/* * ffprobe : Simple Media Prober based on the FFmpeg libraries * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Stefano Sabatini * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "libavformat/avformat.h" #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavutil/opt.h" #include "libavutil/pixdesc.h" #include "libavutil/dict.h" #include "libavdevice/avdevice.h" #include "cmdutils.h" const char program_name[] = "ffprobe"; const int program_birth_year = 2007; static int do_show_format = 0; static int do_show_packets = 0; static int do_show_streams = 0; static int show_value_unit = 0; static int use_value_prefix = 0; static int use_byte_value_binary_prefix = 0; static int use_value_sexagesimal_format = 0; static char *print_format; /* globals */ static const OptionDef options[]; /* FFprobe context */ static const char *input_filename; static AVInputFormat *iformat = NULL; static const char *binary_unit_prefixes [] = { "", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi" }; static const char *decimal_unit_prefixes[] = { "", "K" , "M" , "G" , "T" , "P" }; static const char *unit_second_str = "s" ; static const char *unit_hertz_str = "Hz" ; static const char *unit_byte_str = "byte" ; static const char *unit_bit_per_second_str = "bit/s"; void exit_program(int ret) { exit(ret); } static char *value_string(char *buf, int buf_size, double val, const char *unit) { if (unit == unit_second_str && use_value_sexagesimal_format) { double secs; int hours, mins; secs = val; mins = (int)secs / 60; secs = secs - mins * 60; hours = mins / 60; mins %= 60; snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%d:%02d:%09.6f", hours, mins, secs); } else if (use_value_prefix) { const char *prefix_string; int index; if (unit == unit_byte_str && use_byte_value_binary_prefix) { index = (int) (log(val)/log(2)) / 10; index = av_clip(index, 0, FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(binary_unit_prefixes) -1); val /= pow(2, index*10); prefix_string = binary_unit_prefixes[index]; } else { index = (int) (log10(val)) / 3; index = av_clip(index, 0, FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(decimal_unit_prefixes) -1); val /= pow(10, index*3); prefix_string = decimal_unit_prefixes[index]; } snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%.3f%s%s%s", val, prefix_string || show_value_unit ? " " : "", prefix_string, show_value_unit ? unit : ""); } else { snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%f%s%s", val, show_value_unit ? " " : "", show_value_unit ? unit : ""); } return buf; } static char *time_value_string(char *buf, int buf_size, int64_t val, const AVRational *time_base) { if (val == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { snprintf(buf, buf_size, "N/A"); } else { value_string(buf, buf_size, val * av_q2d(*time_base), unit_second_str); } return buf; } static char *ts_value_string (char *buf, int buf_size, int64_t ts) { if (ts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { snprintf(buf, buf_size, "N/A"); } else { snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%"PRId64, ts); } return buf; } struct writer { const char *name; const char *item_sep; ///< separator between key/value couples const char *items_sep; ///< separator between sets of key/value couples const char *section_sep; ///< separator between sections (streams, packets, ...) const char *header, *footer; void (*print_section_start)(const char *, int); void (*print_section_end) (const char *, int); void (*print_header)(const char *); void (*print_footer)(const char *); void (*print_integer)(const char *, int); void (*print_string)(const char *, const char *); void (*show_tags)(struct writer *w, AVDictionary *dict); }; /* JSON output */ static void json_print_header(const char *section) { printf("{\n"); } static char *json_escape_str(const char *s) { static const char json_escape[] = {'"', '\\', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', 0}; static const char json_subst[] = {'"', '\\', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 0}; char *ret, *p; int i, len = 0; // compute the length of the escaped string for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) { if (strchr(json_escape, s[i])) len += 2; // simple escape else if ((unsigned char)s[i] < 32) len += 6; // handle non-printable chars else len += 1; // char copy } p = ret = av_malloc(len + 1); if (!p) return NULL; for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) { char *q = strchr(json_escape, s[i]); if (q) { *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = json_subst[q - json_escape]; } else if ((unsigned char)s[i] < 32) { snprintf(p, 7, "\\u00%02x", s[i] & 0xff); p += 6; } else { *p++ = s[i]; } } *p = 0; return ret; } static void json_print_str(const char *key, const char *value) { char *key_esc = json_escape_str(key); char *value_esc = json_escape_str(value); printf(" \"%s\": \"%s\"", key_esc ? key_esc : "", value_esc ? value_esc : ""); av_free(key_esc); av_free(value_esc); } static void json_print_int(const char *key, int value) { char *key_esc = json_escape_str(key); printf(" \"%s\": %d", key_esc ? key_esc : "", value); av_free(key_esc); } static void json_print_footer(const char *section) { printf("\n }"); } static void json_print_section_start(const char *section, int multiple_entries) { char *section_esc = json_escape_str(section); printf("\n \"%s\":%s", section_esc ? section_esc : "", multiple_entries ? " [" : " "); av_free(section_esc); } static void json_print_section_end(const char *section, int multiple_entries) { if (multiple_entries) printf("]"); } /* Default output */ static void default_print_header(const char *section) { printf("[%s]\n", section); } static void default_print_str(const char *key, const char *value) { printf("%s=%s", key, value); } static void default_print_int(const char *key, int value) { printf("%s=%d", key, value); } static void default_print_footer(const char *section) { printf("\n[/%s]", section); } /* Print helpers */ struct print_buf { char *s; int len; }; static char *fast_asprintf(struct print_buf *pbuf, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; int len; va_start(va, fmt); len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, va); va_end(va); if (len < 0) goto fail; if (pbuf->len < len) { char *p = av_realloc(pbuf->s, len + 1); if (!p) goto fail; pbuf->s = p; pbuf->len = len; } va_start(va, fmt); len = vsnprintf(pbuf->s, len + 1, fmt, va); va_end(va); if (len < 0) goto fail; return pbuf->s; fail: av_freep(&pbuf->s); pbuf->len = 0; return NULL; } #define print_fmt0(k, f, ...) do { \ if (fast_asprintf(&pbuf, f, __VA_ARGS__)) \ w->print_string(k, pbuf.s); \ } while (0) #define print_fmt( k, f, ...) do { \ if (w->item_sep) \ printf("%s", w->item_sep); \ print_fmt0(k, f, __VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #define print_int0(k, v) w->print_integer(k, v) #define print_int( k, v) do { \ if (w->item_sep) \ printf("%s", w->item_sep); \ print_int0(k, v); \ } while (0) #define print_str0(k, v) print_fmt0(k, "%s", v) #define print_str( k, v) print_fmt (k, "%s", v) static void show_packet(struct writer *w, AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx, AVPacket *pkt, int packet_idx) { char val_str[128]; AVStream *st = fmt_ctx->streams[pkt->stream_index]; struct print_buf pbuf = {.s = NULL}; if (packet_idx) printf("%s", w->items_sep); w->print_header("PACKET"); print_str0("codec_type", av_x_if_null(av_get_media_type_string(st->codec->codec_type), "unknown")); print_int("stream_index", pkt->stream_index); print_str("pts", ts_value_string (val_str, sizeof(val_str), pkt->pts)); print_str("pts_time", time_value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), pkt->pts, &st->time_base)); print_str("dts", ts_value_string (val_str, sizeof(val_str), pkt->dts)); print_str("dts_time", time_value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), pkt->dts, &st->time_base)); print_str("duration", ts_value_string (val_str, sizeof(val_str), pkt->duration)); print_str("duration_time", time_value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), pkt->duration, &st->time_base)); print_str("size", value_string (val_str, sizeof(val_str), pkt->size, unit_byte_str)); print_fmt("pos", "%"PRId64, pkt->pos); print_fmt("flags", "%c", pkt->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY ? 'K' : '_'); w->print_footer("PACKET"); av_free(pbuf.s); fflush(stdout); } static void show_packets(struct writer *w, AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx) { AVPacket pkt; int i = 0; av_init_packet(&pkt); while (!av_read_frame(fmt_ctx, &pkt)) show_packet(w, fmt_ctx, &pkt, i++); } static void json_show_tags(struct writer *w, AVDictionary *dict) { AVDictionaryEntry *tag = NULL; struct print_buf pbuf = {.s = NULL}; int first = 1; if (!dict) return; printf(",\n \"tags\": {\n"); while ((tag = av_dict_get(dict, "", tag, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) { if (first) { print_str0(tag->key, tag->value); first = 0; } else { print_str(tag->key, tag->value); } } printf("\n }"); av_free(pbuf.s); } static void default_show_tags(struct writer *w, AVDictionary *dict) { AVDictionaryEntry *tag = NULL; struct print_buf pbuf = {.s = NULL}; while ((tag = av_dict_get(dict, "", tag, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) { printf("\nTAG:"); print_str0(tag->key, tag->value); } av_free(pbuf.s); } static void show_stream(struct writer *w, AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx, int stream_idx) { AVStream *stream = fmt_ctx->streams[stream_idx]; AVCodecContext *dec_ctx; AVCodec *dec; char val_str[128]; AVRational display_aspect_ratio; struct print_buf pbuf = {.s = NULL}; if (stream_idx) printf("%s", w->items_sep); w->print_header("STREAM"); print_int0("index", stream->index); if ((dec_ctx = stream->codec)) { if ((dec = dec_ctx->codec)) { print_str("codec_name", dec->name); print_str("codec_long_name", dec->long_name); } else { print_str("codec_name", "unknown"); } print_str("codec_type", av_x_if_null(av_get_media_type_string(dec_ctx->codec_type), "unknown")); print_fmt("codec_time_base", "%d/%d", dec_ctx->time_base.num, dec_ctx->time_base.den); /* print AVI/FourCC tag */ av_get_codec_tag_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), dec_ctx->codec_tag); print_str("codec_tag_string", val_str); print_fmt("codec_tag", "0x%04x", dec_ctx->codec_tag); switch (dec_ctx->codec_type) { case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: print_int("width", dec_ctx->width); print_int("height", dec_ctx->height); print_int("has_b_frames", dec_ctx->has_b_frames); if (dec_ctx->sample_aspect_ratio.num) { print_fmt("sample_aspect_ratio", "%d:%d", dec_ctx->sample_aspect_ratio.num, dec_ctx->sample_aspect_ratio.den); av_reduce(&display_aspect_ratio.num, &display_aspect_ratio.den, dec_ctx->width * dec_ctx->sample_aspect_ratio.num, dec_ctx->height * dec_ctx->sample_aspect_ratio.den, 1024*1024); print_fmt("display_aspect_ratio", "%d:%d", display_aspect_ratio.num, display_aspect_ratio.den); } print_str("pix_fmt", dec_ctx->pix_fmt != PIX_FMT_NONE ? av_pix_fmt_descriptors[dec_ctx->pix_fmt].name : "unknown"); print_int("level", dec_ctx->level); break; case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: print_str("sample_rate", value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), dec_ctx->sample_rate, unit_hertz_str)); print_int("channels", dec_ctx->channels); print_int("bits_per_sample", av_get_bits_per_sample(dec_ctx->codec_id)); break; } } else { print_str("codec_type", "unknown"); } if (fmt_ctx->iformat->flags & AVFMT_SHOW_IDS) print_fmt("id=", "0x%x", stream->id); print_fmt("r_frame_rate", "%d/%d", stream->r_frame_rate.num, stream->r_frame_rate.den); print_fmt("avg_frame_rate", "%d/%d", stream->avg_frame_rate.num, stream->avg_frame_rate.den); print_fmt("time_base", "%d/%d", stream->time_base.num, stream->time_base.den); print_str("start_time", time_value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), stream->start_time, &stream->time_base)); print_str("duration", time_value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), stream->duration, &stream->time_base)); if (stream->nb_frames) print_fmt("nb_frames", "%"PRId64, stream->nb_frames); w->show_tags(w, stream->metadata); w->print_footer("STREAM"); av_free(pbuf.s); fflush(stdout); } static void show_streams(struct writer *w, AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fmt_ctx->nb_streams; i++) show_stream(w, fmt_ctx, i); } static void show_format(struct writer *w, AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx) { char val_str[128]; struct print_buf pbuf = {.s = NULL}; w->print_header("FORMAT"); print_str0("filename", fmt_ctx->filename); print_int("nb_streams", fmt_ctx->nb_streams); print_str("format_name", fmt_ctx->iformat->name); print_str("format_long_name", fmt_ctx->iformat->long_name); print_str("start_time", time_value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), fmt_ctx->start_time, &AV_TIME_BASE_Q)); print_str("duration", time_value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), fmt_ctx->duration, &AV_TIME_BASE_Q)); print_str("size", value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), fmt_ctx->file_size, unit_byte_str)); print_str("bit_rate", value_string(val_str, sizeof(val_str), fmt_ctx->bit_rate, unit_bit_per_second_str)); w->show_tags(w, fmt_ctx->metadata); w->print_footer("FORMAT"); av_free(pbuf.s); fflush(stdout); } static int open_input_file(AVFormatContext **fmt_ctx_ptr, const char *filename) { int err, i; AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx = NULL; AVDictionaryEntry *t; if ((err = avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, filename, iformat, &format_opts)) < 0) { print_error(filename, err); return err; } if ((t = av_dict_get(format_opts, "", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Option %s not found.\n", t->key); return AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND; } /* fill the streams in the format context */ if ((err = avformat_find_stream_info(fmt_ctx, NULL)) < 0) { print_error(filename, err); return err; } av_dump_format(fmt_ctx, 0, filename, 0); /* bind a decoder to each input stream */ for (i = 0; i < fmt_ctx->nb_streams; i++) { AVStream *stream = fmt_ctx->streams[i]; AVCodec *codec; if (!