>::new(), |mut acc, (currency_id, initial_balance)| {
					if let Some(issuance) = acc.get_mut(currency_id) {
						*issuance = issuance.checked_add(initial_balance).expect("total issuance cannot overflow when building genesis");
					} else {
						acc.insert(*currency_id, *initial_balance);
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		}): map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::CurrencyId => T::Balance;
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		/// The balance of a token type under an account.
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		pub Balance get(fn balance): double_map hasher(twox_64_concat) T::CurrencyId, hasher(blake2_128_concat) T::AccountId => T::Balance;
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	add_extra_genesis {
		config(endowed_accounts): Vec<(T::AccountId, T::CurrencyId, T::Balance)>;

		build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
			config.endowed_accounts.iter().for_each(|(account_id, currency_id, initial_balance)| {
				<Balance<T>>::insert(currency_id, account_id, initial_balance);
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	pub enum Event<T> where
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		<T as frame_system::Trait>::AccountId,
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		<T as Trait>::CurrencyId,
		<T as Trait>::Balance
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		/// Token transfer success (currency_id, from, to, amount)
		Transferred(CurrencyId, AccountId, AccountId, Balance),
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decl_module! {
	pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
		type Error = Error<T>;

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		fn deposit_event() = default;

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		/// Transfer some balance to another account.
		pub fn transfer(
			dest: <T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source,
			currency_id: T::CurrencyId,
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			#[compact] amount: T::Balance,
		) {
			let from = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let to = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
			<Self as MultiCurrency<_>>::transfer(currency_id, &from, &to, amount)?;

			Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Transferred(currency_id, from, to, amount));

		/// Transfer all remaining balance to the given account.
		pub fn transfer_all(
			dest: <T::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source,
			currency_id: T::CurrencyId,
		) {
			let from = ensure_signed(origin)?;
			let to = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
			let balance = Self::balance(currency_id, &from);
			<Self as MultiCurrency<T::AccountId>>::transfer(currency_id, &from, &to, balance)?;

			Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Transferred(currency_id, from, to, balance));
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decl_error! {
	/// Error for token module.
	pub enum Error for Module<T: Trait> {
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
	/// Set balance of `who` to a new value, meanwhile enforce existential rule.
	/// Note this will not maintain total issuance, and the caller is expected to do it.
	fn set_balance(currency_id: T::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, balance: T::Balance) {
		if balance < T::ExistentialDeposit::get() {
			<Balance<T>>::remove(currency_id, who);
			<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(currency_id, |v| *v -= balance);
		} else {
			<Balance<T>>::insert(currency_id, who, balance);
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impl<T: Trait> MultiCurrency<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	type CurrencyId = T::CurrencyId;
	fn total_issuance(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId) -> Self::Balance {
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	fn balance(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId) -> Self::Balance {
		<Balance<T>>::get(currency_id, who)

	fn ensure_can_withdraw(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
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		if amount.is_zero() {
			return Ok(());
		if Self::balance(currency_id, who).checked_sub(&amount).is_some() {
		} else {
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	fn transfer(
		currency_id: Self::CurrencyId,
		from: &T::AccountId,
		to: &T::AccountId,
		amount: Self::Balance,
	) -> DispatchResult {
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		if amount.is_zero() || from == to {
			return Ok(());

		let from_balance = Self::balance(currency_id, from);
		ensure!(from_balance >= amount, Error::<T>::BalanceTooLow);

		let to_balance = Self::balance(currency_id, to);
		if to_balance + amount < T::ExistentialDeposit::get() {
			return Err(Error::<T>::ExistentialDeposit.into());
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		if from != to {
			Self::set_balance(currency_id, from, from_balance - amount);
			Self::set_balance(currency_id, to, to_balance + amount);
	fn deposit(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
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		if amount.is_zero() {
			return Ok(());

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		let balance = Self::balance(currency_id, who);
		// Nothing happens if deposition doesn't meet existential deposit rule,
		// consistent behavior with pallet-balances.
		if balance.is_zero() && amount < T::ExistentialDeposit::get() {
			return Ok(());

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		<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(currency_id, |v| *v += amount);

		Self::set_balance(currency_id, who, balance + amount);
	fn withdraw(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
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		if amount.is_zero() {
			return Ok(());

		let balance = Self::balance(currency_id, who);
		ensure!(balance >= amount, Error::<T>::BalanceTooLow);
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		<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(currency_id, |v| *v -= amount);
		Self::set_balance(currency_id, who, balance - amount);
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	fn slash(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, amount: Self::Balance) -> Self::Balance {
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		if amount.is_zero() {
			return amount;

		let balance = Self::balance(currency_id, who);
		let slashed_amount = balance.min(amount);

		if slashed_amount.is_zero() {
			return amount;

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		<TotalIssuance<T>>::mutate(currency_id, |v| *v -= slashed_amount);
		Self::set_balance(currency_id, who, balance - slashed_amount);

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		amount - slashed_amount

impl<T: Trait> MultiCurrencyExtended<T::AccountId> for Module<T> {
	type Amount = T::Amount;

	fn update_balance(currency_id: Self::CurrencyId, who: &T::AccountId, by_amount: Self::Amount) -> DispatchResult {
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		if by_amount.is_zero() {
			return Ok(());

			TryInto::<Self::Balance>::try_into(by_amount.abs()).map_err(|_| Error::<T>::AmountIntoBalanceFailed)?;
		if by_amount.is_positive() {
			Self::deposit(currency_id, who, by_balance)
		} else {
			Self::withdraw(currency_id, who, by_balance)