From 3e554f51605e98efbc8f4fe91fea5e4bd1e461e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shaopeng Wang <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 14:29:44 +1200
Subject: [PATCH] Update to Substrate 2.0.0-rc6 (#257)

* Update dependencies to rc6.

* Update benchmarking.
 auction/Cargo.toml                |  12 +-
 authority/Cargo.toml              |  14 +-
 benchmarking/Cargo.toml           |  16 +-
 benchmarking/src/           | 817 ++++++++++++------------------
 currencies/Cargo.toml             |  14 +-
 gradually-update/Cargo.toml       |  12 +-
 oracle/Cargo.toml                 |  14 +-
 oracle/rpc/Cargo.toml             |   6 +-
 oracle/rpc/runtime-api/Cargo.toml |   4 +-
 tokens/Cargo.toml                 |  12 +-
 traits/Cargo.toml                 |   8 +-
 utilities/Cargo.toml              |  10 +-
 vesting/Cargo.toml                |  14 +-
 13 files changed, 380 insertions(+), 573 deletions(-)

diff --git a/auction/Cargo.toml b/auction/Cargo.toml
index c700bc5..820ea4d 100644
--- a/auction/Cargo.toml
+++ b/auction/Cargo.toml
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ edition = "2018"
 serde = { version = "1.0.111", optional = true }
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 orml-traits = { path = "../traits", version = "0.1.3-dev", default-features = false }
-sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 clear_on_drop = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["no_cc"] }	#
diff --git a/authority/Cargo.toml b/authority/Cargo.toml
index 8237dc3..3c99d71 100644
--- a/authority/Cargo.toml
+++ b/authority/Cargo.toml
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ edition = "2018"
 serde = { version = "1.0.111", optional = true }
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 orml-traits = { path = "../traits", version = "0.1.3-dev", default-features = false }
-sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-pallet-scheduler = { version = "2.0.0-rc5" }
+sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+pallet-scheduler = { version = "2.0.0-rc6" }
 clear_on_drop = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["no_cc"] }	#
diff --git a/benchmarking/Cargo.toml b/benchmarking/Cargo.toml
index 71e500a..98a86a2 100644
--- a/benchmarking/Cargo.toml
+++ b/benchmarking/Cargo.toml
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ edition = "2018"
 paste = "0.1.16"
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-sp-api = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime-interface = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-benchmarking = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-api = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime-interface = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-benchmarking = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 default = [ "std" ]
diff --git a/benchmarking/src/ b/benchmarking/src/
index 09d9606..4f6d942 100644
--- a/benchmarking/src/
+++ b/benchmarking/src/
@@ -3,20 +3,18 @@
 #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
-#[cfg(feature = "std")]
 mod tests;
-#[cfg(feature = "std")]
-pub use frame_benchmarking::Analysis;
 pub use frame_benchmarking::{
 	benchmarking, BenchmarkBatch, BenchmarkParameter, BenchmarkResults, Benchmarking, BenchmarkingSetup,
-	BenchmarkingSetupInstance,
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+pub use frame_benchmarking::{Analysis, BenchmarkSelector};
 pub use frame_support;
 pub use paste;
 pub use sp_io::storage::root as storage_root;
-pub use sp_runtime::traits::{Dispatchable, One, Zero};
+pub use sp_runtime::traits::Zero;
 /// Construct pallet benchmarks for weighing dispatchables.
@@ -83,11 +81,6 @@ pub use sp_runtime::traits::{Dispatchable, One, Zero};
 ///   // The constructed runtime struct, and the pallet to benchmark.
 ///   { MyRuntime, my_pallet }
-///   // common parameter; just one for this example.
-///   // will be `1`, `MAX_LENGTH` or any value inbetween
-///   _ {
-///     let l in 1 .. MAX_LENGTH => initialize_l(l);
-///   }
 ///   // first dispatchable: foo; this is a user dispatchable and operates on a `u8` vector of
 ///   // size `l`, which we allow to be initialized as usual.
@@ -182,11 +175,12 @@ macro_rules! runtime_benchmarks {
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
+			{ }
 			{ $( { $common , $common_from , $common_to , $common_instancer } )* }
 			( )
+			( )
 			$( $rest )*
@@ -205,11 +199,12 @@ macro_rules! runtime_benchmarks_instance {
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
-			$instance
+			{ I }
 			{ $( { $common , $common_from , $common_to , $common_instancer } )* }
 			( )
+			( )
 			$( $rest )*
@@ -218,75 +213,79 @@ macro_rules! runtime_benchmarks_instance {
 macro_rules! benchmarks_iter {
-	// mutation arm:
+	// detect and extract extra tag:
-		$instance:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
 		{ $( $common:tt )* }
-		( $( $names:ident )* )
-		$name:ident { $( $code:tt )* }: _ ( $origin:expr $( , $arg:expr )* )
-		verify $postcode:block
+		( $( $names:tt )* )
+		( $( $names_extra:tt )* )
+		#[extra]
+		$name:ident
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
 		$crate::benchmarks_iter! {
-			$instance
+			{ $( $instance)? }
 			{ $( $common )* }
 			( $( $names )* )
-			$name { $( $code )* }: $name ( $origin $( , $arg )* )
-			verify $postcode
+			( $( $names_extra )* $name )
+			$name
 			$( $rest )*
-	// no instance mutation arm:
+	// mutation arm:
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
 		{ $( $common:tt )* }
-		( $( $names:ident )* )
-		$name:ident { $( $code:tt )* }: $dispatch:ident ( $origin:expr $( , $arg:expr )* )
+		( $( $names:tt )* ) // This contains $( $( { $instance } )? $name:ident )*
+		( $( $names_extra:tt )* )
+		$name:ident { $( $code:tt )* }: _ ( $origin:expr $( , $arg:expr )* )
 		verify $postcode:block
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
 		$crate::benchmarks_iter! {
+			{ $( $instance)? }
 			{ $( $common )* }
 			( $( $names )* )
-			$name { $( $code )* }: {
-				<
-					$pallet::Call<$runtime> as $crate::frame_support::traits::UnfilteredDispatchable