(codec = avcodec_find_decoder(stream->codec->codec_id))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec with id %d for input stream %d\n", stream->codec->codec_id, stream->index); } else if (avcodec_open2(stream->codec, codec, NULL) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while opening codec for input stream %d\n", stream->index); } } *fmt_ctx_ptr = fmt_ctx; return 0; } #define WRITER_FUNC(func) \ .print_header = func ## _print_header, \ .print_footer = func ## _print_footer, \ .print_integer = func ## _print_int, \ .print_string = func ## _print_str, \ .show_tags = func ## _show_tags static struct writer writers[] = {{ .name = "default", .item_sep = "\n", .items_sep = "\n", .section_sep = "\n", .footer = "\n", WRITER_FUNC(default), },{ .name = "json", .header = "{", .item_sep = ",\n", .items_sep = ",", .section_sep = ",", .footer = "\n}\n", .print_section_start = json_print_section_start, .print_section_end = json_print_section_end, WRITER_FUNC(json), } }; static int get_writer(const char *name) { int i; if (!name) return 0; for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(writers); i++) if (!strcmp(writers[i].name, name)) return i; return -1; } #define SECTION_PRINT(name, multiple_entries, left) do { \ if (do_show_ ## name) { \ if (w->print_section_start) \ w->print_section_start(#name, multiple_entries); \ show_ ## name (w, fmt_ctx); \ if (w->print_section_end) \ w->print_section_end(#name, multiple_entries); \ if (left) \ printf("%s", w->section_sep); \ } \ } while (0) static int probe_file(const char *filename) { AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx; int ret, writer_id; struct writer *w; writer_id = get_writer(print_format); if (writer_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output format '%s'\n", print_format); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } w = &writers[writer_id]; if ((ret = open_input_file(&fmt_ctx, filename))) return ret; if (w->header) printf("%s", w->header); SECTION_PRINT(packets, 1, do_show_streams || do_show_format); SECTION_PRINT(streams, 1, do_show_format); SECTION_PRINT(format, 0, 0); if (w->footer) printf("%s", w->footer); av_close_input_file(fmt_ctx); return 0; } static void show_usage(void) { printf("Simple multimedia streams analyzer\n"); printf("usage: %s [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE]\n", program_name); printf("\n"); } static int opt_format(const char *opt, const char *arg) { iformat = av_find_input_format(arg); if (!iformat) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown input format: %s\n", arg); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } return 0; } static void opt_input_file(void *optctx, const char *arg) { if (input_filename) { fprintf(stderr, "Argument '%s' provided as input filename, but '%s' was already specified.\n", arg, input_filename); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(arg, "-")) arg = "pipe:"; input_filename = arg; } static int opt_help(const char *opt, const char *arg) { const AVClass *class = avformat_get_class(); av_log_set_callback(log_callback_help); show_usage(); show_help_options(options, "Main options:\n", 0, 0); printf("\n"); av_opt_show2(&class, NULL, AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM, 0); return 0; } static int opt_pretty(const char *opt, const char *arg) { show_value_unit = 1; use_value_prefix = 1; use_byte_value_binary_prefix = 1; use_value_sexagesimal_format = 1; return 0; } static const OptionDef options[] = { #include "cmdutils_common_opts.h" { "f", HAS_ARG, {(void*)opt_format}, "force format", "format" }, { "unit", OPT_BOOL, {(void*)&show_value_unit}, "show unit of the displayed values" }, { "prefix", OPT_BOOL, {(void*)&use_value_prefix}, "use SI prefixes for the displayed values" }, { "byte_binary_prefix", OPT_BOOL, {(void*)&use_byte_value_binary_prefix}, "use binary prefixes for byte units" }, { "sexagesimal", OPT_BOOL, {(void*)&use_value_sexagesimal_format}, "use sexagesimal format HOURS:MM:SS.MICROSECONDS for time units" }, { "pretty", 0, {(void*)&opt_pretty}, "prettify the format of displayed values, make it more human readable" }, { "print_format", OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG, {(void*)&print_format}, "set the output printing format (available formats are: default, json)", "format" }, { "show_format", OPT_BOOL, {(void*)&do_show_format} , "show format/container info" }, { "show_packets", OPT_BOOL, {(void*)&do_show_packets}, "show packets info" }, { "show_streams", OPT_BOOL, {(void*)&do_show_streams}, "show streams info" }, { "default", HAS_ARG | OPT_AUDIO | OPT_VIDEO | OPT_EXPERT, {(void*)opt_default}, "generic catch all option", "" }, { "i", HAS_ARG, {(void *)opt_input_file}, "read specified file", "input_file"}, { NULL, }, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; av_register_all(); init_opts(); #if CONFIG_AVDEVICE avdevice_register_all(); #endif show_banner(); parse_options(NULL, argc, argv, options, opt_input_file); if (!input_filename) { show_usage(); fprintf(stderr, "You have to specify one input file.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Use -h to get full help or, even better, run 'man %s'.\n", program_name); exit(1); } ret = probe_file(input_filename); return ret; }