diff --git a/libavcodec/ac3.h b/libavcodec/ac3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d62c3c168b529bebc29f5f94d0a370d68145279d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libavcodec/ac3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Common code between AC3 encoder and decoder
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 Fabrice Bellard.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#define AC3_MAX_CODED_FRAME_SIZE 3840 /* in bytes */
+#define AC3_MAX_CHANNELS 6 /* including LFE channel */
+#define NB_BLOCKS 6 /* number of PCM blocks inside an AC3 frame */
+#define AC3_FRAME_SIZE (NB_BLOCKS * 256)
+/* exponent encoding strategy */
+#define EXP_REUSE 0
+#define EXP_NEW   1
+#define EXP_D15   1
+#define EXP_D25   2
+#define EXP_D45   3
+typedef struct AC3BitAllocParameters {
+    int fscod; /* frequency */
+    int halfratecod;
+    int sgain, sdecay, fdecay, dbknee, floor;
+    int cplfleak, cplsleak;
+} AC3BitAllocParameters;
+extern const UINT16 ac3_freqs[3];
+extern const UINT16 ac3_bitratetab[19];
+extern const INT16 ac3_window[256];
+extern const UINT8 sdecaytab[4];
+extern const UINT8 fdecaytab[4];
+extern const UINT16 sgaintab[4];
+extern const UINT16 dbkneetab[4];
+extern const UINT16 floortab[8];
+extern const UINT16 fgaintab[8];
+void ac3_common_init(void);
+void ac3_parametric_bit_allocation(AC3BitAllocParameters *s, UINT8 *bap,
+                                   INT8 *exp, int start, int end,
+                                   int snroffset, int fgain, int is_lfe,
+                                   int deltbae,int deltnseg, 
+                                   UINT8 *deltoffst, UINT8 *deltlen, UINT8 *deltba);
diff --git a/libavcodec/ac3enc.c b/libavcodec/ac3enc.c
index cce8abfda1e951ee87557c1517de38ce31adc6f0..fbd68210add925e8bc2009ce60adae70846c0447 100644
--- a/libavcodec/ac3enc.c
+++ b/libavcodec/ac3enc.c
@@ -20,25 +20,46 @@
 #include "avcodec.h"
-#include "ac3enc.h"
-#include "ac3tab.h"
+#include "ac3.h"
+typedef struct AC3EncodeContext {
+    PutBitContext pb;
+    int nb_channels;
+    int nb_all_channels;
+    int lfe_channel;
+    int bit_rate;
+    int sample_rate;
+    int bsid;
+    int frame_size_min; /* minimum frame size in case rounding is necessary */
+    int frame_size; /* current frame size in words */
+    int halfratecod;
+    int frmsizecod;
+    int fscod; /* frequency */
+    int acmod;
+    int lfe;
+    int bsmod;
+    short last_samples[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS][256];
+    int chbwcod[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS];
+    int nb_coefs[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS];
+    /* bitrate allocation control */
+    int sgaincod, sdecaycod, fdecaycod, dbkneecod, floorcod; 
+    AC3BitAllocParameters bit_alloc;
+    int csnroffst;
+    int fgaincod[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS];
+    int fsnroffst[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS];
+    /* mantissa encoding */
+    int mant1_cnt, mant2_cnt, mant4_cnt;
+} AC3EncodeContext;
+#include "ac3tab.h"
 #define MDCT_NBITS 9
 #define N         (1 << MDCT_NBITS)
-#define NB_BLOCKS 6 /* number of PCM blocks inside an AC3 frame */
 /* new exponents are sent if their Norm 1 exceed this number */
 #define EXP_DIFF_THRESHOLD 1000
-/* exponent encoding strategy */
-#define EXP_REUSE 0
-#define EXP_NEW   1
-#define EXP_D15   1
-#define EXP_D25   2
-#define EXP_D45   3
 static void fft_init(int ln);
 static void ac3_crc_init(void);
@@ -88,11 +109,12 @@ static inline int calc_lowcomp(int a, int b0, int b1, int bin)
 /* AC3 bit allocation. The algorithm is the one described in the AC3
-   spec with some optimizations because of our simplified encoding
-   assumptions. */
-void parametric_bit_allocation(AC3EncodeContext *s, UINT8 *bap,
-                               INT8 *exp, int start, int end,
-                               int snroffset, int fgain, int is_lfe)
