package main import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "fmt" "html/template" "io" "net" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "time" "" "" "" _ "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Build config const ( configLocationUnix = "/etc/whats-this/cdn-origin/config.toml" version = "0.7.0" ) // readCloserBuffer is a *bytes.Buffer that implements io.ReadCloser. type readCloserBuffer struct { *bytes.Buffer } func (b *readCloserBuffer) Close() error { return nil } var _ io.ReadCloser = &readCloserBuffer{} // redirectHTML is the html/template template for generating redirect HTML. const redirectHTML = `<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><meta http-equiv=refresh content="0; url={{.}}" /><script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="{{.}}"</script><title>Redirect</title></head><body><p>If you are not redirected automatically, click <a href="{{.}}">here</a> to go to the destination.</p></body></html>` var redirectHTMLTemplate *template.Template // redirectPreviewHTML is the html/template template for generating redirect preview HTML. const redirectPreviewHTML = `<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><title>Redirect Preview</title></head><body><p>This link goes to <code>{{.}}</code>. If you would like to visit this link, click <a href="{{.}}">here</a> to go to the destination.</p></body></html>` var redirectPreviewHTMLTemplate *template.Template // printConfiguration iterates through a configuration map[string]interface{} // and prints out all of the values in alphabetical order. Configuration keys // are printed with dot notation. func printConfiguration(prefix string, config map[string]interface{}) { keys := make([]string, len(config)) i := 0 for k := range config { keys[i] = k i++ } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { if v, ok := config[k].(map[string]interface{}); ok { printConfiguration(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.", prefix, k), v) } else { fmt.Printf("%s%s: %+v\n", prefix, k, config[k]) } } } func init() { // Flag configuration flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("whats-this-cdn-origin", pflag.ExitOnError) flags.IntP("log-level", "l", 1, "Set zerolog logging level (5=panic, 4=fatal, 3=error, 2=warn, 1=info, 0=debug)") configFile := flags.StringP("config-file", "c", configLocationUnix, fmt.Sprintf("Path to configuration file, defaults to %s", configLocationUnix)) printConfig := flags.BoolP("print-config", "p", false, "Prints configuration and exits") flags.Parse(os.Args) // Configuration defaults viper.SetDefault("database.objectBucket", "public") viper.SetDefault("http.compressResponse", false) viper.SetDefault("http.listenAddress", ":49544") viper.SetDefault("http.trustProxy", false) viper.BindPFlag("log.level", flags.Lookup("log-level")) // default is 1 (info) viper.SetDefault("metrics.enable", false) viper.SetDefault("metrics.enableHostnameWhitelist", false) // Load configuration file viper.SetConfigType("toml") file, err := os.Open(*configFile) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to open configuration file (%s) for reading: %s", *configFile, err.Error()) os.Exit(1) return } err = viper.ReadConfig(file) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to parse configuration file (%s): %s", *configFile, err.Error()) os.Exit(1) return } file.Close() // Configure logger zerolog.TimeFieldFormat = "" if lvl := viper.GetInt("log.level"); 0 <= lvl && lvl <= 5 { zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.Level(lvl)) } else { viper.Set("log.level", 1) zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.InfoLevel) log.Warn().Int("log.level", lvl).Msg("Invalid log level, defaulting to 1 (info)") } log.Debug().Uint8("level", uint8(zerolog.GlobalLevel())).Msg("Set logger level") // Print configuration variables in alphabetical order if *printConfig { log.Info().Msg("Printing configuration values to Stdout") settings := viper.AllSettings() printConfiguration("", settings) os.Exit(0) return } // Ensure required configuration variables are set if viper.GetString("database.connectionURL") == "" { log.Fatal().Msg("Configuration: database.connectionURL is required") } if viper.GetString("database.objectBucket") == "" { log.Fatal().Msg("Configuration: database.objectBucket is required") } if viper.GetBool("metrics.enable") && viper.GetBool("metrics.enableHostnameWhitelist") && len(viper.GetStringSlice("metrics.hostnameWhitelist")) == 0 { log.Fatal().Msg("Configuration: metrics.hostnameWhitelist is required when metrics and hostname whitelist is enabled") } if viper.GetString("http.listenAddress") == "" { log.Fatal().Msg("Configuration: http.listenAddress is required") } if viper.GetString("files.storageLocation") == "" { log.Fatal().Msg("Configuration: files.storageLocation is required") } if viper.GetBool("thumbnails.enable") && viper.GetString("thumbnails.thumbnailerURL") == "" { log.Fatal().Msg("thumbnails.thumbnailerURL is required when thumbnails are enabled") } if