-				>::dispatch_bypass_filter($pallet::Call::<$runtime>::$dispatch($($arg),*), $origin.into())?;
-			}
+			( $( $names_extra )* )
+			$name { $( $code )* }: $name ( $origin $( , $arg )* )
 			verify $postcode
 			$( $rest )*
-	// instance mutation arm:
+	// mutation arm:
-		$instance:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
 		{ $( $common:tt )* }
-		( $( $names:ident )* )
+		( $( $names:tt )* )
+		( $( $names_extra:tt )* )
 		$name:ident { $( $code:tt )* }: $dispatch:ident ( $origin:expr $( , $arg:expr )* )
 		verify $postcode:block
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
 		$crate::benchmarks_iter! {
-			$instance
+			{ $( $instance)? }
 			{ $( $common )* }
 			( $( $names )* )
+			( $( $names_extra )* )
 			$name { $( $code )* }: {
-					$pallet::Call<$runtime, $instance> as $crate::frame_support::traits::UnfilteredDispatchable
-				>::dispatch_bypass_filter($pallet::Call::<$runtime, $instance>::$dispatch($($arg),*), $origin.into())?;
+					$pallet::Call<$runtime $(, $instance)? > as $crate::frame_support::traits::UnfilteredDispatchable
+				>
+				::dispatch_bypass_filter(
+					$pallet::Call::<$runtime $(, $instance)? >::$dispatch($($arg),*), $origin.into()
+				)?;
 			verify $postcode
 			$( $rest )*
@@ -294,20 +293,21 @@ macro_rules! benchmarks_iter {
 	// iteration arm:
-		$instance:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
 		{ $( $common:tt )* }
-		( $( $names:ident )* )
+		( $( $names:tt )* )
+		( $( $names_extra:tt )* )
 		$name:ident { $( $code:tt )* }: $eval:block
 		verify $postcode:block
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
 		$crate::benchmark_backend! {
-			$instance
+			{ $( $instance)? }
+			$name
-			$name
 			{ $( $common )* }
 			{ }
 			{ $eval }
@@ -316,38 +316,64 @@ macro_rules! benchmarks_iter {
-		$crate::impl_benchmark_test!($instance $runtime $pallet $name);
+		$crate::impl_benchmark_test!(
+			$runtime
+			$pallet
+			{ $( $instance)? }
+			$name
+		);
-			$instance
+			{ $( $instance)? }
 			{ $( $common )* }
-			( $( $names )* $name )
+			( $( $names )* { $( $instance )? } $name )
+			( $( $names_extra )* )
 			$( $rest )*
 	// iteration-exit arm
-	( $instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident { $( $common:tt )* } ( $( $names:ident )* ) ) => {
-		$crate::selected_benchmark!( $instance $runtime $pallet $( $names ),* );
-		$crate::impl_benchmark!( $instance $runtime $pallet $( $names ),* );
+	(
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
+		$runtime:ident
+		$pallet:ident
+		{ $( $common:tt )* }
+		( $( $names:tt )* )
+		( $( $names_extra:tt )* )
+	) => {
+		$crate::selected_benchmark!(
+			$runtime
+			$pallet
+			{ $( $instance)? }
+			$( $names )*
+		);
+		$crate::impl_benchmark!(
+			$runtime
+			$pallet
+			{ $( $instance)? }
+			( $( $names )* )
+			( $( $names_extra ),* )
+		);
 	// add verify block to _() format
-		$instance:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
 		{ $( $common:tt )* }
-		( $( $names:ident )* )
+		( $( $names:tt )* )
+		( $( $names_extra:tt )* )
 		$name:ident { $( $code:tt )* }: _ ( $origin:expr $( , $arg:expr )* )
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
 		$crate::benchmarks_iter! {
-			$instance
+			{ $( $instance)? }
 			{ $( $common )* }
 			( $( $names )* )
+			( $( $names_extra )* )
 			$name { $( $code )* }: _ ( $origin $( , $arg )* )
 			verify { }
 			$( $rest )*
@@ -355,20 +381,22 @@ macro_rules! benchmarks_iter {
 	// add verify block to name() format
-		$instance:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
 		{ $( $common:tt )* }
-		( $( $names:ident )* )
+		( $( $names:tt )* )
+		( $( $names_extra:tt )* )
 		$name:ident { $( $code:tt )* }: $dispatch:ident ( $origin:expr $( , $arg:expr )* )
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
 		$crate::benchmarks_iter! {
-			$instance
+			{ $( $instance)? }
 			{ $( $common )* }
 			( $( $names )* )
+			( $( $names_extra )* )
 			$name { $( $code )* }: $dispatch ( $origin $( , $arg )* )
 			verify { }
 			$( $rest )*
@@ -376,20 +404,22 @@ macro_rules! benchmarks_iter {
 	// add verify block to {} format
-		$instance:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
 		{ $( $common:tt )* }
-		( $( $names:ident )* )
+		( $( $names:tt )* )
+		( $( $names_extra:tt )* )
 		$name:ident { $( $code:tt )* }: $eval:block
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	) => {
-			$instance
+			{ $( $instance)? }
 			{ $( $common )* }
 			( $( $names )* )
+			( $( $names_extra )* )
 			$name { $( $code )* }: $eval
 			verify { }
 			$( $rest )*
@@ -401,7 +431,7 @@ macro_rules! benchmarks_iter {
 macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 	// parsing arms
-	($instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
+	( { $( $instance:ident )? } $name:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident {
 		$( $common:tt )*
 	} {
 		$( PRE { $( $pre_parsed:tt )* } )*
@@ -410,13 +440,13 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 			$( $rest:tt )*
 	} $postcode:block) => {
 		$crate::benchmark_backend! {
-			$instance $runtime $pallet $name { $( $common )* } {
+			{ $( $instance)? } $name $runtime $pallet { $( $common )* } {
 				$( PRE { $( $pre_parsed )* } )*
 				PRE { $pre_id , $pre_ty , $pre_ex }
 			} { $eval } { $( $rest )* } $postcode
-	($instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
+	( { $( $instance:ident )? } $name:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident {
 		$( $common:tt )*
 	} {
 		$( $parsed:tt )*
@@ -425,14 +455,14 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	} $postcode:block) => {
 		$crate::benchmark_backend! {
-			$instance $runtime $pallet $name { $( $common )* } {
+			{ $( $instance)? } $name $runtime $pallet { $( $common )* } {
 				$( $parsed )*
 				PARAM { $param , $param_from , $param_to , $param_instancer }
 			} { $eval } { $( $rest )* } $postcode
 	// mutation arm to look after defaulting to a common param
-	($instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
+	( { $( $instance:ident )? } $name:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident {
 		$( { $common:ident , $common_from:tt , $common_to:expr , $common_instancer:expr } )*
 	} {
 		$( $parsed:tt )*
@@ -441,7 +471,7 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	} $postcode:block) => {
 		$crate::benchmark_backend! {
-			$instance $runtime $pallet $name {
+			{ $( $instance)? } $name $runtime $pallet {
 				$( { $common , $common_from , $common_to , $common_instancer } )*
 			} {
 				$( $parsed )*
@@ -455,7 +485,7 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 	// mutation arm to look after defaulting only the range to common param
-	($instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
+	( { $( $instance:ident )? } $name:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident {
 		$( { $common:ident , $common_from:tt , $common_to:expr , $common_instancer:expr } )*
 	} {
 		$( $parsed:tt )*
@@ -464,7 +494,7 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	} $postcode:block) => {
 		$crate::benchmark_backend! {
-			$instance $runtime $pallet $name {
+			{ $( $instance)? } $name $runtime $pallet {
 				$( { $common , $common_from , $common_to , $common_instancer } )*
 			} {
 				$( $parsed )*
@@ -478,7 +508,7 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 	// mutation arm to look after a single tt for param_from.
-	($instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
+	( { $( $instance:ident )? } $name:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident {
 		$( $common:tt )*
 	} {
 		$( $parsed:tt )*
@@ -487,14 +517,15 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	} $postcode:block) => {
 		$crate::benchmark_backend! {
-			$instance $runtime $pallet $name { $( $common )* } { $( $parsed )* } { $eval } {
+			{ $( $instance)? }
+			$name $runtime $pallet { $( $common )* } { $( $parsed )* } { $eval } {
 				let $param in ( $param_from ) .. $param_to => $param_instancer;
 				$( $rest )*
 			} $postcode
 	// mutation arm to look after the default tail of `=> ()`
-	($instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
+	( { $( $instance:ident )? } $name:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident {
 		$( $common:tt )*
 	} {
 		$( $parsed:tt )*
@@ -503,14 +534,15 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	} $postcode:block) => {
 		$crate::benchmark_backend! {
-			$instance $runtime $pallet $name { $( $common )* } { $( $parsed )* } { $eval } {
+			{ $( $instance)? }
+			$name $runtime $pallet { $( $common )* } { $( $parsed )* } { $eval } {
 				let $param in $param_from .. $param_to => ();
 				$( $rest )*
 			} $postcode
 	// mutation arm to look after `let _ =`
-	($instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
+	( { $( $instance:ident )? } $name:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident {
 		$( $common:tt )*
 	} {
 		$( $parsed:tt )*
@@ -519,14 +551,15 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 		$( $rest:tt )*
 	} $postcode:block) => {
 		$crate::benchmark_backend! {
-			$instance $runtime $pallet $name { $( $common )* } { $( $parsed )* } { $eval } {
+			{ $( $instance)? }
+			$name $runtime $pallet { $( $common )* } { $( $parsed )* } { $eval } {
 				let $pre_id : _ = $pre_ex;
 				$( $rest )*
 			} $postcode
-	// no instance actioning arm
-	(NO_INSTANCE $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
+	// actioning arm
+	( { $( $instance:ident )? } $name:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident {
 		$( { $common:ident , $common_from:tt , $common_to:expr , $common_instancer:expr } )*
 	} {
 		$( PRE { $pre_id:tt , $pre_ty:ty , $pre_ex:expr } )*
@@ -535,7 +568,7 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 		struct $name;
-		impl $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime> for $name {
+		impl<$( <$instance>, I: Instance)? > $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime $(, $instance)?> for $name {
 			fn components(&self) -> Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32, u32)> {
 				vec! [
@@ -587,68 +620,6 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
-	// instance actioning arm
-	($instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $name:ident {
-		$( { $common:ident , $common_from:tt , $common_to:expr , $common_instancer:expr } )*
-	} {
-		$( PRE { $pre_id:tt , $pre_ty:ty , $pre_ex:expr } )*
-		$( PARAM { $param:ident , $param_from:expr , $param_to:expr , $param_instancer:expr } )*
-	} { $eval:block } { $( $post:tt )* } $postcode:block) => {
-		#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
-		struct $name;
-		#[allow(unused_variables)]
-		impl $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance> for $name {
-			fn components(&self) -> Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32, u32)> {
-				vec! [
-					$(
-						($crate::BenchmarkParameter::$param, $param_from, $param_to)
-					),*
-				]
-			}
-			fn instance(&self, components: &[($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)])
-				-> Result<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Result<(), &'static str>>, &'static str>
-			{
-				$(
-					let $common = $common_from;
-				)*
-				$(
-					// Prepare instance
-					let $param = components.iter()
-						.find(|&c| c.0 == $crate::BenchmarkParameter::$param)
-						.unwrap().1;
-				)*
-				$(
-					let $pre_id : $pre_ty = $pre_ex;
-				)*
-				$( $param_instancer ; )*
-				$( $post )*
-				Ok(Box::new(move || -> Result<(), &'static str> { $eval; Ok(()) }))
-			}
-			fn verify(&self, components: &[($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)])
-				-> Result<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Result<(), &'static str>>, &'static str>
-			{
-				$(
-					let $common = $common_from;
-				)*
-				$(
-					// Prepare instance
-					let $param = components.iter()
-						.find(|&c| c.0 == $crate::BenchmarkParameter::$param)
-						.unwrap().1;
-				)*
-				$(
-					let $pre_id : $pre_ty = $pre_ex;
-				)*
-				$( $param_instancer ; )*
-				$( $post )*
-				Ok(Box::new(move || -> Result<(), &'static str> { $eval; $postcode; Ok(()) }))
-			}
-		}
-	}
 // Creates a `SelectedBenchmark` enum implementing `BenchmarkingSetup`.
