diff --git a/libavcodec/cabac.h b/libavcodec/cabac.h
index d47252eb90ee6e03558fca939e73cc95bc1034b0..9ff2b90763bac6af322a5853a95dadc745769f8e 100644
--- a/libavcodec/cabac.h
+++ b/libavcodec/cabac.h
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@
 //#undef NDEBUG
 #include <assert.h>
+#ifdef ARCH_X86_64
+#define ARCH_X86
+#ifdef ARCH_X86
+#include "x86_cpu.h"
 #define CABAC_BITS 16
 #define CABAC_MASK ((1<<CABAC_BITS)-1)
@@ -364,9 +370,15 @@ static int always_inline get_cabac_inline(CABACContext *c, uint8_t * const state
     //FIXME gcc generates duplicate load/stores for c->low and c->range
 #define LOW          "0"
 #define RANGE        "4"
+#ifdef ARCH_X86_64
+#define BYTESTART   "16"
+#define BYTE        "24"
+#define BYTEEND     "32"
 #define BYTESTART   "12"
 #define BYTE        "16"
 #define BYTEEND     "20"
 #if defined(ARCH_X86) && !(defined(PIC) && defined(__GNUC__))
     int bit;
@@ -403,14 +415,14 @@ static int always_inline get_cabac_inline(CABACContext *c, uint8_t * const state
 //eax:state ebx:low, edx:range, esi:RangeLPS
         "test %%bx, %%bx                        \n\t"
         " jnz 2f                                \n\t"
-        "movl "BYTE     "(%2), %%esi            \n\t"
+        "mov  "BYTE     "(%2), %%"REG_S"        \n\t"
         "subl $0xFFFF, %%ebx                    \n\t"
-        "movzwl (%%esi), %%ecx                  \n\t"
+        "movzwl (%%"REG_S"), %%ecx              \n\t"
         "bswap %%ecx                            \n\t"
         "shrl $15, %%ecx                        \n\t"
-        "addl $2, %%esi                         \n\t"
+        "add  $2, %%"REG_S"                     \n\t"
         "addl %%ecx, %%ebx                      \n\t"
-        "movl %%esi, "BYTE    "(%2)             \n\t"
+        "mov  %%"REG_S", "BYTE    "(%2)         \n\t"
         "jmp 2f                                 \n\t"
         "1:                                     \n\t"
 //eax:state ebx:low, edx:range, esi:RangeLPS
@@ -421,17 +433,17 @@ static int always_inline get_cabac_inline(CABACContext *c, uint8_t * const state
         "shll %%cl, %%edx                       \n\t"
         "movzbl "MANGLE(ff_h264_lps_state)"(%0), %%ecx   \n\t"
         "movb %%cl, (%1)                        \n\t"
-        "addl $1, %0                            \n\t"
+        "add  $1, %0                            \n\t"
         "test %%bx, %%bx                        \n\t"
         " jnz 2f                                \n\t"
-        "movl "BYTE     "(%2), %%ecx            \n\t"
-        "movzwl (%%ecx), %%esi                  \n\t"
+        "mov  "BYTE     "(%2), %%"REG_c"        \n\t"
+        "movzwl (%%"REG_c"), %%esi              \n\t"
         "bswap %%esi                            \n\t"
         "shrl $15, %%esi                        \n\t"
         "subl $0xFFFF, %%esi                    \n\t"
-        "addl $2, %%ecx                         \n\t"
-        "movl %%ecx, "BYTE    "(%2)             \n\t"
+        "add  $2, %%"REG_c"                     \n\t"
+        "mov  %%"REG_c", "BYTE    "(%2)         \n\t"
         "leal -1(%%ebx), %%ecx                  \n\t"
         "xorl %%ebx, %%ecx                      \n\t"
@@ -447,7 +459,7 @@ static int always_inline get_cabac_inline(CABACContext *c, uint8_t * const state
         "movl %%ebx, "LOW      "(%2)            \n\t"
         :"=&a"(bit) //FIXME this is fragile gcc either runs out of registers or misscompiles it (for example if "+a"(bit) or "+m"(*state) is used
         :"r"(state), "r"(c)
-        : "%ecx", "%ebx", "%edx", "%esi", "memory"
+        : "%"REG_c, "%ebx", "%edx", "%"REG_S, "memory"
@@ -493,13 +505,13 @@ static int always_inline get_cabac_inline(CABACContext *c, uint8_t * const state
         "shl    %%cl        , "low"                                     \n\t"\
         "test   "lowword"   , "lowword"                                 \n\t"\
         " jnz   1f                                                      \n\t"\
-        "mov "BYTE"("cabac"), %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
-        "movzwl (%%ecx)     , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
+        "mov "BYTE"("cabac"), %%"REG_c"                                 \n\t"\
+        "movzwl (%%"REG_c")     , "tmp"                                 \n\t"\
         "bswap  "tmp"                                                   \n\t"\
         "shr    $15         , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