viper.GetBool("thumbnails.enable") && viper.GetBool("thumbnails.cacheEnable") && viper.GetString("thumbnails.cacheLocation") == "" { log.Fatal().Msg("thumbnails.cacheLocation is required when thumbnails and thumbnails cache is enabled") } // Parse redirect templates redirectHTMLTemplate, err = template.New("redirectHTML").Parse(redirectHTML) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to parse redirectHTML template") } redirectPreviewHTMLTemplate, err = template.New("redirectPreviewHTML").Parse(redirectPreviewHTML) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to parse redirectPreviewHTML template") } } var collector *metrics.Collector var thumbnailCache *thumbnailer.ThumbnailCache func main() { // Connect to PostgreSQL database err := db.Connect("postgres", viper.GetString("database.connectionURL")) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to open database connection") } // Setup metrics collector if viper.GetBool("metrics.enable") { hostnameWhitelist := []string{} if viper.GetBool("metrics.enableHostnameWhitelist") { switch w := viper.Get("metrics.hostnameWhitelist").(type) { case []interface{}: for _, s := range w { hostnameWhitelist = append(hostnameWhitelist, strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprint(s))) } break default: log.Fatal().Msg("metrics.hostnameWhitelist is not an array") } } collector, err = metrics.New( viper.GetString("metrics.elasticURL"), viper.GetString("metrics.maxmindDBLocation"), viper.GetBool("metrics.enableHostnameWhitelist"), hostnameWhitelist, ) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to setup metrics collector") } } // Setup thumbnail cache if viper.GetBool("thumbnails.enable") && viper.GetBool("thumbnails.cacheEnable") { thumbnailCache = thumbnailer.NewThumbnailCache(viper.GetString("thumbnails.cacheLocation"), viper.GetString("thumbnails.thumbnailerURL")) } // Launch server h := requestHandler if viper.GetBool("http.compressResponse") { h = fasthttp.CompressHandler(h) } listenAddress := viper.GetString("http.listenAddress") log.Info().Str("listenAddress", listenAddress).Msg("Starting HTTP server") server := &fasthttp.Server{ Handler: h, Name: "whats-this/cdn-origin v" + version, ReadBufferSize: 1024 * 6, // 6 KB ReadTimeout: time.Minute * 30, WriteTimeout: time.Minute * 30, GetOnly: true, // TODO: OPTIONS/HEAD requests DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing: false, } if err := server.ListenAndServe(listenAddress); err != nil { log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("error in server.ListenAndServe") } } func recordMetrics(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) { if !viper.GetBool("metrics.enable") { return } // Get object type objectType := "" if v, ok := ctx.UserValue("object_type").(string); ok { objectType = v } // Determine remote IP var remoteIP net.IP if viper.GetBool("http.trustProxy") { ipString := string(ctx.Request.Header.Peek("X-Forwarded-For")) remoteIP = net.ParseIP(strings.Split(ipString, ",")[0]) } else { remoteIP = ctx.RemoteIP() } // Anonymize host string and send record to Elasticsearch hostBytes := ctx.Request.Header.Peek("Host") statusCode := ctx.Response.StatusCode() if len(hostBytes) != 0 { go func() { // Check hostname hostStr, isValid := collector.MatchHostname(string(hostBytes)) if !isValid { return } // Get country code of visitor countryCode, err := collector.GetCountryCode(remoteIP) if err != nil { // Don't log the error here, it might contain an IP address log.Warn().Msg("failed to get country code for IP, omitting from record") } record := metrics.GetRecord() record.CountryCode = countryCode record.Hostname = hostStr record.ObjectType = objectType record.StatusCode = statusCode err = collector.Put(record) if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to collect record") return } log.Debug().Msg("successfully collected metrics") }() } } func requestHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) { defer recordMetrics(ctx) // Fetch object from database key := string(ctx.Path()[1:]) object, err := db.SelectObjectByBucketKey(viper.GetString("database.objectBucket"), key) switch { case err == sql.ErrNoRows: ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusNotFound) ctx.SetContentType("text/plain; charset=utf8") fmt.Fprintf(ctx, "404 Not Found: %s", ctx.Path()) return case err != nil: log.