@@ -663,13 +634,15 @@ macro_rules! benchmark_backend {
 // struct SetBalance;
 // impl BenchmarkingSetup for SetBalance { ... }
-// selected_benchmark!(Transfer, SetBalance);
+// selected_benchmark!({} Transfer {} SetBalance);
 // ```
 macro_rules! selected_benchmark {
-		NO_INSTANCE $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $( $bench:ident ),*
+		$runtime:ident $pallet:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
+		$( { $( $bench_inst:ident )? } $bench:ident )*
 	) => {
 		// The list of available benchmarks for this pallet.
@@ -678,10 +651,14 @@ macro_rules! selected_benchmark {
 		// Allow us to select a benchmark from the list of available benchmarks.
-		impl $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime> for SelectedBenchmark {
+		impl<$( <$instance>, I: Instance)? > $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime $(, $instance)?> for SelectedBenchmark {
 			fn components(&self) -> Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32, u32)> {
 				match self {
-					$( Self::$bench => <$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime>>::components(&$bench), )*
+					$(
+						Self::$bench => <
+							$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime $(, $bench_inst)? >
+						>::components(&$bench),
+					)*
@@ -689,7 +666,11 @@ macro_rules! selected_benchmark {
 				-> Result<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Result<(), &'static str>>, &'static str>
 				match self {
-					$( Self::$bench => <$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime>>::instance(&$bench, components), )*
+					$(
+						Self::$bench => <
+							$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime $(, $bench_inst)? >
+						>::instance(&$bench, components),
+					)*
@@ -697,200 +678,38 @@ macro_rules! selected_benchmark {
 				-> Result<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Result<(), &'static str>>, &'static str>
 				match self {
-					$( Self::$bench => <$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime>>::verify(&$bench, components), )*
+					$(
+						Self::$bench => <
+							$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime $(, $bench_inst)? >
+						>::verify(&$bench, components),
+					)*
-	(
-		$instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $( $bench:ident ),*
-	) => {
-		// The list of available benchmarks for this pallet.
-		#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
-		enum SelectedBenchmark {
-			$( $bench, )*
-		}
-		// Allow us to select a benchmark from the list of available benchmarks.
-		impl $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance> for SelectedBenchmark {
-			fn components(&self) -> Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32, u32)> {
-				match self {
-					$( Self::$bench => <$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance>>::components(&$bench), )*
-				}
-			}
-			fn instance(&self, components: &[($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)])
-				-> Result<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Result<(), &'static str>>, &'static str>
-			{
-				match self {
-					$( Self::$bench => <$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance>>::instance(&$bench, components), )*
-				}
-			}
-			fn verify(&self, components: &[($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)])
-				-> Result<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Result<(), &'static str>>, &'static str>
-			{
-				match self {
-					$( Self::$bench => <$bench as $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance>>::verify(&$bench, components), )*
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
 macro_rules! impl_benchmark {
-		NO_INSTANCE $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $( $name:ident ),*
+		$runtime:ident $pallet:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
+		( $( { $( $name_inst:ident )? } $name:ident )* )
+		( $( $name_extra:ident ),* )
 	) => {
 		pub struct Benchmark;
 		impl $crate::Benchmarking<$crate::BenchmarkResults> for Benchmark {
-			fn benchmarks() -> Vec<&'static [u8]> {
-				vec![ $( stringify!($name).as_ref() ),* ]
-			}
-			fn run_benchmark(
-				extrinsic: &[u8],
-				lowest_range_values: &[u32],
-				highest_range_values: &[u32],
-				steps: &[u32],
-				repeat: u32,
-				whitelist: &[Vec<u8>]
-			) -> Result<Vec<$crate::BenchmarkResults>, &'static str> {
-				// Map the input to the selected benchmark.
-				let extrinsic = sp_std::str::from_utf8(extrinsic)
-					.map_err(|_| "`extrinsic` is not a valid utf8 string!")?;
-				let selected_benchmark = match extrinsic {
-					$( stringify!($name) => SelectedBenchmark::$name, )*
-					_ => return Err("Could not find extrinsic."),
-				};
-				$crate::benchmarking::set_whitelist(whitelist.to_vec());
-				// Warm up the DB
-				$crate::benchmarking::commit_db();
-				$crate::benchmarking::wipe_db();
-				let components = <SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime>>::components(&selected_benchmark);
-				let mut results: Vec<$crate::BenchmarkResults> = Vec::new();
-				// Default number of steps for a component.
-				let mut prev_steps = 10;
-				// Select the component we will be benchmarking. Each component will be benchmarked.
-				for (idx, (name, low, high)) in components.iter().enumerate() {
-					// Get the number of steps for this component.
-					let steps = steps.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(prev_steps);
-					prev_steps = steps;
-					// Skip this loop if steps is zero
-					if steps == 0 { continue }
-					let lowest = lowest_range_values.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(*low);
-					let highest = highest_range_values.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(*high);
-					let diff = highest - lowest;
-					// Create up to `STEPS` steps for that component between high and low.