+   spec. */
+void ac3_parametric_bit_allocation(AC3BitAllocParameters *s, UINT8 *bap,
+                                   INT8 *exp, int start, int end,
+                                   int snroffset, int fgain, int is_lfe,
+                                   int deltbae,int deltnseg, 
+                                   UINT8 *deltoffst, UINT8 *deltlen, UINT8 *deltba)
     int bin,i,j,k,end1,v,v1,bndstrt,bndend,lowcomp,begin;
     int fastleak,slowleak,address,tmp;
@@ -138,48 +160,57 @@ void parametric_bit_allocation(AC3EncodeContext *s, UINT8 *bap,
     bndstrt = masktab[start];
     bndend = masktab[end-1] + 1;
-    lowcomp = 0;
-    lowcomp = calc_lowcomp1(lowcomp, bndpsd[0], bndpsd[1]) ;
-    excite[0] = bndpsd[0] - fgain - lowcomp ;
-    lowcomp = calc_lowcomp1(lowcomp, bndpsd[1], bndpsd[2]) ;
-    excite[1] = bndpsd[1] - fgain - lowcomp ;
-    begin = 7 ;
-    for (bin = 2; bin < 7; bin++) {
-	if (!(is_lfe && bin == 6))
-	    lowcomp = calc_lowcomp1(lowcomp, bndpsd[bin], bndpsd[bin+1]) ;
-        fastleak = bndpsd[bin] - fgain ;
-        slowleak = bndpsd[bin] - s->sgain ;
-        excite[bin] = fastleak - lowcomp ;
-	if (!(is_lfe && bin == 6)) {
-	    if (bndpsd[bin] <= bndpsd[bin+1]) {
-		begin = bin + 1 ;
-		break ;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
+    if (bndstrt == 0) {
+        lowcomp = 0;
+        lowcomp = calc_lowcomp1(lowcomp, bndpsd[0], bndpsd[1]) ;
+        excite[0] = bndpsd[0] - fgain - lowcomp ;
+        lowcomp = calc_lowcomp1(lowcomp, bndpsd[1], bndpsd[2]) ;
+        excite[1] = bndpsd[1] - fgain - lowcomp ;
+        begin = 7 ;
+        for (bin = 2; bin < 7; bin++) {
+            if (!(is_lfe && bin == 6))
+                lowcomp = calc_lowcomp1(lowcomp, bndpsd[bin], bndpsd[bin+1]) ;
+            fastleak = bndpsd[bin] - fgain ;
+            slowleak = bndpsd[bin] - s->sgain ;
+            excite[bin] = fastleak - lowcomp ;
+            if (!(is_lfe && bin == 6)) {
+                if (bndpsd[bin] <= bndpsd[bin+1]) {
+                    begin = bin + 1 ;
+                    break ;
+                }
+            }
+        }
-    end1=bndend;
-    if (end1 > 22) end1=22;
+        end1=bndend;
+        if (end1 > 22) end1=22;
-    for (bin = begin; bin < end1; bin++) {
-	if (!(is_lfe && bin == 6))
-	    lowcomp = calc_lowcomp(lowcomp, bndpsd[bin], bndpsd[bin+1], bin) ;
+        for (bin = begin; bin < end1; bin++) {
+            if (!(is_lfe && bin == 6))
+                lowcomp = calc_lowcomp(lowcomp, bndpsd[bin], bndpsd[bin+1], bin) ;
-        fastleak -= s->fdecay ;
-        v = bndpsd[bin] - fgain;
-        if (fastleak < v) fastleak = v;
+            fastleak -= s->fdecay ;
+            v = bndpsd[bin] - fgain;
+            if (fastleak < v) fastleak = v;
-        slowleak -= s->sdecay ;
-        v = bndpsd[bin] - s->sgain;
-        if (slowleak < v) slowleak = v;
+            slowleak -= s->sdecay ;
+            v = bndpsd[bin] - s->sgain;
+            if (slowleak < v) slowleak = v;
-        v=fastleak - lowcomp;
-        if (slowleak > v) v=slowleak;
+            v=fastleak - lowcomp;
+            if (slowleak > v) v=slowleak;
-        excite[bin] = v;
+            excite[bin] = v;
+        }
+        begin = 22;
+    } else {
+        /* coupling channel */
+        begin = bndstrt;
+        fastleak = (s->cplfleak << 8) + 768;
+        slowleak = (s->cplsleak << 8) + 768;
-    for (bin = 22; bin < bndend; bin++) {
+    for (bin = begin; bin < bndend; bin++) {
         fastleak -= s->fdecay ;
         v = bndpsd[bin] - fgain;
         if (fastleak < v) fastleak = v;
@@ -205,6 +236,25 @@ void parametric_bit_allocation(AC3EncodeContext *s, UINT8 *bap,
         mask[bin] = v;
+    /* delta bit allocation */
+    if (deltbae == 0 || deltbae == 1) {
+        int band, seg, delta;
+        band = 0 ;
+        for (seg = 0; seg < deltnseg; seg++) {
+            band += deltoffst[seg] ;