         "sub    $0xFFFF     , "tmp"                                     \n\t"\
-        "add    $2          , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
-        "mov    %%ecx       , "BYTE    "("cabac")                       \n\t"\
+        "add    $2          , %%"REG_c"                                 \n\t"\
+        "mov    %%"REG_c"   , "BYTE    "("cabac")                       \n\t"\
         "lea    -1("low")   , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
         "xor    "low"       , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
         "shr    $15         , %%ecx                                     \n\t"\
@@ -519,7 +531,7 @@ static int always_inline get_cabac_inline(CABACContext *c, uint8_t * const state
         :"r"(state), "r"(c)
-        : "%ecx", "%ebx", "%edx", "%esi", "memory"
+        : "%"REG_c, "%ebx", "%edx", "%esi", "memory"
@@ -588,20 +600,20 @@ static int get_cabac_bypass(CABACContext *c){
         "add %%ebx, %%eax                       \n\t"
         "test %%ax, %%ax                        \n\t"
         " jnz 1f                                \n\t"
-        "movl "BYTE     "(%1), %%ebx            \n\t"
+        "movl "BYTE     "(%1), %%"REG_b"        \n\t"
         "subl $0xFFFF, %%eax                    \n\t"
-        "movzwl (%%ebx), %%ecx                  \n\t"
+        "movzwl (%%"REG_b"), %%ecx              \n\t"
         "bswap %%ecx                            \n\t"
         "shrl $15, %%ecx                        \n\t"
-        "addl $2, %%ebx                         \n\t"
+        "addl $2, %%"REG_b"                     \n\t"
         "addl %%ecx, %%eax                      \n\t"
-        "movl %%ebx, "BYTE     "(%1)            \n\t"
+        "movl %%"REG_b", "BYTE     "(%1)        \n\t"
         "1:                                     \n\t"
         "movl %%eax, "LOW      "(%1)            \n\t"
-        : "%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "memory"
+        : "%eax", "%"REG_b, "%ecx", "memory"
     return bit+1;
@@ -637,20 +649,20 @@ static always_inline int get_cabac_bypass_sign(CABACContext *c, int val){
         "sub %%edx, %%ecx                       \n\t"
         "test %%ax, %%ax                        \n\t"
         " jnz 1f                                \n\t"
-        "movl "BYTE     "(%1), %%ebx            \n\t"
+        "mov  "BYTE     "(%1), %%"REG_b"        \n\t"
         "subl $0xFFFF, %%eax                    \n\t"
-        "movzwl (%%ebx), %%edx                  \n\t"
+        "movzwl (%%"REG_b"), %%edx              \n\t"
         "bswap %%edx                            \n\t"
         "shrl $15, %%edx                        \n\t"
-        "addl $2, %%ebx                         \n\t"
+        "add  $2, %%"REG_b"                     \n\t"
         "addl %%edx, %%eax                      \n\t"
-        "movl %%ebx, "BYTE     "(%1)            \n\t"
+        "mov  %%"REG_b", "BYTE     "(%1)        \n\t"
         "1:                                     \n\t"
         "movl %%eax, "LOW      "(%1)            \n\t"
-        : "%eax", "%ebx", "%edx", "memory"
+        : "%eax", "%"REG_b, "%edx", "memory"
     return val;
@@ -690,34 +702,34 @@ static int decode_significance_x86(CABACContext *c, int max_coeff, uint8_t *sign
         BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%%edx", "%3", "61(%1)", "%%ebx", "%%bx", "%%esi", "%%eax", "%%al")
-        "movl %2, %%eax                         \n\t"
+        "mov  %2, %%"REG_a"                     \n\t"
         "movl %4, %%ecx                         \n\t"
-        "addl %1, %%ecx                         \n\t"
-        "movl %%ecx, (%%eax)                    \n\t"
+        "add  %1, %%"REG_c"                     \n\t"
+        "movl %%ecx, (%%"REG_a")                \n\t"
         "test $1, %%edx                         \n\t"
         " jnz 4f                                \n\t"
-        "addl $4, %%eax                         \n\t"
-        "movl %%eax, %2                         \n\t"
+        "add  $4, %%"REG_a"                     \n\t"
+        "mov  %%"REG_a", %2                     \n\t"
         "3:                                     \n\t"
-        "addl $1, %1                            \n\t"
-        "cmpl %5, %1                            \n\t"
+        "add  $1, %1                            \n\t"
+        "cmp  %5, %1                            \n\t"
         " jb 2b                                 \n\t"