-					let step_size = (diff / steps).max(1);
-					let num_of_steps = diff / step_size + 1;
-					for s in 0..num_of_steps {
-						// This is the value we will be testing for component `name`
-						let component_value = lowest + step_size * s;
-						// Select the max value for all the other components.
-						let c: Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)> = components.iter()
-							.enumerate()
-							.map(|(idx, (n, _, h))|
-								if n == name {
-									(*n, component_value)
-								} else {
-									(*n, *highest_range_values.get(idx).unwrap_or(h))
-								}
-							)
-							.collect();
-						// Run the benchmark `repeat` times.
-						for _ in 0..repeat {
-							// Set up the externalities environment for the setup we want to
-							// benchmark.
-							let closure_to_benchmark = <
-								SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime>
-							>::instance(&selected_benchmark, &c)?;
-							// Set the block number to at least 1 so events are deposited.
-							if $crate::Zero::is_zero(&frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::block_number()) {
-								frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::set_block_number(1u8.into());
-							}
-							// Commit the externalities to the database, flushing the DB cache.
-							// This will enable worst case scenario for reading from the database.
-							$crate::benchmarking::commit_db();
-							$crate::benchmarking::reset_read_write_count();
-							// Time the extrinsic logic.
-							frame_support::debug::trace!(
-								target: "benchmark",
-								"Start Benchmark: {:?} {:?}", name, component_value
-							);
-							let start_extrinsic = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
-							closure_to_benchmark()?;
-							let finish_extrinsic = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
-							let elapsed_extrinsic = finish_extrinsic - start_extrinsic;
-							$crate::benchmarking::commit_db();
-							frame_support::debug::trace!(
-								target: "benchmark",
-								"End Benchmark: {} ns", elapsed_extrinsic
-							);
-							let read_write_count = $crate::benchmarking::read_write_count();
-							frame_support::debug::trace!(
-								target: "benchmark",
-								"Read/Write Count {:?}", read_write_count
-							);
-							// Time the storage root recalculation.
-							let start_storage_root = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
-							$crate::storage_root();
-							let finish_storage_root = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
-							let elapsed_storage_root = finish_storage_root - start_storage_root;
-							results.push($crate::BenchmarkResults {
-								components: c.clone(),
-								extrinsic_time: elapsed_extrinsic,
-								storage_root_time: elapsed_storage_root,
-								reads: read_write_count.0,
-								repeat_reads: read_write_count.1,
-								writes: read_write_count.2,
-								repeat_writes: read_write_count.3,
-							});
-							// Wipe the DB back to the genesis state.
-							$crate::benchmarking::wipe_db();
-						}
-					}
+			fn benchmarks(extra: bool) -> Vec<&'static [u8]> {
+				let mut all = vec![ $( stringify!($name).as_ref() ),* ];
+				if !extra {
+					let extra = [ $( stringify!($name_extra).as_ref() ),* ];
+					all.retain(|x| !extra.contains(x));
-				return Ok(results);
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	(
-		$instance:ident $runtime:ident $pallet:ident $( $name:ident ),*
-	) => {
-		#[cfg(feature="runtime-benchmarks")]
-		pub struct Benchmark;
-		#[cfg(feature="runtime-benchmarks")]
-		impl $crate::Benchmarking<$crate::BenchmarkResults> for Benchmark {
-			fn benchmarks() -> Vec<&'static [u8]> {
-				vec![ $( stringify!($name).as_ref() ),* ]
+				all
 			fn run_benchmark(
@@ -909,6 +728,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_benchmark {
 					_ => return Err("Could not find extrinsic."),
+				// Add whitelist to DB
 				// Warm up the DB
@@ -916,112 +736,128 @@ macro_rules! impl_benchmark {
 				let components = <
-					SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance>
+					SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime $(, $instance)?>
 				let mut results: Vec<$crate::BenchmarkResults> = Vec::new();
 				// Default number of steps for a component.
 				let mut prev_steps = 10;
-				// Select the component we will be benchmarking. Each component will be benchmarked.
-				for (idx, (name, low, high)) in components.iter().enumerate() {
-					// Get the number of steps for this component.
-					let steps = steps.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(prev_steps);
-					prev_steps = steps;
-					// Skip this loop if steps is zero
-					if steps == 0 { continue }
-					let lowest = lowest_range_values.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(*low);
-					let highest = highest_range_values.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(*high);
-					let diff = highest - lowest;
-					// Create up to `STEPS` steps for that component between high and low.
-					let step_size = (diff / steps).max(1);
-					let num_of_steps = diff / step_size + 1;
-					for s in 0..num_of_steps {
-						// This is the value we will be testing for component `name`
-						let component_value = lowest + step_size * s;
-						// Select the max value for all the other components.
-						let c: Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)> = components.iter()
-							.enumerate()
-							.map(|(idx, (n, _, h))|
-								if n == name {
-									(*n, component_value)
-								} else {
-									(*n, *highest_range_values.get(idx).unwrap_or(h))
-								}
-							)
-							.collect();
-						// Run the benchmark `repeat` times.
-						for _ in 0..repeat {
-							// Set up the externalities environment for the setup we want to benchmark.
-							let closure_to_benchmark = <
-								SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance>
-							>::instance(&selected_benchmark, &c)?;
-							// Set the block number to at least 1 so events are deposited.
-							if $crate::Zero::is_zero(&frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::block_number()) {
-								frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::set_block_number($crate::One::one());
-							}
-							// Commit the externalities to the database, flushing the DB cache.
-							// This will enable worst case scenario for reading from the database.
-							$crate::benchmarking::commit_db();
-							// Reset the read/write counter so we don't count operations in the setup process.
-							$crate::benchmarking::reset_read_write_count();
-							// Time the extrinsic logic.