+            if (deltba[seg] >= 4) {
+                delta = (deltba[seg] - 3) << 7;
+            } else {
+                delta = (deltba[seg] - 4) << 7;
+            }
+            for (k = 0; k < deltlen[seg]; k++) {
+                mask[band] += delta ;
+                band++ ;
+            }
+        }
+    }
     /* compute bit allocation */
     i = start ;
@@ -600,12 +650,14 @@ static int bit_alloc(AC3EncodeContext *s,
         s->mant2_cnt = 0;
         s->mant4_cnt = 0;
         for(ch=0;ch<s->nb_all_channels;ch++) {
-            parametric_bit_allocation(s, bap[i][ch], (INT8 *)encoded_exp[i][ch], 
-                                      0, s->nb_coefs[ch], 
-                                      (((csnroffst-15) << 4) + 
-                                       fsnroffst) << 2, 
-                                      fgaintab[s->fgaincod[ch]],
-				      ch == s->lfe_channel);
+            ac3_parametric_bit_allocation(&s->bit_alloc, 
+                                          bap[i][ch], (INT8 *)encoded_exp[i][ch], 
+                                          0, s->nb_coefs[ch], 
+                                          (((csnroffst-15) << 4) + 
+                                           fsnroffst) << 2, 
+                                          fgaintab[s->fgaincod[ch]],
+                                          ch == s->lfe_channel,
+                                          2, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
             frame_bits += compute_mantissa_size(s, bap[i][ch], 
@@ -641,12 +693,14 @@ static int compute_bit_allocation(AC3EncodeContext *s,
         s->fgaincod[ch] = 4;
     /* compute real values */
-    s->sdecay = sdecaytab[s->sdecaycod] >> s->halfratecod;
-    s->fdecay = fdecaytab[s->fdecaycod] >> s->halfratecod;
-    s->sgain = sgaintab[s->sgaincod];
-    s->dbknee = dbkneetab[s->dbkneecod];
-    s->floor = floortab[s->floorcod];
+    s->bit_alloc.fscod = s->fscod;
+    s->bit_alloc.halfratecod = s->halfratecod;
+    s->bit_alloc.sdecay = sdecaytab[s->sdecaycod] >> s->halfratecod;
+    s->bit_alloc.fdecay = fdecaytab[s->fdecaycod] >> s->halfratecod;
+    s->bit_alloc.sgain = sgaintab[s->sgaincod];
+    s->bit_alloc.dbknee = dbkneetab[s->dbkneecod];
+    s->bit_alloc.floor = floortab[s->floorcod];
     /* header size */
     frame_bits += 65;
     // if (s->acmod == 2)
@@ -738,16 +792,31 @@ static int compute_bit_allocation(AC3EncodeContext *s,
     return 0;
+void ac3_common_init(void)
+    int i, j, k, l, v;
+    /* compute bndtab and masktab from bandsz */
+    k = 0;
+    l = 0;
+    for(i=0;i<50;i++) {
+        bndtab[i] = l;
+        v = bndsz[i];
+        for(j=0;j<v;j++) masktab[k++]=i;
+        l += v;
+    }
+    bndtab[50] = 0;
 static int AC3_encode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
     int freq = avctx->sample_rate;
     int bitrate = avctx->bit_rate;
     int channels = avctx->channels;
     AC3EncodeContext *s = avctx->priv_data;
-    int i, j, k, l, ch, v;
+    int i, j, ch;
     float alpha;
-    static unsigned short freqs[3] = { 48000, 44100, 32000 };
-    static int acmod_defs[6] = {
+    static const UINT8 acmod_defs[6] = {
 	0x01, /* C */
 	0x02, /* L R */
 	0x03, /* L C R */
@@ -771,7 +840,7 @@ static int AC3_encode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
     /* frequency */
     for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
-            if ((freqs[j] >> i) == freq)
+            if ((ac3_freqs[j] >> i) == freq)
                 goto found;
     return -1;
@@ -785,7 +854,7 @@ static int AC3_encode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
     /* bitrate & frame size */
     bitrate /= 1000;
     for(i=0;i<19;i++) {
-        if ((bitratetab[i] >> s->halfratecod) == bitrate)
+        if ((ac3_bitratetab[i] >> s->halfratecod) == bitrate)
     if (i == 19)
@@ -810,16 +879,7 @@ static int AC3_encode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
