From 58ee09911e0dab6432b18e9a2c5a876fdf8ef078 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Martin=20Storsj=C3=B6?= <>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 17:50:24 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] rtpdec: Reorder received RTP packets according to the seq

Reordering is enabled only when receiving over UDP.

Originally committed as revision 25294 to svn://
 libavformat/rtpdec.c | 120 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 libavformat/rtpdec.h |  21 +++++++-
 libavformat/rtsp.c   |   5 +-
 3 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavformat/rtpdec.c b/libavformat/rtpdec.c
index 33497e648f8..d349ce79b2b 100644
--- a/libavformat/rtpdec.c
+++ b/libavformat/rtpdec.c
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ void rtp_send_punch_packets(URLContext* rtp_handle)
  * MPEG2TS streams to indicate that they should be demuxed inside the
  * rtp demux (otherwise CODEC_ID_MPEG2TS packets are returned)
-RTPDemuxContext *rtp_parse_open(AVFormatContext *s1, AVStream *st, URLContext *rtpc, int payload_type)
+RTPDemuxContext *rtp_parse_open(AVFormatContext *s1, AVStream *st, URLContext *rtpc, int payload_type, int queue_size)
     RTPDemuxContext *s;
@@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ RTPDemuxContext *rtp_parse_open(AVFormatContext *s1, AVStream *st, URLContext *r
     s->first_rtcp_ntp_time = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
     s->ic = s1;
     s->st = st;
+    s->queue_size = queue_size;
     rtp_init_statistics(&s->statistics, 0); // do we know the initial sequence from sdp?
     if (!strcmp(ff_rtp_enc_name(payload_type), "MP2T")) {
         s->ts = ff_mpegts_parse_open(s->ic);
@@ -504,9 +505,84 @@ static int rtp_parse_packet_internal(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt,
     // now perform timestamp things....
     finalize_packet(s, pkt, timestamp);
+    s->prev_ret = rv;
     return rv;
+void ff_rtp_reset_packet_queue(RTPDemuxContext *s)
+    while (s->queue) {
+        RTPPacket *next = s->queue->next;
+        av_free(s->queue->buf);
+        av_free(s->queue);
+        s->queue = next;
+    }
+    s->seq       = 0;
+    s->queue_len = 0;
+    s->prev_ret  = 0;
+static void enqueue_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s, uint8_t *buf, int len)
+    uint16_t seq = AV_RB16(buf + 2);
+    RTPPacket *cur = s->queue, *prev = NULL, *packet;
+    /* Find the correct place in the queue to insert the packet */
+    while (cur) {
+        int16_t diff = seq - cur->seq;
+        if (diff < 0)
+            break;
+        prev = cur;
+        cur = cur->next;
+    }
+    packet = av_mallocz(sizeof(*packet));
+    if (!packet)
+        return;
+    packet->recvtime = av_gettime();
+    packet->seq = seq;
+    packet->len = len;
+    packet->buf = buf;
+    packet->next = cur;
+    if (prev)
+        prev->next = packet;
+    else
+        s->queue = packet;
+    s->queue_len++;
+static int has_next_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s)
+    return s->queue && s->queue->seq == s->seq + 1;
+int64_t ff_rtp_queued_packet_time(RTPDemuxContext *s)
+    return s->queue ? s->queue->recvtime : 0;
+static int rtp_parse_queued_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
+    int rv;
+    RTPPacket *next;
+    if (s->queue_len <= 0)
+        return -1;
+    if (!has_next_packet(s))
+        av_log(s->st ? s->st->codec : NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING,
+               "RTP: missed %d packets\n", s->queue->seq - s->seq - 1);
+    /* Parse the first packet in the queue, and dequeue it */
+    rv = rtp_parse_packet_internal(s, pkt, s->queue->buf, s->queue->len);
+    next = s->queue->next;
+    av_free(s->queue->buf);
+    av_free(s->queue);
+    s->queue = next;
+    s->queue_len--;
+    return rv ? rv : has_next_packet(s);
  * Parse an RTP or RTCP packet directly sent as a buffer.
  * @param s RTP parse context.
