* [jq](
* [mac](
* [terminal notifier](
* some IQ
`curl -o epic.bash ""`
2. for this to work, u have to let macOS not write dates. coz the `.` used in the dates breaks the IFS thingy
`defaults write "include-date" 0`
3. make a screenshot folder at someplace that u own, we will use the name sc PLEASE DONT SAVE THE EPIC.BASH FILE TO THAT SCREENSHOT FOLDER, THE SCRIPT WILL UPLOAD EVERYTHING IN IT, SO YEAH..
`mkdir sc`
4. now u go to that dir and get the pwd
you copy the output and put it in the folder= place
Ex. `folder="/Users/korzq/sc"`
5. you put your OWO API key in `token="`
Ex. `token="618a7c-8afcbdb1-8ea988d1b-22f11343e'
6. u find a nice url u like from [here]( and put it in `url=`
Ex. `url=""`
7. you make a folder action following the epic vid that i made [here](
8. u set ur screenshot app's save location to the folder u just made Ex. `/Users/korzq/sc` from the box u get when u are taking a screenshot
and ur all set, now when u take a screenshot using the macOS built in screenshot app and save it to that location, the script will run, it will upload it to owo, then deletes the file. yey
after file is uploaded, it will be in your pastebin and u will get a notification