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to run SELECT query on database") internalServerError(ctx) return } switch object.ObjectType { case 0: // file ctx.SetUserValue("object_type", "file") fPath := filepath.Join(viper.GetString("files.storageLocation"), *object.SHA256Hash) ifNoneMatch := string(ctx.Request.Header.Peek("If-None-Match")) if len(ifNoneMatch) > 2 { ifNoneMatch = ifNoneMatch[1 : len(ifNoneMatch)-1] } // Thumbnails if viper.GetBool("thumbnails.enable") && ctx.QueryArgs().Has("thumbnail") { thumbnailKey := *object.SHA256Hash if !thumbnailer.AcceptedMIMEType(*object.ContentType) { ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusNotFound) ctx.SetContentType("text/plain; charset=utf8") fmt.Fprintf(ctx, "404 Not Found: %s?thumbnail (cannot generate thumbnail)", ctx.Path()) return } // Check for If-None-Match header if ifNoneMatch == *object.SHA256Hash+"-thumb" { ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusNotModified) return } // Get thumbnail var thumb io.ReadCloser if viper.GetBool("thumbnails.cacheEnable") { thumb, err = thumbnailCache.GetThumbnail(thumbnailKey) if thumb != nil { defer thumb.Close() } if err == thumbnailer.NoCachedCopy { file, err := os.Open(fPath) if file != nil { defer file.Close() } if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to open original file to generate thumbnail") internalServerError(ctx) return } err = thumbnailCache.Transform(thumbnailKey, *object.ContentType, file) if err == thumbnailer.InputTooLarge { ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusNotFound) ctx.SetContentType("text/plain; charset=utf8") fmt.Fprintf(ctx, "404 Not Found: %s?thumbnail (cannot generate thumbnail)", ctx.Path()) return } else if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to generate new thumbnail") internalServerError(ctx) return } thumb, err = thumbnailCache.GetThumbnail(thumbnailKey) if thumb != nil { defer thumb.Close() } if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to get thumbnail from cache") internalServerError(ctx) return } } else if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to get thumbnail from cache") internalServerError(ctx) return } } else { file, err := os.Open(fPath) if file != nil { defer file.Close() } if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to open original file to generate thumbnail") internalServerError(ctx) return } thumbR, err := thumbnailer.Transform(viper.GetString("thumbnails.thumbnailerURL"), *object.ContentType, file) if err == thumbnailer.InputTooLarge { ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusNotFound) ctx.SetContentType("text/plain; charset=utf8") fmt.Fprintf(ctx, "404 Not Found: %s?thumbnail (cannot generate thumbnail)", ctx.Path()) return } else if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to generate new thumbnail") internalServerError(ctx) return } // Turn the *bytes.Buffer from thumbnailer.Transform into a fake io.ReadCloser. thumb = &readCloserBuffer{thumbR} } // Send response ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusOK) ctx.SetContentType("image/jpeg") ctx.Response.Header.Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`filename="%s.thumbnail.jpeg"`, key)) ctx.Response.Header.Set("ETag", fmt.Sprintf(`"%s-thumb"`, *object.SHA256Hash)) _, err = io.Copy(ctx, thumb) if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to send thumbnail response") ctx.Response.Header.Del("Content-Disposition") internalServerError(ctx) } return } // Check for If-None-Match header if ifNoneMatch == *object.SHA256Hash { ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusNotModified) return } // Serve file to client ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusOK) if object.ContentType != nil { ctx.SetContentType(*object.ContentType) } else { ctx.SetContentType("application/octet-stream") } ctx.Response.Header.Set("ETag", fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, *object.SHA256Hash)) fasthttp.ServeFileUncompressed(ctx, fPath) case 1: // redirect ctx.SetUserValue("object_type", "redirect") if object.DestURL == nil { log.Warn().Str("key", key).Msg("encountered redirect object with NULL dest_url") internalServerError(ctx) return } previewMode := ctx.QueryArgs().Has("preview") var err error if previewMode { err = redirectPreviewHTMLTemplate.Execute(ctx, object.DestURL) } else { err = redirectHTMLTemplate.Execute(ctx, object.DestURL) } if err != nil { log.Warn().Err(err). Str("dest_url", *object.DestURL). Bool("preview", ctx.QueryArgs().Has("preview")). Msg("failed to generate HTML redirect page to send to client") ctx.SetContentType("text/plain; charset=utf8") fmt.Fprintf(ctx, "Failed to generate HTML redirect page, destination URL: %s", *object.DestURL) return } ctx.SetContentType("text/html; charset=ut8") if !previewMode { ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusFound) ctx.Response.Header.Set("Location", *object.DestURL) } else { ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusOK) } case 2: // tombstone ctx.SetUserValue("object_type", "tombstone") // Send 410 gone response ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusGone) ctx.SetContentType("text/plain; charset=utf8") reason := "no reason specified" if object.DeleteReason != nil && *object.DeleteReason != "" { reason = *object.DeleteReason } fmt.Fprintf(ctx, "410 Gone: %s\n\nReason: %s", ctx.Path(), reason) } } // internalServerError returns a 500 Internal Server Response. func internalServerError(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) { ctx.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError) ctx.SetContentType("text/plain; charset=utf8") fmt.Fprint(ctx, "500 Internal Server Error") }