Entries are sorted chronologically from oldest to youngest within each release,
releases are sorted from youngest to oldest.
- reference-counting for AVFrame and AVPacket data
- ffmpeg now fails when input options are used for output file
- support for Monkey's Audio versions from 3.93
- 10% faster aac encoding on x86 and MIPS
- new ffmpeg options -filter_script and -filter_complex_script, which allow a
filtergraph description to be read from a file
- uniform options syntax across all filters
- inverse telecine filters (fieldmatch and decimate)
- The matroska demuxer can now output proper verbatim ASS packets. It will
become the default at the next libavformat major bump.
- decent native animated GIF encoding
- vidstabdetect and vidstabtransform filters for video stabilization using
the vid.stab library
- trim and atrim filters
- VDPAU hardware acceleration through normal hwaccel
- SRTP support
- Error diffusion dither in Swscale
Michael Niedermayer
- Chained Ogg support
- Theora Midstream reconfiguration support
- filtering audio with unknown channel layout
- allpass, bass, bandpass, bandreject, biquad, equalizer, highpass, lowpass
and treble audio filter
- improved showspectrum filter, with multichannel support and sox-like colors
- support ID3v2 tags in ASF files
- encrypted TTA stream decoding support
- Subtitles character encoding conversion
- stream disposition information printing in ffprobe
- filter for loudness analysis following EBU R128
- Opus encoder using libopus
- Pinnacle TARGA CineWave YUV16 decoder
- remove -same_quant, it hasn't worked for years
- X-Face image encoder and decoder
- multi-channel ALAC encoding up to 7.1
- support for building DLLs using MSVC
- remove ffserver daemon mode
- new expansion syntax for drawtext
Stefano Sabatini
- ffprobe -show_entries option
- JSON captions for TED talks decoding support
- SOX Resampler support in libswresample
- Silicon Graphics Motion Video Compressor 1 & 2 decoder
- Resolution & pixel format change support with multithreading for H.264
- documentation split into per-component manuals
- MPL2, VPlayer, MPlayer, AQTitle, PJS and SubViewer v1 subtitles demuxers and decoders
- adobe and limelight publisher authentication in RTMP
- support building on the Plan 9 operating system
- Improved AVC Intra decoding support
- channelsplit audio filter
- RTMPT protocol support
- iLBC encoding/decoding via libilbc
- Microsoft Screen 1 decoder
- join audio filter
- audio channel mapping filter
- Microsoft ATC Screen decoder
- AAC encoding via libfdk-aac
- Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen decoder
Michael Niedermayer
- LucasArts SMUSH playback support
- SAMI, RealText and SubViewer demuxers and decoders
Michael Niedermayer
- Heart Of Darkness PAF playback support
- iec61883 device
- asettb filter
- new option: -progress
- 3GPP Timed Text encoder/decoder
Michael Niedermayer
- GeoTIFF decoder support
- ffmpeg -(no)stdin option
- Opus decoder using libopus
- caca output device using libcaca
- alphaextract and alphamerge filters
- concat filter
- bitmap subtitles in filters (experimental and temporary)
- SubRip encoder and decoder without embedded timing
- ffmpeg -shortest option is now per-output file
-pass and -passlogfile are now per-output stream
- decimate filter ported from MPlayer
- Smooth Streaming live segmenter muxer
- sendcmd and asendcmd filters
- WebVTT demuxer and decoder (simple tags supported)
- faststart option in the MOV/MP4 muxer
- support for building with MSVC
- Fixes: CVE-2012-2772, CVE-2012-2774, CVE-2012-2775, CVE-2012-2776, CVE-2012-2777,
CVE-2012-2779, CVE-2012-2782, CVE-2012-2783, CVE-2012-2784, CVE-2012-2785,
CVE-2012-2786, CVE-2012-2787, CVE-2012-2788, CVE-2012-2789, CVE-2012-2790,
CVE-2012-2791, CVE-2012-2792, CVE-2012-2793, CVE-2012-2794, CVE-2012-2795,
CVE-2012-2796, CVE-2012-2797, CVE-2012-2798, CVE-2012-2799, CVE-2012-2800,
CVE-2012-2801, CVE-2012-2802, CVE-2012-2803, CVE-2012-2804,
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