-							frame_support::debug::trace!(
-								target: "benchmark",
-								"Start Benchmark: {:?} {:?}", name, component_value
-							);
-							let start_extrinsic = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
-							closure_to_benchmark()?;
-							let finish_extrinsic = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
-							let elapsed_extrinsic = finish_extrinsic - start_extrinsic;
+				let repeat_benchmark = |
+					repeat: u32,
+					c: Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)>,
+					results: &mut Vec<$crate::BenchmarkResults>,
+				| -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+					// Run the benchmark `repeat` times.
+					for _ in 0..repeat {
+						// Set up the externalities environment for the setup we want to
+						// benchmark.
+						let closure_to_benchmark = <
+							SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime $(, $instance)?>
+						>::instance(&selected_benchmark, &c)?;
-							$crate::benchmarking::commit_db();
-							frame_support::debug::trace!(
-								target: "benchmark",
-								"End Benchmark: {} ns", elapsed_extrinsic
-							);
-							let read_write_count = $crate::benchmarking::read_write_count();
-							frame_support::debug::trace!(
-								target: "benchmark",
-								"Read/Write Count {:?}", read_write_count
-							);
+						// Set the block number to at least 1 so events are deposited.
+						if $crate::Zero::is_zero(&frame_system::Module::<T>::block_number()) {
+							frame_system::Module::<T>::set_block_number(1u8.into());
+						}
-							// Time the storage root recalculation.
-							let start_storage_root = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
-							$crate::storage_root();
-							let finish_storage_root = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
-							let elapsed_storage_root = finish_storage_root - start_storage_root;
+						// Commit the externalities to the database, flushing the DB cache.
+						// This will enable worst case scenario for reading from the database.
+						$crate::benchmarking::commit_db();
+						// Reset the read/write counter so we don't count operations in the setup process.
+						$crate::benchmarking::reset_read_write_count();
+						// Time the extrinsic logic.
+						frame_support::debug::trace!(
+							target: "benchmark",
+							"Start Benchmark: {:?}", c
+						);
+						let start_extrinsic = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
+						closure_to_benchmark()?;
+						let finish_extrinsic = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
+						let elapsed_extrinsic = finish_extrinsic - start_extrinsic;
+						// Commit the changes to get proper write count
+						$crate::benchmarking::commit_db();
+						frame_support::debug::trace!(
+							target: "benchmark",
+							"End Benchmark: {} ns", elapsed_extrinsic
+						);
+						let read_write_count = $crate::benchmarking::read_write_count();
+						frame_support::debug::trace!(
+							target: "benchmark",
+							"Read/Write Count {:?}", read_write_count
+						);
+						// Time the storage root recalculation.
+						let start_storage_root = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
+						$crate::storage_root();
+						let finish_storage_root = $crate::benchmarking::current_time();
+						let elapsed_storage_root = finish_storage_root - start_storage_root;
+						results.push($crate::BenchmarkResults {
+							components: c.clone(),
+							extrinsic_time: elapsed_extrinsic,
+							storage_root_time: elapsed_storage_root,
+							reads: read_write_count.0,
+							repeat_reads: read_write_count.1,
+							writes: read_write_count.2,
+							repeat_writes: read_write_count.3,
+						});
+						// Wipe the DB back to the genesis state.
+						$crate::benchmarking::wipe_db();
+					}
-							results.push($crate::BenchmarkResults {
-								components: c.clone(),
-								extrinsic_time: elapsed_extrinsic,
-								storage_root_time: elapsed_storage_root,
-								reads: read_write_count.0,
-								repeat_reads: read_write_count.1,
-								writes: read_write_count.2,
-								repeat_writes: read_write_count.3,
-							});
+					Ok(())
+				};
-							// Wipe the DB back to the genesis state.
-							$crate::benchmarking::wipe_db();
+				if components.is_empty() {
+					repeat_benchmark(repeat, Default::default(), &mut results)?;
+				} else {
+					// Select the component we will be benchmarking. Each component will be benchmarked.
+					for (idx, (name, low, high)) in components.iter().enumerate() {
+						// Get the number of steps for this component.
+						let steps = steps.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(prev_steps);
+						prev_steps = steps;
+						// Skip this loop if steps is zero
+						if steps == 0 { continue }
+						let lowest = lowest_range_values.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(*low);
+						let highest = highest_range_values.get(idx).cloned().unwrap_or(*high);
+						let diff = highest - lowest;
+						// Create up to `STEPS` steps for that component between high and low.
+						let step_size = (diff / steps).max(1);
+						let num_of_steps = diff / step_size + 1;
+						for s in 0..num_of_steps {
+							// This is the value we will be testing for component `name`
+							let component_value = lowest + step_size * s;
+							// Select the max value for all the other components.
+							let c: Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)> = components.iter()
+								.enumerate()
+								.map(|(idx, (n, _, h))|
+									if n == name {
+										(*n, component_value)
+									} else {
+										(*n, *highest_range_values.get(idx).unwrap_or(h))
+									}
+								)
+								.collect();
+							repeat_benchmark(repeat, c, &mut results)?;
 				return Ok(results);
-	}
+	};
 // This creates a unit test for one benchmark of the main benchmark macro.
@@ -1031,9 +867,8 @@ macro_rules! impl_benchmark {
 macro_rules! impl_benchmark_test {
-		$runtime:ident
-		$pallet:ident
+		$runtime:ident $pallet:ident
+		{ $( $instance:ident )? }
 	) => {
 		$crate::paste::item! {
@@ -1041,93 +876,51 @@ macro_rules! impl_benchmark_test {
 				let selected_benchmark = SelectedBenchmark::$name;
 				let components = <
-					SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime>
+					SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime, _>
-				// assert!(
-				// 	components.len() != 0,
-				// 	"You need to add components to your benchmark!",
-				// );
-				for (_, (name, low, high)) in components.iter().enumerate() {
-					// Test only the low and high value, assuming values in the middle won't break
-					for component_value in vec![low, high] {
-						// Select the max value for all the other components.
