From 9c8bc74c2b40537b0997f646c87c008042d788c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Martin=20Storsj=C3=B6?= <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 11:37:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] arm: vp9itxfm: Skip empty slices in the first pass of
 idct_idct 16x16 and 32x32
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This work is sponsored by, and copyright, Google.

Previously all subpartitions except the eob=1 (DC) case ran with
the same runtime:

                                     Cortex A7       A8       A9      A53
vp9_inv_dct_dct_16x16_sub16_add_neon:   3188.1   2435.4   2499.0   1969.0
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub32_add_neon:  18531.7  16582.3  14207.6  12000.3

By skipping individual 4x16 or 4x32 pixel slices in the first pass,
we reduce the runtime of these functions like this:

vp9_inv_dct_dct_16x16_sub1_add_neon:     274.6    189.5    211.7    235.8
vp9_inv_dct_dct_16x16_sub2_add_neon:    2064.0   1534.8   1719.4   1248.7
vp9_inv_dct_dct_16x16_sub4_add_neon:    2135.0   1477.2   1736.3   1249.5
vp9_inv_dct_dct_16x16_sub8_add_neon:    2446.7   1828.7   1993.6   1494.7
vp9_inv_dct_dct_16x16_sub12_add_neon:   2832.4   2118.3   2266.5   1735.1
vp9_inv_dct_dct_16x16_sub16_add_neon:   3211.7   2475.3   2523.5   1983.1
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub1_add_neon:     756.2    456.7    862.0    553.9
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub2_add_neon:   10682.2   8190.4   8539.2   6762.5
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub4_add_neon:   10813.5   8014.9   8518.3   6762.8
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub8_add_neon:   11859.6   9313.0   9347.4   7514.5
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub12_add_neon:  12946.6  10752.4  10192.2   8280.2
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub16_add_neon:  14074.6  11946.5  11001.4   9008.6
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub20_add_neon:  15269.9  13662.7  11816.1   9762.6
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub24_add_neon:  16327.9  14940.1  12626.7  10516.0
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub28_add_neon:  17462.7  15776.1  13446.2  11264.7
vp9_inv_dct_dct_32x32_sub32_add_neon:  18575.5  17157.0  14249.3  12015.1

I.e. in general a very minor overhead for the full subpartition case due
to the additional loads and cmps, but a significant speedup for the cases
when we only need to process a small part of the actual input data.

In common VP9 content in a few inspected clips, 70-90% of the non-dc-only
16x16 and 32x32 IDCTs only have nonzero coefficients in the upper left
8x8 or 16x16 subpartitions respectively.