-        "movl %2, %%eax                         \n\t"
+        "mov  %2, %%"REG_a"                     \n\t"
         "movl %4, %%ecx                         \n\t"
-        "addl %1, %%ecx                         \n\t"
-        "movl %%ecx, (%%eax)                    \n\t"
+        "add  %1, %%"REG_c"                     \n\t"
+        "movl %%ecx, (%%"REG_a")                \n\t"
         "4:                                     \n\t"
-        "addl %6, %%eax                         \n\t"
+        "add  %6, %%eax                         \n\t"
         "shr $2, %%eax                          \n\t"
         "movl %%esi, "RANGE    "(%3)            \n\t"
         "movl %%ebx, "LOW      "(%3)            \n\t"
         :"=&a"(coeff_count), "+r"(significant_coeff_ctx_base), "+m"(index)\
         :"r"(c), "m"(minusstart), "m"(end), "m"(minusindex)\
-        : "%ecx", "%ebx", "%edx", "%esi", "memory"\
+        : "%"REG_c, "%ebx", "%edx", "%esi", "memory"\
     return coeff_count;
@@ -725,46 +737,46 @@ static int decode_significance_x86(CABACContext *c, int max_coeff, uint8_t *sign
 static int decode_significance_8x8_x86(CABACContext *c, uint8_t *significant_coeff_ctx_base, int *index, uint8_t *sig_off){
     int minusindex= 4-(int)index;
     int coeff_count;
-    int last=0;
+    long last=0;
     asm volatile(
         "movl "RANGE    "(%3), %%esi            \n\t"
         "movl "LOW      "(%3), %%ebx            \n\t"
-        "mov %1, %%edi                          \n\t"
+        "mov %1, %%"REG_D"                      \n\t"
         "2:                                     \n\t"
-        "mov %6, %%eax                          \n\t"
-        "movzbl (%%eax, %%edi), %%edi           \n\t"
-        "add %5, %%edi                          \n\t"
+        "mov %6, %%"REG_a"                      \n\t"
+        "movzbl (%%"REG_a", %%"REG_D"), %%edi   \n\t"
+        "add %5, %%"REG_D"                      \n\t"
-        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%%edx", "%3", "(%%edi)", "%%ebx", "%%bx", "%%esi", "%%eax", "%%al")
+        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%%edx", "%3", "(%%"REG_D")", "%%ebx", "%%bx", "%%esi", "%%eax", "%%al")
         "mov %1, %%edi                          \n\t"
         "test $1, %%edx                         \n\t"
         " jz 3f                                 \n\t"
         "movzbl "MANGLE(last_coeff_flag_offset_8x8)"(%%edi), %%edi\n\t"
-        "add %5, %%edi                          \n\t"
+        "add %5, %%"REG_D"                      \n\t"
-        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%%edx", "%3", "15(%%edi)", "%%ebx", "%%bx", "%%esi", "%%eax", "%%al")
+        BRANCHLESS_GET_CABAC("%%edx", "%3", "15(%%"REG_D")", "%%ebx", "%%bx", "%%esi", "%%eax", "%%al")
-        "movl %2, %%eax                         \n\t"
+        "mov %2, %%"REG_a"                      \n\t"
         "mov %1, %%edi                          \n\t"
-        "movl %%edi, (%%eax)                    \n\t"
+        "movl %%edi, (%%"REG_a")                \n\t"
         "test $1, %%edx                         \n\t"
         " jnz 4f                                \n\t"
-        "addl $4, %%eax                         \n\t"
-        "movl %%eax, %2                         \n\t"
+        "add $4, %%"REG_a"                      \n\t"
+        "mov %%"REG_a", %2                      \n\t"
         "3:                                     \n\t"
         "addl $1, %%edi                         \n\t"
         "mov %%edi, %1                          \n\t"
         "cmpl $63, %%edi                        \n\t"
         " jb 2b                                 \n\t"
-        "movl %2, %%eax                         \n\t"
-        "movl %%edi, (%%eax)                    \n\t"
+        "mov %2, %%"REG_a"                      \n\t"
+        "movl %%edi, (%%"REG_a")                \n\t"
         "4:                                     \n\t"
         "addl %4, %%eax                         \n\t"
         "shr $2, %%eax                          \n\t"
@@ -773,7 +785,7 @@ static int decode_significance_8x8_x86(CABACContext *c, uint8_t *significant_coe
         "movl %%ebx, "LOW      "(%3)            \n\t"
         :"=&a"(coeff_count),"+m"(last), "+m"(index)\
         :"r"(c), "m"(minusindex), "m"(significant_coeff_ctx_base), "m"(sig_off)\
-        : "%ecx", "%ebx", "%edx", "%esi", "%edi", "memory"\
+        : "%"REG_c, "%ebx", "%edx", "%esi", "%"REG_D, "memory"\
     return coeff_count;