-						let c: Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)> = components.iter()
-							.enumerate()
-							.map(|(_, (n, _, h))|
-								if n == name {
-									(*n, *component_value)
-								} else {
-									(*n, *h)
-								}
-							)
-							.collect();
-						// Set up the verification state
-						let closure_to_verify = <
-							SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime>
-						>::verify(&selected_benchmark, &c)?;
-						// Set the block number to at least 1 so events are deposited.
-						if $crate::Zero::is_zero(&frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::block_number()) {
-							frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::set_block_number($crate::One::one());
-						}
-						// Run verification
-						closure_to_verify()?;
-						// Reset the state
-						$crate::benchmarking::wipe_db();
+				let execute_benchmark = |
+					c: Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)>
+				| -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+					// Set up the verification state
+					let closure_to_verify = <
+						SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetup<$runtime, _>
+					>::verify(&selected_benchmark, &c)?;
+					// Set the block number to at least 1 so events are deposited.
+					if $crate::Zero::is_zero(&frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::block_number()) {
+						frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::set_block_number(1u8.into());
-				}
-				Ok(())
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	(
-		$instance:ident
-		$runtime:ident
-		$pallet:ident
-		$name:ident
-	) => {
-		$crate::paste::item! {
-			fn [<test_benchmark_ $name>] () -> Result<(), &'static str>
-			{
-				let selected_benchmark = SelectedBenchmark::$name;
-				let components = <
-					SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance>
-				>::components(&selected_benchmark);
-				for (_, (name, low, high)) in components.iter().enumerate() {
-					// Test only the low and high value, assuming values in the middle won't break
-					for component_value in vec![low, high] {
-						// Select the max value for all the other components.
-						let c: Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)> = components.iter()
-							.enumerate()
-							.map(|(_, (n, _, h))|
-								if n == name {
-									(*n, *component_value)
-								} else {
-									(*n, *h)
-								}
-							)
-							.collect();
+					// Run verification
+					closure_to_verify()?;
-						// Set up the verification state
-						let closure_to_verify = <
-							SelectedBenchmark as $crate::BenchmarkingSetupInstance<$runtime, $instance>
-						>::verify(&selected_benchmark, &c)?;
-						// Set the block number to at least 1 so events are deposited.
-						if $crate::Zero::is_zero(&frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::block_number()) {
-							frame_system::Module::<$runtime>::set_block_number($crate::One::one());
-						}
+					// Reset the state
+					$crate::benchmarking::wipe_db();
-						// Run verification
-						closure_to_verify()?;
+					Ok(())
+				};
-						// Reset the state
-						$crate::benchmarking::wipe_db();
+				if components.is_empty() {
+					execute_benchmark(Default::default())?;
+				} else {
+					for (_, (name, low, high)) in components.iter().enumerate() {
+						// Test only the low and high value, assuming values in the middle won't break
+						for component_value in vec![low, high] {
+							// Select the max value for all the other components.
+							let c: Vec<($crate::BenchmarkParameter, u32)> = components.iter()
+								.enumerate()
+								.map(|(_, (n, _, h))|
+									if n == name {
+										(*n, *component_value)
+									} else {
+										(*n, *h)
+									}
+								)
+								.collect();
+							execute_benchmark(c)?;
+						}
@@ -1141,33 +934,47 @@ macro_rules! impl_benchmark_test {
 /// First create an object that holds in the input parameters for the benchmark:
 /// ```ignore
-/// let params = (&pallet, &benchmark, &lowest_range_values, &highest_range_values, &steps, repeat);
+/// let params = (&pallet, &benchmark, &lowest_range_values, &highest_range_values, &steps, repeat, &whitelist);
 /// ```
-/// Then define a mutable local variable to hold your `BenchmarkBatch` object:
+/// The `whitelist` is a `Vec<Vec<u8>>` of storage keys that you would like to
+/// skip for DB tracking. For example:
+/// ```ignore
+/// let whitelist: Vec<Vec<u8>> = vec![
+///     // Block Number
+///     hex_literal::hex!("26aa394eea5630e07c48ae0c9558cef702a5c1b19ab7a04f536c519aca4983ac").to_vec(),
+///     // Total Issuance
+///     hex_literal::hex!("c2261276cc9d1f8598ea4b6a74b15c2f57c875e4cff74148e4628f264b974c80").to_vec(),
+///     // Execution Phase
+///     hex_literal::hex!("26aa394eea5630e07c48ae0c9558cef7ff553b5a9862a516939d82b3d3d8661a").to_vec(),
+///     // Event Count
+///     hex_literal::hex!("26aa394eea5630e07c48ae0c9558cef70a98fdbe9ce6c55837576c60c7af3850").to_vec(),
+/// ];
+/// Then define a mutable local variable to hold your `BenchmarkBatch` object:
 /// ```ignore
 /// let mut batches = Vec::<BenchmarkBatch>::new();
 /// ````
-/// Then add the pallets you want to benchmark to this object, including the
-/// string you want to use target a particular pallet:
+/// Then add the pallets you want to benchmark to this object, using their crate name and generated
+/// module struct:
 /// ```ignore
-/// add_benchmark!(params, batches, b"balances", Balances);
-/// add_benchmark!(params, batches, b"identity", Identity);
-/// add_benchmark!(params, batches, b"session", SessionBench::<Runtime>);
+/// add_benchmark!(params, batches, pallet_balances, Balances);
+/// add_benchmark!(params, batches, pallet_session, SessionBench::<Runtime>);
+/// add_benchmark!(params, batches, frame_system, SystemBench::<Runtime>);
 /// ...