Signed-off-by: Martin Storsjö <>
 libavcodec/arm/vp9itxfm_neon.S | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 tests/checkasm/vp9dsp.c        |  6 ++-
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/arm/vp9itxfm_neon.S b/libavcodec/arm/vp9itxfm_neon.S
index 2049241d088..5abe435be9e 100644
--- a/libavcodec/arm/vp9itxfm_neon.S
+++ b/libavcodec/arm/vp9itxfm_neon.S
@@ -659,9 +659,8 @@ endfunc
 @ Read a vertical 4x16 slice out of a 16x16 matrix, do a transform on it,
 @ transpose into a horizontal 16x4 slice and store.
 @ r0 = dst (temp buffer)
-@ r1 = unused
+@ r1 = slice offset
 @ r2 = src
-@ r3 = slice offset
 function \txfm\()16_1d_4x16_pass1_neon
         mov             r12, #32
         vmov.s16        q2, #0
@@ -678,14 +677,14 @@ function \txfm\()16_1d_4x16_pass1_neon
         transpose16_q_4x_4x4 q8,  q9,  q10, q11, q12, q13, q14, q15, d16, d17, d18, d19, d20, d21, d22, d23, d24, d25, d26, d27, d28, d29, d30, d31
         @ Store the transposed 4x4 blocks horizontally.
-        cmp             r3,  #12
+        cmp             r1,  #12
         beq             1f
 .irp i, 16, 20, 24, 28, 17, 21, 25, 29, 18, 22, 26, 30, 19, 23, 27, 31
         vst1.16         {d\i}, [r0,:64]!
         bx              lr
-        @ Special case: For the last input column (r3 == 12),
+        @ Special case: For the last input column (r1 == 12),
         @ which would be stored as the last row in the temp buffer,
         @ don't store the first 4x4 block, but keep it in registers
         @ for the first slice of the second pass (where it is the
@@ -781,15 +780,22 @@ endfunc
 itxfm16_1d_funcs idct
 itxfm16_1d_funcs iadst
+@ This is the minimum eob value for each subpartition, in increments of 4
+const min_eob_idct_idct_16, align=4
+        .short  0, 10, 38, 89
 .macro itxfm_func16x16 txfm1, txfm2
 function ff_vp9_\txfm1\()_\txfm2\()_16x16_add_neon, export=1
 .ifc \txfm1\()_\txfm2,idct_idct
         cmp             r3,  #1
         beq             idct16x16_dc_add_neon
-        push            {r4-r7,lr}
+        push            {r4-r8,lr}
 .ifnc \txfm1\()_\txfm2,idct_idct
         vpush           {q4-q7}
+        movrel          r8,  min_eob_idct_idct_16 + 2
         @ Align the stack, allocate a temp buffer
@@ -810,10 +816,36 @@ A       and             r7,  sp,  #15
 .irp i, 0, 4, 8, 12
         add             r0,  sp,  #(\i*32)
+.ifc \txfm1\()_\txfm2,idct_idct
+.if \i > 0
+        ldrh_post       r1,  r8,  #2
+        cmp             r3,  r1
+        it              le
+        movle           r1,  #(16 - \i)/4
+        ble             1f
+        mov             r1,  #\i
         add             r2,  r6,  #(\i*2)
-        mov             r3,  #\i
         bl              \txfm1\()16_1d_4x16_pass1_neon
+.ifc \txfm1\()_\txfm2,idct_idct
+        b               3f
+        @ For all-zero slices in pass 1, set d28-d31 to zero, for the in-register
+        @ passthrough of coefficients to pass 2 and clear the end of the temp buffer
+        vmov.i16        q14, #0
+        vmov.i16        q15, #0
+        subs            r1,  r1,  #1
+.rept 4
+        vst1.16         {q14-q15}, [r0,:128]!
+        bne             2b
 .ifc \txfm1\()_\txfm2,iadst_idct
         movrel          r12, idct_coeffs
         vld1.16         {q0-q1}, [r12,:128]
@@ -830,7 +862,7 @@ A       and             r7,  sp,  #15
 .ifnc \txfm1\()_\txfm2,idct_idct
         vpop            {q4-q7}
-        pop             {r4-r7,pc}
+        pop             {r4-r8,pc}
@@ -1110,11 +1142,16 @@ function idct32_1d_4x32_pass2_neon
         bx              lr
+const min_eob_idct_idct_32, align=4
+        .short  0, 9, 34, 70, 135, 240, 336, 448
 function ff_vp9_idct_idct_32x32_add_neon, export=1
         cmp             r3,  #1
         beq             idct32x32_dc_add_neon
-        push            {r4-r7,lr}
+        push            {r4-r8,lr}
         vpush           {q4-q7}
+        movrel          r8,  min_eob_idct_idct_32 + 2
         @ Align the stack, allocate a temp buffer
 T       mov             r7,  sp
@@ -1129,9 +1166,29 @@ A       and             r7,  sp,  #15
 .irp i, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28
         add             r0,  sp,  #(\i*64)
+.if \i > 0
+        ldrh_post       r1,  r8,  #2
+        cmp             r3,  r1
+        it              le
+        movle           r1,  #(32 - \i)/2
+        ble             1f
         add             r2,  r6,  #(\i*2)
         bl              idct32_1d_4x32_pass1_neon
+        b               3f
+        @ Write zeros to the temp buffer for pass 2
+        vmov.i16        q14, #0
+        vmov.i16        q15, #0
+        subs            r1,  r1,  #1
+.rept 4
+        vst1.16         {q14-q15}, [r0,:128]!
+        bne             2b
 .irp i, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28
         add             r0,  r4,  #(\i)
         mov             r1,  r5
@@ -1141,5 +1198,5 @@ A       and             r7,  sp,  #15
         add             sp,  sp,  r7
         vpop            {q4-q7}
-        pop             {r4-r7,pc}
+        pop             {r4-r8,pc}
diff --git a/tests/checkasm/vp9dsp.c b/tests/checkasm/vp9dsp.c
index 25f9dd1f9d0..39b82e165b3 100644
--- a/tests/checkasm/vp9dsp.c
+++ b/tests/checkasm/vp9dsp.c
@@ -272,8 +272,10 @@ static void check_itxfm(void)
             // skip testing sub-IDCTs for WHT or ADST since they don't
             // implement it in any of the SIMD functions. If they do,
             // consider changing this to ensure we have complete test
-            // coverage
-            for (sub = (txtp == 0 && tx < 4) ? 1 : sz; sub <= sz; sub <<= 1) {
+            // coverage. Test sub=1 for dc-only, then 2, 4, 8, 12, etc,
+            // since the arm version can distinguish them at that level.
+            for (sub = (txtp == 0 && tx < 4) ? 1 : sz; sub <= sz;
+                 sub < 4 ? (sub <<= 1) : (sub += 4)) {
                 if (check_func(dsp.itxfm_add[tx][txtp],
                                tx == 4 ? "wht_wht" : txtp_types[txtp],