     /* initial snr offset */
     s->csnroffst = 40;
-    /* compute bndtab and masktab from bandsz */
-    k = 0;
-    l = 0;
-    for(i=0;i<50;i++) {
-        bndtab[i] = l;
-        v = bndsz[i];
-        for(j=0;j<v;j++) masktab[k++]=i;
-        l += v;
-    }
-    bndtab[50] = 0;
+    ac3_common_init();
     /* mdct init */
     fft_init(MDCT_NBITS - 2);
@@ -1282,8 +1342,8 @@ static int output_frame_end(AC3EncodeContext *s)
     return frame_size * 2;
-int AC3_encode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx,
-                     unsigned char *frame, int buf_size, void *data)
+static int AC3_encode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx,
+                            unsigned char *frame, int buf_size, void *data)
     AC3EncodeContext *s = avctx->priv_data;
     short *samples = data;
diff --git a/libavcodec/ac3enc.h b/libavcodec/ac3enc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd0966ec86c104b4adb1fd3a1e83013045d4b73..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/libavcodec/ac3enc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#define AC3_FRAME_SIZE (6*256)
-#define AC3_MAX_CODED_FRAME_SIZE 3840 /* in bytes */
-#define AC3_MAX_CHANNELS 6
-typedef struct AC3EncodeContext {
-    PutBitContext pb;
-    int nb_channels;
-    int nb_all_channels;
-    int lfe_channel;
-    int bit_rate;
-    int sample_rate;
-    int bsid;
-    int frame_size_min; /* minimum frame size in case rounding is necessary */
-    int frame_size; /* current frame size in words */
-    int halfratecod;
-    int frmsizecod;
-    int fscod; /* frequency */
-    int acmod;
-    int lfe;
-    int bsmod;
-    short last_samples[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS][256];
-    int chbwcod[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS];
-    int nb_coefs[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS];
-    /* bitrate allocation control */
-    int sgaincod, sdecaycod, fdecaycod, dbkneecod, floorcod; 
-    int sgain, sdecay, fdecay, dbknee, floor;
-    int csnroffst;
-    int fgaincod[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS];
-    int fsnroffst[AC3_MAX_CHANNELS];
-    /* mantissa encoding */
-    int mant1_cnt, mant2_cnt, mant4_cnt;
-} AC3EncodeContext;
diff --git a/libavcodec/ac3tab.h b/libavcodec/ac3tab.h
index 2d379f0404dd037ae1608b79d353cc43e68e3b1f..730266dae80c3aad98a446e50158495d378bcafc 100644
--- a/libavcodec/ac3tab.h
+++ b/libavcodec/ac3tab.h
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 /* tables taken directly from AC3 spec */
+/* possible frequencies */
+const UINT16 ac3_freqs[3] = { 48000, 44100, 32000 };
 /* possible bitrates */
-static const UINT16 bitratetab[19] = {
+const UINT16 ac3_bitratetab[19] = {
     32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 
     160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640 
@@ -9,7 +12,7 @@ static const UINT16 bitratetab[19] = {
 /* AC3 MDCT window */
 /* MDCT window */
-static const INT16 ac3_window[256]= {
+const INT16 ac3_window[256] = {
     4,    7,   12,   16,   21,   28,   34,   42,
    51,   61,   72,   84,   97,  111,  127,  145,
   164,  184,  207,  231,  257,  285,  315,  347,
@@ -138,27 +141,27 @@ static const UINT8 baptab[64]= {
     15, 15, 15, 15,
-static const UINT8 sdecaytab[4]={ 
+const UINT8 sdecaytab[4]={ 
     0x0f, 0x11, 0x13, 0x15,
-static const UINT8 fdecaytab[4]={ 
+const UINT8 fdecaytab[4]={ 
     0x3f, 0x53, 0x67, 0x7b, 
-static const UINT16 sgaintab[4]= { 
+const UINT16 sgaintab[4]= { 
     0x540, 0x4d8, 0x478, 0x410,
-static const UINT16 dbkneetab[4]= { 
+const UINT16 dbkneetab[4]= { 
     0x000, 0x700, 0x900, 0xb00,
-static const UINT16 floortab[8]= { 
+const UINT16 floortab[8]= { 
     0x2f0, 0x2b0, 0x270, 0x230, 0x1f0, 0x170, 0x0f0, 0xf800,
-static const UINT16 fgaintab[8]= {
+const UINT16 fgaintab[8]= {
     0x080, 0x100, 0x180, 0x200, 0x280, 0x300, 0x380, 0x400,