 /// ```
 /// At the end of `dispatch_benchmark`, you should return this batches object.
 macro_rules! add_benchmark {
-	( $params:ident, $batches:ident, $name:literal, $( $location:tt )* ) => (
-		let (pallet, benchmark, lowest_range_values, highest_range_values, steps, repeat, whitelist) = $params;
-		if &pallet[..] == &$name[..] || &pallet[..] == &b"*"[..] {
+	( $params:ident, $batches:ident, $name:ident, $( $location:tt )* ) => (
+		let name_string = stringify!($name).as_bytes();
+		let (pallet, benchmark, lowest_range_values, highest_range_values, steps, repeat, whitelist, extra) = $params;
+		if &pallet[..] == &name_string[..] || &pallet[..] == &b"*"[..] {
 			if &pallet[..] == &b"*"[..] || &benchmark[..] == &b"*"[..] {
-				for benchmark in $( $location )*::Benchmark::benchmarks().into_iter() {
+				for benchmark in $( $location )*::Benchmark::benchmarks(extra).into_iter() {
 					$batches.push($crate::BenchmarkBatch {
 						results: $( $location )*::Benchmark::run_benchmark(
@@ -1177,7 +984,7 @@ macro_rules! add_benchmark {
-						pallet: $name.to_vec(),
+						pallet: name_string.to_vec(),
 						benchmark: benchmark.to_vec(),
@@ -1191,7 +998,7 @@ macro_rules! add_benchmark {
-					pallet: $name.to_vec(),
+					pallet: name_string.to_vec(),
 					benchmark: benchmark.clone(),
diff --git a/currencies/Cargo.toml b/currencies/Cargo.toml
index 040cf08..43c95db 100644
--- a/currencies/Cargo.toml
+++ b/currencies/Cargo.toml
@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ edition = "2018"
 serde = { version = "1.0.111", optional = true }
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 orml-traits = { path = "../traits", version = "0.1.3-dev", default-features = false }
-sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-pallet-balances = "2.0.0-rc5"
+sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+pallet-balances = "2.0.0-rc6"
 tokens = { package = "orml-tokens", path = "../tokens" }
 clear_on_drop = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["no_cc"] }	#
diff --git a/gradually-update/Cargo.toml b/gradually-update/Cargo.toml
index 0137849..ed904c8 100644
--- a/gradually-update/Cargo.toml
+++ b/gradually-update/Cargo.toml
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ edition = "2018"
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 default = ["std"]
diff --git a/oracle/Cargo.toml b/oracle/Cargo.toml
index 8bc40a1..c1328d5 100644
--- a/oracle/Cargo.toml
+++ b/oracle/Cargo.toml
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ edition = "2018"
 serde = { version = "1.0.111", optional = true }
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-sp-application-crypto = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-application-crypto = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 orml-traits = { path = "../traits", version = "0.1.3-dev", default-features = false }
 orml-utilities = { path = "../utilities", version = "0.1.3-dev", default-features = false }
-sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 clear_on_drop = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["no_cc"] }	#
diff --git a/oracle/rpc/Cargo.toml b/oracle/rpc/Cargo.toml
index 5a4c644..b745f2b 100644
--- a/oracle/rpc/Cargo.toml
+++ b/oracle/rpc/Cargo.toml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0" }
 jsonrpc-core = "14.0.5"
 jsonrpc-core-client = "14.0.5"
 jsonrpc-derive = "14.0.5"
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5" }
-sp-api = { version = "2.0.0-rc5" }
-sp-blockchain = { version = "2.0.0-rc5" }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6" }
+sp-api = { version = "2.0.0-rc6" }
+sp-blockchain = { version = "2.0.0-rc6" }
 orml-oracle-rpc-runtime-api = { path = "runtime-api" }
diff --git a/oracle/rpc/runtime-api/Cargo.toml b/oracle/rpc/runtime-api/Cargo.toml
index 6fb8e44..b81c91c 100644
--- a/oracle/rpc/runtime-api/Cargo.toml
+++ b/oracle/rpc/runtime-api/Cargo.toml
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ edition = "2018"
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false, features = ["derive"] }
-sp-api = { default-features = false, version = "2.0.0-rc5" }
-sp-std = { default-features = false, version = "2.0.0-rc5" }
+sp-api = { default-features = false, version = "2.0.0-rc6" }
+sp-std = { default-features = false, version = "2.0.0-rc6" }
 default = ["std"]
diff --git a/tokens/Cargo.toml b/tokens/Cargo.toml
index 98e1077..34a7e13 100644
--- a/tokens/Cargo.toml
+++ b/tokens/Cargo.toml
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ edition = "2018"
 serde = { version = "1.0.111", optional = true }
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 orml-traits = { path = "../traits", version = "0.1.3-dev", default-features = false }
-sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 clear_on_drop = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["no_cc"] }	#
diff --git a/traits/Cargo.toml b/traits/Cargo.toml
index b20c75b..0f7b2c5 100644
--- a/traits/Cargo.toml
+++ b/traits/Cargo.toml
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ edition = "2018"
 serde = { version = "1.0.111", optional = true }
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 num-traits = { version = "0.2.11", default-features = false }
 impl-trait-for-tuples = "0.1.3"
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 clear_on_drop = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["no_cc"] }	#
diff --git a/utilities/Cargo.toml b/utilities/Cargo.toml
index 5010341..acd04b3 100644
--- a/utilities/Cargo.toml
+++ b/utilities/Cargo.toml
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ edition = "2018"
 serde = { version = "1.0.111", optional = true }
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
 serde_json = "1.0.53"
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5" }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5" }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6" }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6" }
 clear_on_drop = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["no_cc"] }	#
diff --git a/vesting/Cargo.toml b/vesting/Cargo.toml
index 10210be..9c73227 100644
--- a/vesting/Cargo.toml
+++ b/vesting/Cargo.toml
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ edition = "2018"
 serde = { version = "1.0.111", optional = true }
 codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "1.3.0", default-features = false }
-sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+sp-runtime = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-io = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+sp-std = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
-frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
+frame-support = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+frame-system = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
-sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc5", default-features = false }
-pallet-balances = "2.0.0-rc5"
+sp-core = { version = "2.0.0-rc6", default-features = false }
+pallet-balances = "2.0.0-rc6"
 clear_on_drop = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["no_cc"] }	#