Explore projects
Ezri / EricGroundHarness
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedThe world's best and only ground harness seller.
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kai / owo.sh helper scripts for macOS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyhelper scripts for the posixly-compliant branch of owo.sh
Archived 0Updated -
Auri / owo.sh for macOS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyhelper scripts for the POSIX-compliant branch of owo.sh
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Dean / playbooks
The UnlicenseUpdated -
A HTTP service that scans and encodes media for its clients.
Archived 1Updated -
A hastebin clone (which in itself, is a pastebin clone) that doesn't store your pastes on any server!
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A log of all DMCA takedown requests and their outcome, removed file metadata, and signed canary messages to prove that whats-th.is is still being run by Dean.
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Luma Media Server / ffmpeg
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyArchived 0Updated -
Noxim / definitive
BSD Zero Clause LicenseThe definitive and final vector & matrix library for Rust