@@ -525,6 +601,11 @@ int rtp_parse_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt,
     int rv= 0;
     if (!buf) {
+        /* If parsing of the previous packet actually returned 0, there's
+         * nothing more to be parsed from that packet, but we may have
+         * indicated that we can return the next enqueued packet. */
+        if (!s->prev_ret)
+            return rtp_parse_queued_packet(s, pkt);
         /* return the next packets, if any */
         if(s->st && s->parse_packet) {
             /* timestamp should be overwritten by parse_packet, if not,
@@ -533,7 +614,8 @@ int rtp_parse_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt,
             rv= s->parse_packet(s->ic, s->dynamic_protocol_context,
                                 s->st, pkt, &timestamp, NULL, 0, flags);
             finalize_packet(s, pkt, timestamp);
-            return rv;
+            s->prev_ret = rv;
+            return rv ? rv : has_next_packet(s);
         } else {
             // TODO: Move to a dynamic packet handler (like above)
             if (s->read_buf_index >= s->read_buf_size)
@@ -545,8 +627,10 @@ int rtp_parse_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt,
             s->read_buf_index += ret;
             if (s->read_buf_index < s->read_buf_size)
                 return 1;
-            else
-                return 0;
+            else {
+                s->prev_ret = 0;
+                return has_next_packet(s);
+            }
@@ -559,11 +643,37 @@ int rtp_parse_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt,
         return rtcp_parse_packet(s, buf, len);
-    return rtp_parse_packet_internal(s, pkt, buf, len);
+    if (s->seq == 0 || s->queue_size <= 1) {
+        /* First packet, or no reordering */
+        return rtp_parse_packet_internal(s, pkt, buf, len);
+    } else {
+        uint16_t seq = AV_RB16(buf + 2);
+        int16_t diff = seq - s->seq;
+        if (diff < 0) {
+            /* Packet older than the previously emitted one, drop */
+            av_log(s->st ? s->st->codec : NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING,
+                   "RTP: dropping old packet received too late\n");
+            return -1;
+        } else if (diff <= 1) {
+            /* Correct packet */
+            rv = rtp_parse_packet_internal(s, pkt, buf, len);
+            return rv ? rv : has_next_packet(s);
+        } else {
+            /* Still missing some packet, enqueue this one. */
+            enqueue_packet(s, buf, len);
+            *bufptr = NULL;
+            /* Return the first enqueued packet if the queue is full,
+             * even if we're missing something */
+            if (s->queue_len >= s->queue_size)
+                return rtp_parse_queued_packet(s, pkt);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
 void rtp_parse_close(RTPDemuxContext *s)
+    ff_rtp_reset_packet_queue(s);
     if (!strcmp(ff_rtp_enc_name(s->payload_type), "MP2T")) {
diff --git a/libavformat/rtpdec.h b/libavformat/rtpdec.h
index df2ec77680f..84deefec68d 100644
--- a/libavformat/rtpdec.h
+++ b/libavformat/rtpdec.h
@@ -32,15 +32,19 @@ typedef struct RTPDynamicProtocolHandler_s RTPDynamicProtocolHandler;
 #define RTP_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH 1500 /* XXX: suppress this define */
 #define RTP_NOTS_VALUE ((uint32_t)-1)
 typedef struct RTPDemuxContext RTPDemuxContext;
-RTPDemuxContext *rtp_parse_open(AVFormatContext *s1, AVStream *st, URLContext *rtpc, int payload_type);
+RTPDemuxContext *rtp_parse_open(AVFormatContext *s1, AVStream *st, URLContext *rtpc, int payload_type, int queue_size);
 void rtp_parse_set_dynamic_protocol(RTPDemuxContext *s, PayloadContext *ctx,
                                     RTPDynamicProtocolHandler *handler);
 int rtp_parse_packet(RTPDemuxContext *s, AVPacket *pkt,
                      uint8_t **buf, int len);
 void rtp_parse_close(RTPDemuxContext *s);
+int64_t ff_rtp_queued_packet_time(RTPDemuxContext *s);
+void ff_rtp_reset_packet_queue(RTPDemuxContext *s);
 int rtp_get_local_port(URLContext *h);
@@ -131,6 +135,14 @@ struct RTPDynamicProtocolHandler_s {
     struct RTPDynamicProtocolHandler_s *next;
+typedef struct RTPPacket {
+    uint16_t seq;
+    uint8_t *buf;
+    int len;
+    int64_t recvtime;
+    struct RTPPacket *next;
+} RTPPacket;
 // moved out of rtp.c, because the h264 decoder needs to know about this structure..
 struct RTPDemuxContext {
     AVFormatContext *ic;
@@ -152,6 +164,13 @@ struct RTPDemuxContext {
     RTPStatistics statistics; ///< Statistics for this stream (used by RTCP receiver reports)
+    /** Fields for packet reordering @{ */
+    int prev_ret;     ///< The return value of the actual parsing of the previous packet
+    RTPPacket* queue; ///< A sorted queue of buffered packets not yet returned
+    int queue_len;    ///< The number of packets in queue
+    int queue_size;   ///< The size of queue, or 0 if reordering is disabled
+    /*@}*/
     /* rtcp sender statistics receive */
     int64_t last_rtcp_ntp_time;    // TODO: move into statistics
     int64_t first_rtcp_ntp_time;   // TODO: move into statistics
diff --git a/libavformat/rtsp.c b/libavformat/rtsp.c
index 92aa3527036..1e4b9c1db78 100644
--- a/libavformat/rtsp.c
+++ b/libavformat/rtsp.c
@@ -582,7 +582,9 @@ static int rtsp_open_transport_ctx(AVFormatContext *s, RTSPStream *rtsp_st)
         rtsp_st->transport_priv = rtp_parse_open(s, st, rtsp_st->rtp_handle,
-                                         rtsp_st->sdp_payload_type);
+                                         rtsp_st->sdp_payload_type,
+            (rt->lower_transport == RTSP_LOWER_TRANSPORT_TCP || !s->max_delay)
     if (!rtsp_st->transport_priv) {
          return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
@@ -1270,6 +1272,7 @@ static int rtsp_read_play(AVFormatContext *s)
                 if (rtsp_st->stream_index >= 0)
                     st = s->streams[rtsp_st->stream_index];
+                ff_rtp_reset_packet_queue(rtpctx);
                 if (reply->range_start != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
                     rtpctx->last_rtcp_ntp_time  = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
                     rtpctx->first_rtcp_ntp_time = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;