use clap::{AppSettings, Clap}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::io::Read; #[derive(Clap)] #[clap(version = "01.0", author = "Laminar Developers <>")] #[clap(setting = AppSettings::ColoredHelp)] struct Opts { input: Option<String>, #[clap(short, long)] template: Option<String>, #[clap(short, long)] header: Option<String>, #[clap(short, long)] out: Option<String>, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug, Clone)] pub struct BenchData { pub name: String, pub base_weight: u64, pub base_reads: u32, pub base_writes: u32, } #[derive(Serialize, Default, Debug, Clone)] struct TemplateData { pub header: String, pub benchmarks: Vec<BenchData>, } // A Handlebars helper to add an underscore after every 3rd character, // i.e. a separator for large numbers. #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct UnderscoreHelper; impl handlebars::HelperDef for UnderscoreHelper { fn call<'reg: 'rc, 'rc>( &self, h: &handlebars::Helper, _: &handlebars::Handlebars, _: &handlebars::Context, _rc: &mut handlebars::RenderContext, out: &mut dyn handlebars::Output, ) -> handlebars::HelperResult { use handlebars::JsonRender; let param = h.param(0).expect("Unable to retrieve param from handlebars helper"); let underscore_param = underscore(param.value().render()); out.write(&underscore_param)?; Ok(()) } } // Add an underscore after every 3rd character, i.e. a separator for large // numbers. fn underscore<Number>(i: Number) -> String where Number: std::string::ToString, { let mut s = String::new(); let i_str = i.to_string(); let a = i_str.chars().rev().enumerate(); for (idx, val) in a { if idx != 0 && idx % 3 == 0 { s.insert(0, '_'); } s.insert(0, val); } s } // A helper to join a string of vectors. #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct JoinHelper; impl handlebars::HelperDef for JoinHelper { fn call<'reg: 'rc, 'rc>( &self, h: &handlebars::Helper, _: &handlebars::Handlebars, _: &handlebars::Context, _rc: &mut handlebars::RenderContext, out: &mut dyn handlebars::Output, ) -> handlebars::HelperResult { use handlebars::JsonRender; let param = h.param(0).expect("Unable to retrieve param from handlebars helper"); let value = param.value(); let joined = if value.is_array() { value .as_array() .unwrap() .iter() .map(|v| v.render()) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(" ") } else { value.render() }; out.write(&joined)?; Ok(()) } } fn parse_stdio() -> Option<Vec<BenchData>> { let mut buffer = String::new(); let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut handle = stdin.lock(); handle.read_to_string(&mut buffer).expect("Unable to read from stdin"); let lines: Vec<&str> = buffer.split('\n').collect(); for line in lines { let json = serde_json::from_str(line); if let Ok(data) = json { return Some(data); } } None } fn main() { let opts: Opts = Opts::parse(); let benchmarks: Vec<BenchData> = { if let Some(data) = opts.input { serde_json::from_str(&data).expect("Could not parse JSON data") } else { parse_stdio().expect("Could not parse JSON data") } }; let mut handlebars = handlebars::Handlebars::new(); handlebars.register_helper("underscore", Box::new(UnderscoreHelper)); handlebars.register_helper("join", Box::new(JoinHelper)); // Don't HTML escape any characters. handlebars.register_escape_fn(|s| -> String { s.to_string() }); // Use empty header if a header path is not given. let header = { if let Some(path) = opts.header { ::std::fs::read_to_string(&path).expect("Header file not found") } else { String::from("") } }; let hbs_data = TemplateData { header, benchmarks }; const DEFAULT_TEMPLATE: &str = include_str!("./template.hbs"); // Use default template if template path is not given. let template = { if let Some(path) = opts.template { ::std::fs::read_to_string(&path).expect("Template file not found") } else { String::from(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE) } }; // Write benchmark to file or print to terminal if output path is not given. if let Some(path) = opts.out { let mut output_file = ::std::fs::File::create(&path).expect("Could not create output file"); handlebars .render_template_to_write(&template, &hbs_data, &mut output_file) .expect("Unable to render template"); } else { let template_string = handlebars .render_template(&template, &hbs_data) .expect("Unable to render template"); println!("{}", template_string); } }